Congratulations to Anna Viktorovna Tsyganova on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation!
We cordially congratulate our colleagues on being awarded the medals "Contribution to the work of VOGiS"
Vladimir Zhukov, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Genetics of Plant-Microbial Interactions, FSBSI ARRIAM, spoke at the School of Systems Biology.
IV All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation "MODERN PROBLEMS OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY"
We cordially congratulate our colleagues on being awarded the jubilee medals "300 years of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
Scientific research expedition of employees of FSBSI ARRIAM to Chukotka
IV International Scientific Conference "Plants and Microorganisms: Biotechnology of the future" PLAMIC2024 and within its framework the III All-Russian conference with international participation "Mechanisms of adaptation of microorganisms to various envi
IV International Symposium "Molecular aspects of plant redox Metabolism"
Expedition trip of the head of laboratory No. 10 Karlov D.S. to the vicinity of Vorkuta
The annual agricultural exhibition "All-Russian Field Day" was held in the Stavropol Territory from June 20 to 22, 2024.
International exhibition of technologies for growing, storing and marketing of fruit and berry products "PROYABLOKO 2024"
The International Congress "VIII Congress of the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Russian Science and Higher Education" was held in Saratov on June 14-19, 2024.
On February 10, 2024, Sergey Vladimirovich Kabyshev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, visited ARRIAM
The updated exposition "Decade of Science and Technology" was opened at the International Exhibition-Forum "Russia"
On January 24, 2024, students of 617 schools of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg under the guidance of teachers N.A. Kondratenko and E.L. Sadomova visited the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology.
On October 11, the ARRIAM Academic Council hosted the presentation of departmental awards from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
On October 3-6, the All-Russian Scientific School-conference of young scientists and students "Genetic technologies in the research of natural compounds" was held in Vladivostok.
10th Congress of the Society of Plant Physiologists in Ufa
FSBSI ARRIAM together with St. Petersburg State University organized a school-conference "Conservation and multiplication of genetic resources of microorganisms"
Russian scientists discussed the selection of legumes
Field day for peas on the Crimean OSS
World soybeans 2023
Defense of the PhD thesis of Evgeny Andreevich Zorin
Congratulations to Pyotr Glebovich Kusakin on the successful defense of his PhD thesis!
Agrobiotechnologies of soil fertility management in Russia
Visit of undergraduates of Sirius University of Science and Technology
Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation V.N. Falkov visited the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology
Employees of FSBSI ARRIAM took part in the Congress of Young Scientists
Defense of the dissertation of Ivanova Kira Andreevna
On July 3, the Sirius University of Science and Technology defended the master's theses of students in the field of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology.
Viktor Evgenievich Tsyganov, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution ARRIAM, PhD, spoke on July 3 at the program "Big Challenges 2024"
Biopreparation "Rhizotorfin" increases the yield of vegetable peas and slows down the overripening of grain
We cordially congratulate our colleagues on being awarded the badge "Veteran" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
According to the results of the reporting session, graduate students of FSBSI ARRIAM successfully passed the intermediate certification
Experimental plant biology and climate challenges
On 31.10.2024, the St. Petersburg Branch of the Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia organized a seminar “Modern technologies of digital plant phenotyping” on the basis of FGBNU VNIISKhM.
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