Laboratory of Proteomics of supra-organizational Systems №7

Laboratory of Proteomics of supra-organizational Systems №7

КThe team of the Laboratory for Proteomics of Supra-organismal Systems is engaged in the study of molecular mechanisms that determine pathogenic and functional properties of various bacteria; identification of new prion and amyloid proteins of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; detection of protein networks and regulatory cascades that control the species specificity in symbiotic relationships; development of multifunctional microbiological preparations, conducts fundamental and applied research on a number of other interdisciplinary fields. Thus, in recent years, in the Laboratory for the first time in world practice, amyloid proteins have been identified in plants [Antonets et al., PLOS Biology, 2020and symbiotic bacteria [Kosolapova et al., Biomolecules, 2020], and effective and accurate bioinformatic program has been developed to predict the bacterial genes encoding Cry toxins, which are important for biotechnology [Shikov et al., Toxins, 2020].

The Laboratory uses a wide range of different approaches, including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics; microbial genetics and microbiology; a number of molecular biological methods, including genetic engineering, quantitative analysis of gene expression, various methods of protein analysis, as well as microscopy (confocal, polarized light, electron).  

The laboratory has a rich history; it was established in 1891 as a "Bacteriological Laboratory at the Department of Agriculture and State Property"; academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Б.Л. Исаченко and professors A.E. Feoktistov, S.S. Merezhkovsky were at the origins of its creation and development. The main research conducted in the Laboratory was aimed at identifying and characterizing rodenticidal and bactericidal microorganisms. From 1897 to the present, the culture of Salmonella enteritidis var. Issatschenko, also called the "Isachenko bacterium", is constantly maintained in the Laboratory and has a strictly selective pathogenic effect within the order of rodents. In 1969-2011, the laboratory was headed by professor Н.В. Кандыбин, under whose guidance biological preparations based on the insecticidal bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis were created and implemented in industry.

The main areas of research in the Laboratory are:

  1. Study of biological functions of prion and amyloid proteins in microorganisms and plants.
  2. Development of bioinformatic algorithms and programs for predicting the properties of bacteria using genomic and pangenomic approaches.
  3. Study of molecular mechanisms underlying supra-organismal interactions such as "pathogen-host" and "symbiont-host" using genomics and proteomics methods.
  4. Study of the assembly mechanisms and structural features of various supramolecular protein complexes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  5. Comparative genomics of insecticidal bacteria.
  6. Search and characterization of new isolates of economically valuable bacteria from natural samples.
  7. Development of environmentally safe multifunctional biological preparations with insecticidal, bactericidal, and/or fungicidal activities.

Some of the recent results:

Недавно полученные в Лаборатории надорганизменных систем результаты

(A-C) The metalloprotease domain of the Escherichia coli YghJ protein, which plays an important role in infectious diseases caused by enterotoxigenic strains of this bacterium, forms amyloids, that is, protein fibrils with an ordered structure. The results of the work can be found in the publication of Belousov et al., PLOS One, 2018.

(D) Seed storage proteins in plants, which are one of the main components of the human diet, have potentially amyloidogenic properties. The results of this study can be found in the publication by Antonets and Nizhnikov, IJMS, 2017This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No 17-16-01100).

(E-F) Asparagine-glutamine-rich fragment of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gln3 protein interacts with other asparagine-glutamine-rich amyloids. The results of the study can be found in the publication by Antonets and co-authors, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2016.



Phone: +7(812)476-16-02 



  1. Sulatskaya A.I., Kosolapova A.O., Bobylev A.G., Belousov M.V., Antonets K.S., Sulatsky M.I., Kuznetsova I.M., Turoverov K.K., Stepanenko O.V., Nizhnikov A.A. β-Barrels and Amyloids: Structural Transitions, Biological Functions, and Pathogenesis // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, V. 22(21), 113616.
  2. Evdokimova O.L., Belousova M.E., Evdokimova A.V., Kusova T.V., Baranchikov A.E., Antonets K.S., Nizhnikov A.A., Agafonov, A.V. Fast and simple approach for production of antibacterial nanocellulose/cuprous oxide hybrid films // Cellulose, 2021, V. 28 (5), pp. 2931-2945.
  3. Kharkov B.B, Podkorytov I.S., Bondarev S.A., Belousov M.V., Salikov V.A., Zhouravleva G.A., Skrynnikov N.R. Role of rotational motion in diffusion NMR experiments on supramolecular assemblies: application to Sup35NM fibrils // Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2021. V. 60(28), 15441-15451.
  4. Malovichko Y.V., Shikov A.E., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Temporal Control of Seed Development in Dicots: Molecular Bases, Ecological Impact and Possible Evolutionary Ramifications // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; V. 22(17), e9252.
  5. Danilov L.G., Moskalenko S.E., Matveenko A.G., Sukhanova X.V., Belousov M.V., Zhouravleva G.A., Bondarev S.A. The Human NUP58 Nucleoporin Can Form Amyloids In Vitro and In Vivo // Biomedicines, 2021, V. 9(10), 1451.
  6. Belousova M.E., Malovichko Y.V., Shikov A.E., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Dissecting the Environmental Consequences of Bacillus thuringiensis Application for Natural Ecosystems // Toxins, 2021, V. 13, 355.
  7. Shikov A.E., Malovichko Y.V., Lobov A.A., Belousova M.E., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. The distribution of several genomic virulence determinants does not corroborate the established serotyping classification of bacillus thuringiensis // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, V. 22 (5), 2244.
  8. Yuzikhin O.S., Gogoleva N.E., Shaposhnikov A.I., Konnova T.A., Osipova E.V., Syrova D.S., Ermakova E.A., Shevchenko V.P., Nagaev I.Yu., Shevchenko K.V., Myasoedov N.F., Safronova V.I., Shavarda A.L., Nizhnikov A.A., Belimov A.A., Gogolev Y.V. Rhizosphere bacterium rhodococcus sp. P1y metabolizes ab-scisic acid to form dehydrovomifoliol // Biomolecules, 2021, V. 11 (3), 345.
  9. Kosolapova A.O., Antonets K.S., Belousov M.V., Nizhnikov A.A. Biological functions of prokaryotic amyloids in the interspecies interactions: facts and assumptions // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, V.21, e7240.
  10. Antonets K.S., Belousov M.V., Sulatskaya A.I., Belousova M.E., Kosolapova A.O., Sulatsky M.I., Andreeva E.A., Zykin P.A., Malovichko Y.V., Shtark O.Y., Lykholay A.N., Volkov K.V., Kuznetsova I.M., Turoverov K.K., Kochetkova E.Y., Bobylev A.G., Usachev K.S., Demidov O.N., Tikhonovich I.A., Nizhnikov A.A. Accumulation of storage proteins in plant seeds is mediated by amyloid formation // PLOS Biology, 2020, V.18(7), e3000564.
  11. Malovichko Y.V., Shtark O.Y., Vasileva E.N., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Transcriptomic insights into mechanisms of early seed maturation in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) // Cells, 2020, V.9, e779.
  12. Shikov A.E., Malovichko Y.V., Skitchenko R.K., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. No more tears: mining sequencing data for novel Bt Cry toxins with CryProcessor // Toxins, 2020, V.12, e204.
  13. Kosolapova A.O., Belousov M.V., Sulatskaya A.I., Belousova M.E., Sulatsky M.I., Antonets K.S., Volkov K.V., Lykholay A.N., Shtark O.Y., Vasilieva E.N., Zhukov V.A., Ivanova A.N., Zykin P.A., Kuznetsova I.M., Turoverov K.K., Tikhonovich I.A., Nizhnikov A.A. Two Novel Amyloid Proteins, RopA and RopB, from the Root Nodule Bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum // Biomolecules, 2019, V.9, e694.
  14. Malovichko Y.V., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Repertoire of the Bacillus thuringiensis virulence factors unrelated to major classes of protein toxins and its role in specificity of host-pathogen interactions // Toxins, 2019, V.11, e347.
  15. Malovichko Y.V., Antonets K.S., Maslova A.R., Andreeva E.A., Inge-Vechtomov S.G., Nizhnikov A.A. RNA Sequencing reveals specific transcriptomic signatures distinguishing effects of the [SWI+] prion and SWI1 deletion in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Genes, 2019, V.10, e212.
  16. Sopova J.V., Koshel E.I., Belashova T.A., Zadorsky S.P., Sergeeva A.V., Siniukova V.A., Shenfeld A.A., Velizhanina M.E., Volkov K.V., Nizhnikov A.A., Kachkin D.V., Gaginskaya E.R., Galkin A.P., 2019. RNA-binding protein FXR1 is presented in rat brain in amyloid form // Scientific Reports, V.9, e18983.
  17. Antonets K.S., Kliver S.F., Nizhnikov A.A. Exploring proteins containing amyloidogenic regions in the proteomes of bacteria of the order Rhizobiales // Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 2018, V.14, P.1-12.
  18. Bondarev S.A., Antonets K.S., Kajava A.V., Nizhnikov A.A., Zhouravleva G.A. Protein co-aggregation related to amyloids: methods of investigation, diversity and classification // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, V.19, e2292.
  19. Belousov M.V., Bondarev S.A., Kosolapova A.O., Antonets K.S., Sulatskaya A.I., Sulatsky M.I., Zhouravleva G.A., Kuznetsova I.M., Turoverov K.K., Nizhnikov A.A. M60-like metalloprotease domain of the Escherichia coli YghJ protein forms amyloid fibrils // PLOS One, 2018, V.13(1), e0191317.
  20. Ryzhova T.A., Sopova J.V., Zadorsky S.P., Siniukova V.A., Sergeeva A.V., Galkina S.A., Nizhnikov A.A., Shenfeld A.A., Volkov K.V., Galkin A.P. Screening for amyloid proteins in the yeast proteome // Current Genetics, 2018, doi: 10.1007/s00294-017-0759-7.
  21. Antonets K.S., Nizhnikov A.A. Predicting amyloidogenic proteins in the proteomes of plants // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017, V.18, e2155.
  22. Antonets K.S., Nizhnikov A.A. Amyloids and prions in plants: facts and perspectives // Prion, 2017, V.11, P.300-312.
  23. Matveenko A.G., Drozdova P.B., Belousov M.V., Moskalenko S.E., Bondarev S.A., Barbitoff Y.A., Nizhnikov A.A., Zhouravleva G.A. SFP1-mediated prion-dependent lethality is caused by increased Sup35 aggregation and alleviated by Sis1 // Genes to Cells, 2016, V.21, P.1290–1308.
  24. Nizhnikov А.А., Ryzhova T.А., Volkov K.V., Zadorsky S.P., Sopova J.V., Inge-Vechtomov S.G., Galkin A.P. Interaction of prions causes heritable traits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae // PLOS Genetics, 2016, V.12, e1006504.
  25. Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S., Bondarev S.A., Inge-Vechtomov S.G., Derkatch I.L. Prions, Amyloids, and RNA: Pieces of a Puzzle // Prion, 2016, V.10, P.1-25.
  26. Antonets K.S., Sargsyan H.M., Nizhnikov A.A. A glutamine/asparagine-rich fragment of Gln3, but not the full-length protein, aggregates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae // Biochemistry (Moscow), 2016, V.81, P.407-413.
  27. Bakhvalov S.A., Tsvetkova V.P., Shpatova T.V., Shternshis M.V., Grishechkina S.D. Ecological interactions in the system: entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis – phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani – host plant Solanum tuberosum // Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2015, V.8., P.534-539.
  28. Kosolapova A.O., Belousov M.V., Sulatsky M.I., Tsyganova A.V., Sulatskaya A.I., Bobylev A.G., Shtark O.Y., Tsyganov V.E., Volkov K.V., Zhukov V.A., Tikhonovich I.A., Nizhnikov A.A. RopB protein of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae adopts amyloid state during symbiotic interactions with pea (Pisum sativum L.) // Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, V.13, e1014699.
  29. Shikov A.E., Belousova M.E., Belousov M.V., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Salmonella-based biorodenticides: past applications and current contradictions // International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, V.23, e14595.
  30. Shikov A.E., Malovichko Y.V., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Current Methods for Recombination Detection in Bacteria // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, V.23, e6257.
  31. Yuzikhin O.S., Shaposhnikov A.I., Konnova T.A., Syrova D.S., Hamo H., Ermekkaliev T.S., Shevchenko V.P., Shevchenko K.V., Gogoleva N.E., Nizhnikov A.A., Safronova V.I., Kamnev A.A., Belimov A.A., Gogolev Y.V. Isolation and Characterization of 1-Hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-4-oxo-2-cyclohexene-1-acetic Acid, a Metabolite in Bacterial Transformation of Abscisic Acid // Biomolecules. 2022, V.12, e1508.
  32. Belousov M.V., Kosolapova A.O., Fayoud H., Sulatsky M.I., Sulatskaya A.I., Romanenko M.N., Bobylev A.G., Antonets K.S., Nizhnikov A.A. OmpC and OmpF Outer Membrane Proteins of Escherichiacoli and Salmonellaenterica Form BonaFideAmyloids // Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2023, V.24, e15522.

  33. Merkushova A.V., Shikov A.E., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. For Someone, You Are the Whole World: Host-Specificity of Salmonella enterica // Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2023, V.24, e13670.

  34. Shikov A.E., Savina I.A., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Recombination in Bacterial Genomes: Evolutionary Trends // Toxins, 2023, V.15, e568.

  35. Shikov A.E., Merkushova A.V., Savina I.A., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. The man, the plant, and the insect: shooting host specificity determinants in Serratia marcescens pangenome // Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, V.14, e1211999.

  36. Sulatsky M.I., Belousov M.V., Kosolapova A.O., Mikhailova E.V., Romanenko M.N., Antonets K.S., Kuznetsova I.M., Turoverov K.K., Nizhnikov A.A., Sulatskaya A.I. Amyloid Fibrils of Pisum sativum L. Vicilin Inhibit Pathological Aggregation of Mammalian Proteins // Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2023, V.24, e12932.


  1. CryProcessor program for detecting Cry toxin coding genes in bacterial genomes.


  1. Patent of the Russian Federation for the invention No. 2750913 "Method for Identifying Bacillus thuringiensis Bacteria". Authors: Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S., Ermolova V.P., Grishechkina S.D., Malovichko Yu.V., Tikhonovich I.A. Copyright holder: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology". Date of publication: 6.07.2021. Invention priority: 6.12.2019.
  2. Patent of the Russian Federation for the invention No. 2735429 "Bacterial Fertilizer". Authors: Belimov A.A., Safronova V.I., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Copyright holder: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology". Invention priority: 6.12.2019.
  3. Patent of the Russian Federation for the invention No. 2735432 "Pseudomonas oryzihabitans Bacterial Strain - Plant Growth Stimulator in Arid Agroecological Conditions". Authors: Belimov A.A., Safronova V.I., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Copyright holder: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology". Invention priority: 6.12.2019.
  4. Patent of the Russian Federation for invention No. 2735430 "Variovorax paradoxus AV10 Bacterial Strain - Plant Growth Stimulator in Arid Agroecological Conditions". Authors: Belimov A.A., Safronova V.I., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. Copyright holder: FSBSI ARRIAM. Invention priority: 06.12.2019.
  5. RF Patent No. 2692655 "Bacillus thuringiensis var. darmstadiensis 56 Strain as Polyfunctional Agent for Plant Growing". Tikhonovich I.A., Ermolova V.P., Grishechkina S.D., Romanova T.A., Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S. 25.06.2019.
  6. RF Patent No. 2630661 "Streptomyces globisporus K-35/15 Strain as Means for Plants Protection Against Harmful Insects - Phytophages". Ermolova V.P., Samoukina G.V., Grishechkina S.D., Safronova V.I., Osledkin Yu.S., Romanova T.A. 2017.
  7. "Bacillus thuringiensis var. Israelensis (BTH14) 7-1/23 Strain as Agent Against Blood-sucking Mosquitoes". Tikhonovich I.A., Ermolova V.P., Grishechkina S.D., Romanova T.A. RF Patent No. 2514211. 23.04.2013.
  8. "Strain Bacillus thuringiensis var. darmstadiensis N25 as Means of Integrated Effect on Harmful Coleoptera Insects and Phytopathogenic Fungi". Tikhonovich I.A., Grishechkina S.D., Ermolova V.P., Romanova T.A. RF Patent No. 2514023. 26.12.2012.
  9. "Agent for Preparing Entomocidal Biopreparation". Tikhonovich I.A., Ermolova V.P., Grishechkina S.D., Romanova T.A. RF Patent No. 2514211. 10.10.2012.
  10. "Salmonella enteritidis var. Issatschenko 32/3 Bacteria Strain as Means for Obtaining Biological Attractant Against Mouse-like Rodents". Tikhonovich I.A., Minina G.N., Bologova E.V., Ermolova V.P., Grishechkina S.D., Romanova T.A. RF Patent No. 2520161. 22.03.2013.


  1. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young scientists No МД-2302.2022.5 "Study of the Salmonella enterica pangenome for deciphering the molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and specificity of the host organism selection by bacteria"; 2021-2022, head A.A. Nizhnikov.
  2. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 17-16-01100П "Proteomic screening of amyloid proteins in seed peas (Pisum sativum L.) and root nodule bacteria (Rhizobium leguminosarum)" (competition for the extension of project deadlines); 2020-2021, head A.A. Nizhnikov.
  3. Grant in the form of a subsidy from the Federal Budget for the creation of a World-class Scientific Center (WCSC) «Agrotechnologies for the Future» 2020-538-02–WCSC - 4-1, head academician V.I. Trukhachev; 2020-2025.
  4. The project "Mobilization of the genetic resources of microorganisms on the basis of the Russian Collection of Agricultural Microorganisms (RCAM) at the All-Russia Research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology (ARRIAM) according to the network principle of organization" in accordance with agreement No. 15.БРК.21.0006 date 28 September 2021 with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, head I.A. Tikhonovich; 2021-2023.
  5. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 20-76-10044 "Development of software, genomic database and genetic marker set for rapid typing of Bacillus thuringiensis natural isolates with subsequent dissection of their valuable traits"; 2020-2023, head K.S. Antonets.
  6. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 22-26-00276, "The role of amyloidogenesis of outer membrane proteins in the virulence of bacteria belonging to the genera Escherichia and Salmonella"; 2022-2023, head M.V. Belousov.
  7. Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 20-316-70020 Stability, "Dissection of interrelations between proteomic landscapes of Bacillus thuringiensis, its serovar and life cycle stages"; 2020-2021, head A.A. Nizhnikov.
  8. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 19-76-00026, "The molecular mechanisms of virulence and host-specificity of the enterobacterium Salmonella enteritidis var. Issatschenko"; 2019-2021, head M.V. Belousov.
  9. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 18-76-00028 "Identification of factors affecting the production level and the specificity action of the Bacillus thuringiensis toxins"; 2018-2020, head K.S. Antonets.
  10. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 17-16-01100 "Proteomic screening of amyloid proteins in seed peas (Pisum sativum L.) and root nodule bacteria (Rhizobium leguminosarum)"; 2017-2019, head A.A. Nizhnikov.
  11. Agreement within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Research and development in priority areas of growth of the Russian scientific and technological complex for 2014-2020"; 2017-2019, head I.A. Tikhonovich.
  12. Grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation "The analysis of the genetic and evolutionary potential of the soil microbiome to increase plant productivity and soil fertility"; 2017-2018, head N.A. Provorov.


  1. Первый канал: Благодаря нацпроекту «Наука и университеты» поддержку получают самые прогрессивные исследования
  2. Коммерсант: Что такое амилоиды — летальные патогены или функциональные белковые агрегаты
  3. НТВ: Петербургских микробиологов наградили за открытие «раковых» белков у растений
  4. Фонтанка. ру – Амилоиды и с чем их едят.
  5. Санкт-Петербургские ведомости: Петербургские ученые открыли новую форму белков у растений и бактерий
  6. Матрица науки – ТРК Санкт-Петербург
  7. Топ-10 ярких научных открытий 2020 года. Пресс-служба РНФ.
  8. Создать сорта с более питательными и менее аллергенными семенами поможет открытие амилоидов у растений. Пресс-служба Минобрнауки РФ.
  9. Светящиеся растения, происхождение нейтрино и «возрождение» антибиотиков: топ-10 открытий года в России. Indicator.Ru
  10. Finding of amyloids in plants could help create varieties with more nutritious and hypoallergenic seeds. St Petersburg University.
  11. Микробиологи разработали программу для поиска новых инсектицидов.
  12. Открытие амилоидов растений позволит создать улучшенные сорта. Indicator.Ru
  13. Открытие амилоидов у растений может помочь создать сорта с более питательными и гипоаллергенными семенами. Газета научного сообщества «Поиск».
  14. Highly stable amyloid protein aggregates may help plant seeds last longer. Science Daily.
  15. В растениях нашли скопления амилоида. Портал N+1.
  16. Российские микробиологи обнаружили «темную сторону» клубеньковых бактерий. ТАСС Наука.


  1. The Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovation for young scientists for 2020 "For the discovery of amyloid proteins in plants and symbiotic bacteria, an explanation of their functional significance" (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 75 of 08.02.2021), K.S. Antonets, A.A. Nizhnikov.
  2. St. Petersburg Youth Award for 2021 (Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 377 dated 04.29.2022), A.A. Nizhnikov.
  3. Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the completed development of "Multifunctional microbiological agent for plant cultivation based on the strain Bacillus thuringiensis var. darmstadiensis No. 56"; 2020.
  4. Leonard Euler Award of the Government of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding results in the field of science and technology for a series of works "The landscapes of amyloidogenic proteins in prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteomes"; 2017, A.A. Nizhnikov 
  5. Honorary diploma of the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders and the Scientific Council on Genetics and Breeding of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 2017, K.S. Antonets 
  6. Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a prize for young scientists of Russia for a series of works "Search and characterization of new prions and amyloids, as well as the development of methods for their identification", diploma No. 435; 2016, A.A. Nizhnikov. 
  7. Gold medal of the VIII International Biotechnological Forum-exhibition "RosBioTech-2014"; 2014, the staff of the FSBSI ARRIAM (S.D. Grishechkina, V.P. Ermolova, T.A. Romanova). 
  8. Gold medal of the Exhibition-Conference "Bioindustry 2012" for the development of "Creation of a strain-producer of a rodenticidal preparation"; 2014, the team of the FSBSI ARRIAM (S.D. Grishechkina, V.P. Ermolova, T.A. Romanova).

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