
  • Tsyganov Victor Evgenievich

    Tsyganov Victor Evgenievich

    Director of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences


    Телефон: +7 (812) 470-51-00

  • Tikhonovich Igor Anatolyevich

    Tikhonovich Igor Anatolyevich

    Scientific Director of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences


    Телефон: +7 (812) 470-51-00

  • Safronova Vera Igorevna

    Safronova Vera Igorevna

    Deputy Director for Science, Candidate of Biological Sciences

  • Vitaly Valerievich Yakhno

    Vitaly Valerievich Yakhno

    Deputy Director for Innovation and Production Activities

    Телефон: +7 (812) 466 35 69

  • Kalabanov Alexander Vasilyevich

    Kalabanov Alexander Vasilyevich

    Deputy Director for General Affairs

    Телефон: +7 (812) 476 02 26

  • Oksana Yurievna Stark

    Oksana Yurievna Stark

    Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Biological Sciences

  • Kuznetsova Anna Vasilyevna

    Kuznetsova Anna Vasilyevna

    Chief accountant

    Телефон: +7 (812) 476 32 03

  • Zhulanov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

    Zhulanov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

    Chief Economist

    Телефон: +7 (812) 476 32 03

  • Kovalevskaya Marina Alexandrovna

    Kovalevskaya Marina Alexandrovna

    Head of the Human Resources Department

    Телефон: +7 (812) 465 00 29

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