George Adamovich Nadson

George Adamovich Nadson

(1867 — 1939)

Place of birth


Place of death

Kommunarka village, Moscow region.

The main milestones of life, career outside the university 

Since 1928 – corresponding member, since 1929 – full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He taught at the Women's Medical Institute. Also at various times he was the head of the State Radiological and Radiological Institute (1918-37), the Laboratory of Microbiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, established on his initiative in Leningrad (1930-34), the Institute of Microbiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1934-38); editor of the first Russian journal (1914-38) on general microbiology. In 1937, he was arrested on charges of counterrevolutionary activities, and shot in 1939. In 1955, he was rehabilitated.


Honored Scientist of the RSFSR

Field of scientific interests, importance in science

G. A. Nadson is a well-known Russian and Soviet biochemist and botanist. In his early works, he studied the effect of environmental factors on microorganisms. Together with G.S.Filippov, he proved on lower fungi the possibility of artificially producing mutations under the influence of ionizing radiation.


Year of protectionType of dissertationTitle of the dissertation
1895 Master's degree On the structure of the cyanoid algae protoplast

Main works

1. Selected works. M., 1967. Vol. 1-2.

2. On the structure of the protoplast of cyanic algae. St. Petersburg, 1895.

3. Microbiological essays. Yuriev, 1912.

4. Little-known edible mushrooms and a note about edible and poisonous mushrooms in general. Pg., 1920.

5. On the effect of X-rays on the sexual process and the formation of mutants in lower fungi (Mucoraceae) // Bulletin of Radiology and Radiology. 1925. Vol. 3

6. On the formation of new resistant races of microorganisms under the influence of X-rays // Bulletin of Radiology and Radiology. 1932.T.10.

7. On the question of the biological effect of metals at a distance. M., 1936.

8. Experimental modification of the hereditary properties of microorganisms. M., 1935.


Basic bio-bibliography

Lit.: Rautenstein Ya.I.G.A.Nadson // Microbiology. 1967. Issue 3.; Nadson G.A. // Outstanding Soviet geneticists. M., 1980.

Archive, personal funds

SPF ARAN. F.2. Op.11. D.269.; F.2. Op.17. D.176 - 177.

TSGIA SPb F.14. Op.1. D.9067. On the admission of candidate Georgy Nadson to the Master's exam

TSGIA St. Petersburg. F.14. Op.3. D. 24497.George Adamovich Nadson

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