Laboratory of Microbial Preparation Technology №8

Laboratory of Microbial Preparation Technology №8

Head of the laboratory : Chebotar Vladimir Kuzmich

Phone: +7 (812) 470 53 48

The Laboratory of Technical Microbiology under the leadership of A.V.Khotyanovich was established in 1968. The main tasks of the laboratory in the 70s and 80s were: development and improvement of technology for the production of preparations of nodule and associative bacteria, feed yeast and infectious backgrounds of phytopathogenic fungi. As a result, a technology for the production of a preparation of nodule bacteria based on gamma-sterile peat, which was named Rhizotorphin, was developed. The work of the laboratory team was highly appreciated: for the development of technology for the production of infectious backgrounds of phytopathogenic fungi, the team of authors, including A.V.Khotyanovich, received the USSR Council of Ministers Award in 1984, and for the development of Risotrfin production technology and its implementation at the Nesvizh Plant of Biological Products in 1987, the State Prize of the Belarusian SSR. Since the beginning of its creation, the staff of the Laboratory of Technical Microbiology has provided methodological assistance in organizing regional production of microbial preparations and training technologists (Kuznetsk, Kazan, Ufa, Kiev, Simferopol). International cooperation was carried out with specialists in the field of microbial preparation technology from Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the GDR.

With the beginning of economic transformations in Russia in the 90s, the laboratory staff was tasked with developing technology for the use of microbial preparations for crop production, improving their technological forms, certification and state registration. Since 1996, the Laboratory of Microbial Drug technology has been headed by the Candidate of Biology.Sciences V.K. Chebotar. In recent years, work has been carried out to improve and update regulatory and technical documentation (regulations, technical specifications, hygiene certificates) for the production of preparations of rhizospheric bacteria Bacillussubtilis H-13 under the trademark Extrasol (BisolbiFit, BisolbiSan, Bisolbi)

These drugs have passed state registration and are available in liquid, peat and dry forms. This is a great merit of the laboratory staff. The laboratory cooperates with scientific and commercial organizations from Austria, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Germany, South Africa, Australia, Serbia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. For the practical implementation of the laboratory's developments, the innovative Bisolbi-Inter company was established on the basis of the Institute, whose tasks include registration of drugs, their marketing and large-scale production tests, organization of seminars with the participation of specialists of the institute, participation in exhibitions and fairs.

The main tasks of the laboratory are currently:

  1. obtaining from various sources, isolation and selection of economically valuable strains of endophytic and rhizobacteria to determine their technological properties
  2. studying the mechanisms of the relationship of endophytic and rhizobacteria with non-leguminous and legume plants
  3. development and improvement of microbial drug production technologies
  4. development of technologies for the use of microbial preparations for cereals, vegetables and industrial crops
  5. conducting production and demonstration field experiments with microbial preparations in various regions of the Russian Federation, countries of the near and far abroad
  6. preparation of regulatory and technical documentation (technical specifications, production regulations, hygiene certificates, recommendations for use) for state registration and certification in the Russian Federation, CIS and far abroad countries


Публикации в рецензируемых  научных журналах

  1. O.K.Strunnikova, V.Yu. Shakhnazarova, N.A.Vishnevskaya, V.K.Chebotar, I.A.Tikhonovich. The development of vegetative fusariasis and Pseudomonas fluorescens at the beginning. 2007. Microbiology, vol. 76, No. 4, pp.1-7.
  2. O.K.Strunnikova,V.Yu.Shakhnazarova,N.A.Vishnevskaya, V.K.Chebotar, I.A.Tikhonovich. The development of vegetative fusariasis and Pseudomonas fluorescens at the beginning. 2007. Microbiology, vol. 76.pp.675-681.
  3. Chebotar V.K., Zavalin A.A., Kiprushkina E.I. The effectiveness of the use of the biopreparation extrasol. M.: Ed.Russian agricultural academy. 2007. 216 p. (Monograph).
  4. A.A.Zavalin,A.L.Tarasov, V.K.Chebotar, A.E.Kazakov. The actual use of the biological preparation Bacillus subtilis C-13 under spring when injected into ammonium nitrate granules. 2007. Agrochemistry, No.7, pp.32-36.
  5. A.A.Zavalin,V.K.Chebotar,A.E.Kazakov, A.L. Tarasov. The effectiveness of using ammonium nitrate treated with a biological preparation for spring wheat. 2008. Bulletin of the Russian Agricultural Academy, No. 1,pp.64-66.
  6. O.K.Strunnikova, V.Yu. Shakhnazarova, N.A.Vishnevskaya, V.K.Chebotar, I.A.Tikhonovich. The interaction of Fusarium culmorum and Pseudomonas fluorescens in barley rhizome and rhizome. 2008. Mycology and Phytopathology, vol. 42, issue 1, pp.70-77.
  7. E.I.Kiprushkina, V.K.ChebotarTechnology and means of mechanization of potato and vegetable processing with biological means of protection. . 2009. ARO XXI, No. 1-3.
  8. Ulyanenko L.N., A.S.Filipas, N.N.Loy, S.V.Kruglov, N.S.Stepanchikova, V.K.Chebotar. The effectiveness of pre-sowing treatment of spring wheat seeds with the microbiological preparation BisolbiSan in conditions of contaminated soil with cadmium. 2009. Agrochemistry, No.3,pp.76-83.
  9. V.K.Chebotar,N.M.Makarova, A.I.Shaposhnikov, L.V.Kravchenko. Antifungal properties and phytostimulating properties of the rhizosphere strain of bacillus subtilis H-13, a producer of biological products. 2009.Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, vol.45, No.4, pp.465-469.
  10. Akhtemova G.A., Pershina E.V., Pinaev A.G., Andronov E.E., Stark O.Yu., Chebotar V.K., Borisov A.Yu., Tikhonovich I.A., Kiprushkina E.I., Abdurashitov S.F., Jianinazi-Pearson V. Formation of the structure of the bacterial community in the dumps of sugar beet processing plants.2010.Journal Sugar.No.10,pp.30-36.
  11. Malfanova N., Kamilova F., Validov S., Shcherbakov A., Chebotar V., Tikhonovich I., Lugtenberg B. Characteristics of Bacillus subtilis HC8, a new endophytic strain of giant hogweed, useful for plants. 2011. Microbiological biotechnology.Vol.4. pp.523–532.5
  12. Chebotar V.K., Petrov V.B., Shaposhnikov A.I., Kravchenko L.V. Biochemical criteria for evaluating agronomically significant properties of bacilli used in the creation of microbiological preparations. Agricultural biology. 2011.No.3. pp.119-122.
  13. Borisov A.Yu., Stark O.Yu., Zhukov V.A., Nemankin T.A., Naumkina T.S., Pinaev A.G., Akhtemova G.A., Voroshilova V.A., Ovchinnikova E.S., Rychagova T.S., Tsyganov V.E., Zhernakov A.I., Kuznetsova E.V., Grishina O.A., Sulima A.S., Fedorina Ya.V., Chebotar V.K., Bisseling T., Lemanso F., Gianinazi-Pearson V., Rate P., Sanhuan H., Stogaard J., Berg G., McPhee K., Ellis N., Tikhonovich I.A. (2011) Interaction of legumes with beneficial soil microorganisms: from plant genes to varieties. Agricultural Biology. No. 3. pp. 41-47.
  14. V.K.Chebotar, A.V.Shcherbakov, E.P.Chizhevskaya, V.B.Petrov. The effect of salinization and heavy metals on the growth-stimulating and antagonistic activity of soil bacteria and the prospects of using microorganisms for soil bioremediation (Analytical review). Journal "Achievements of science and technology of the agroindustrial complex".2011. No. 7, pp.28-31.
  15. V.B.Petrov, V.K.Chebotar. Microbiological preparations are a basic element of modern intensive agricultural technologies of crop production. Journal "Achievements of science and technology of the agroindustrial complex".2011. No.8, pp.11-15.
  16. V.B.Petrov, V.K.Chebotar. The use of microbiological preparations is an obligatory element of intensive technologies in potato growing. The magazine "Feed production". 2011. No.12. pp.6-9.
  17. V.B.Petrov, V.K.Chebotar. Prospects for improving the efficiency of feed production using microbiological preparations of complex action. The magazine "Potatoes and vegetables". 2011. No.8. pp.18-21.
  18. Egamberdieva D., Kucharova Z., Davranov K., Berg G., Makarova N., Azarova T., Chebotar V., Tikhonovich I., Kamilova F., Validov S. Z., Lugtenberg B.. Bacteria that can fight pediculate and root rot and promote the growth of cucumbers in saline soils. 2011, Biol. Fertilizers. Soils. Vol.47.pp.197-205.
  19. A. Bragina, K. Berg, M. Cardinale, A. Shcherbakov, V. Chebotar, G. Berg. Sphagnum mosses have a highly specific bacterial diversity throughout their life cycle. 2011, ISME Magazine, pp.1-12.
  20. Shcherbakov A.V., Krikovtseva A.V., Kuzmina E. Yu., Berg S., Malfanova N. V., Cardinale M., Berg G., Chebotar V. K., Tikhonovich I. A. Endophytic and epiphytic bacteria associated with sphagnum mosses as promising objects of agricultural biotechnology. / Bulletin of the IOBC/WPRS. V. 78. 2012. pp. 165-171.
  21. N. Malfanova, L.Franzil, B.Lugtenberg, V. Chebotar, M.Ongena. Cyclic lipopeptide profile of the endophytic bacterium Bacillus subtilis HC8, useful for plants. Archive of microbiol.2012. vol.194. pp. 893-899.
  22. N. Malfanova, F. Kamilova, S. Validov, V. Chebotar, B.Lugtenberg. Is L-arabinose important for the endophytic lifestyle of Pseudomonas spp.?2013. Archive of Microbiology. vol. 195.pp. 9-17.
  23. Shcherbakov A.V., Bragina A.V., Kuzmina E. Yu., Berg K., Muntyan A. N., Makarova N. M., Malfanova N. V., Cardinale M., Berg G., Chebotar V. K., Tikhonovich I. A. Endophytic bacteria of sphagnum mosses as promising objects of agricultural microbiology. 2013. Microbiology. vol.82. No.3. pp.312-322.
  24. Shcherbakov A.V., Patchkin A.N., Chebotar V.K. "Endophytic bacteria inhabiting wheat seeds, promising producers of microbial preparations for agriculture." Journal "Achievements of science and technology of the agroindustrial complex".2013. No.7, pp.35-38.
  25. Kiprushkina E.I., Kolodyaznaya V.S., Chebotar V.K. Environmentally safe methods in integrated protection and conservation of plant products. Food industry. 2013. No. 2. pp. 8-10.
  26. Chebotar V.K., Rafalsky S.V., Aritkin A.G., Esin V.V. "Effectiveness of complex application of microbiological preparations in soybean cultivation". Journal "Achievements of science and technology of the agroindustrial complex".2013. No.8, pp.23-25.
  27. Gonchar E.N., Shcherbakov A.V., Lopatko K.G., Gonchar L.N., Chebotar V.K., Kalenskaya S.N. Improving the effectiveness of microbial-plant symbiosis by creating composite biological products using biogenic metal nanoparticles. Journal "Achievements of science and technology of the agroindustrial complex".2013. No.12, pp.30-34.
  28. Maslennikova S.N., Shurgin A.I., Chebotar V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Kanarsky A.V. Endophytic bacteria of coniferous plants: recent research and application prospects. The journal "Bulletin of Kazan Technological University", 2013, No. 23, pp. 139-142.
  29. Maslennikova S.N., Shurgin A.I., Chebotar V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Kanarsky A.V. Biodiversity of rhizosphere microorganisms of tree species. The journal "Bulletin of the Kazan Technological University". 2014. Vol. 17. No.4. pp. 193-197.
  30. Shurekov Yu.V., Gubeidullin H.H., Shigapov I.I., Chebotar V.K., Aritkin A.G. Complex biologization of agriculture. Agricultural science. 2014. No. 1. pp. 16-19.
  31. Shcherbakov A.V., And Rusakova.V., About Orlova.V., Vorobyov N.I., About Sviridova.V., Shcherbakova E.N., In Chebotar.K. Aerobic cellulolytic community of associates of sphagnum moss sphagnum fallax as a basis in the processes of destruction of crop residues. State Biology, 2014, No. 1, pp. 54-62. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2014.1.54rus
  32. Strunnikova O. K., Vishnevskaya N. A., Manual A. S., Shakhnazarova V.Yu., Vorobyov N. I., Chebotar V. K. Influence of soils of various structures on development, colonization ability and interaction between Fusarium culmorum and Pseudomonas fluorescens in soil and on barley roots. Soil for plants, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11104-014-2351- y
  33. Chebotar V.K., Kiprushkina E.I. The use of microbial preparations in potato storage technologies// Achievements of science and technology of the agro-industrial complex. 2015. Vol.29. No.1. pp. 33-35.
  34. Chebotar V.K., Malfanova N.V., Shcherbakov A.V., Akhtemova G.A., Borisov A.Yu., Lugtenberg B., Tikhonovich I.A. Endophytic bacteria in microbial preparations that improve plant development (review). Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology,2015.Vol.51.No.3.pp.1-8.
  35. Shcherbakov A.V., Kuzmina E.Yu., Lapshina E.D., Shcherbakova E.N., Gonchar L.N., Chebotar V.K. Taxonomic diversity of bacterial populations inhabiting gametophytes of sphagnum mosses from different geographical regions of Russia // Agronomic research. 2015. Vol.13. No. 1. pp.192-201.
  36. Chebotar V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Shcherbakova E.N. Maslennikova S.N., Patkin A.N., Malfanova N.V. Endophytic bacteria as a promising biotechnological resource and their diversity. Agricultural Biology, 2015, volume 50, No. 5, pp. 648-654. doi:10.15389/agrobiology.2015.5.648rus
  37. Le An Tuan, Kanarsky A.V., Gerbakov A.V., Chebotar V.K. Purposeful stimulation of the yeast reaction in a nutrient medium from young people. Bulletin of the Technological University 2015, vol. 18, No.13, pp. 218-221
  38. Zavalin A.A., Chernova L.S., Gavrilova A.Yu., Chebotar V.K. The effect of mineral fertilizers biomodified with the microbial preparation Bisolbifit on the yield of spring barley. Agrochemistry. 2015. No. 4. pp. 21-33.
  39. To Chebotar.K.,Platkin A.N., Shcherbakov A.V., Malfanova N.V.,Startseva A.A., Ya Kostin.B. Microbial preparations based on endophytic and rhizobacteria, which are promising for increasing the productivity and efficiency of the use of mineral fertilizers in spring barley (HordeumvulgareL.) and vegetable crops. Agricultural Biology, 2016. No.3. pp.335-342.
  40. Chebotar V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Maslennikova S.N., Patkin A.N., Kanarsky A.V., Zavalin A.A. Endophytic bacteria are the basis of complex microbial preparations for agriculture and forestry. Agrochemistry. 2016. No. 11. pp. 65-70
  41. Chebotar V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Maslennikova S.N., Patkin A.N., Kanarsky A.V., Zavalin A.A. Endophytic bacteria of woody plants as the basis of complex microbiological preparations for agriculture and forestry. Agricultural Sciences of Russia, 2016, Volume 42, No. 5, pp. 339-342.
  42. Natalia Malfanova, Andrey Shcherbakov, Alexander Patkin, Alexey Zavalin, Vladimir Chebotar. Bacillus subtilis CH13: highly effective biocontrol agent for complex control of plant diseases. Bulletin of the IOBC-WPRS. 2016. vol. 117.pp.62-66.
  43. Elena Shcherbakova, Evgeny Andronov, Andrey Shcherbakov, Vladimir Chebotar, Albert Kanarsky. Bacterial endophytes from coniferous tree seeds with a potential role in biocontrol: microbiome analysis. Bulletin of the IOBC-WPRS. 2016. vol. 117.pp.192-199.
  44. Chebotar V.K., Shcherbakov A.V., Maslennikova S.N., Patkin A.N., Kanarsky A.V., Zavalin A.A. Endophytic bacteria of woody plants as the basis of complex microbial preparations for agriculture and forestry. Russian agricultural science. 2016.No.4.pp.40-44.
  45. Shcherbakov A.V., Mulina S.A., Rots P.Yu., Shcherbakova E.N., Chebotar V.K. Bacterial endophytes of the vine (Vitis vinifera L.) as promising means in viticulture: isolation, characterization and detection in grafted plants. Agronomic research. 2016.V. 14.No 5.Pp.1702-1712.
  46. Shcherbakova E.N., Shcherbakov  A.V., Andronov  E.E., Gonchar L. N., Kalenskaya S. M., Chebotar V. K. Сombined pre-seed treatment with microbial inoculants and mo nanoparticles changes composition of root exudates and rhizosphere microbiome structure of chickpea (Сicer arietinum L.) plants.Symbiosis. 2017. V.73.P. 57-69.
  47. Ui-Gum Kang, Hyang-Mi Park, Jee-Yeon Ko, Jae-Saeng Lee, Weon-Tai Jeon, Chang-Young Park, Ki-Do Park, Vladimir K. Chebotar. Isolation, Root Colonization and Evaluation of Some Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria in Paddy Rice. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. , 2017.Vol.50, No.3, pp.135-149.
  48. Tsukanova K.A., Сhеbоtаr V.К., Meyer J.J.M., Bibikova T.N. Effect of plant growth-promoting Rhizobacteria on plant hormone homeostasis. South African Journal of Botany.2017.V.113.P.91-102.
  49. Shcherbakov A.V., Shcherbakova E.N., Mulina S.A., Rots P.Yu., Daryu R.F., Kiprushkina E.I., Gonchar L.N., Chebotar V.K.. Psychrophilic pseudomonads-endophytes as potential agents in the biocontrol of phytopathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms during cold storage of potatoes. Agricultural Biology, 2017, Volume 52, No. 1.C. 116-128. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2017.1.116rus
  50. Alferov A.A., Chernova L.S., Zavalin A.A., Chebotar V.K.Efficiency of application of endophytic biologics and nitrogen fertilizers. Bulletin of Russian Agricultural Science,2017. No.5. pp.21-23.
  51. Lazarev A.M., Mysnik E.N., Varitsev Yu.A., Zaitsev I.A., Kozhemyakov A.P., Popov F.A., Volgarev S.A., Chebotar V.K. Areas and zones of harmfulness of the main bacterioses of plants in Russia and neighboring countries. St. Petersburg, 2017. Ser. 24 Appendices to the journal "Bulletin of plant Protection"
  52. Shcherbakova E.N., Shcherbakov A.V., Rots P.Yu., Gonchar L.N., Mulina S.A., Yahina L.M., Lactionov Yu.V. , Chebotar V.K. Inoculation technology for legumes based on alginate encapsulation. Agronomy Research 16(5), 2156-2168, 2018
  53. Ignatov A.N., Lazarev A.M., Panycheva Y.S., Provorov N.A., Chebotar V.K. Bacterial pathogens of potato of the genus Dickeya: a mini-review on the systematics and etiology of diseases. Agricultural Biology, 2018, volume 53, No. 1, pp. 123-131.


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