Zorin Evgeny Andreevich

  • Zorin Evgeny Andreevich


    In 2018, he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, and in 2022 he graduated from the graduate school of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution ARRIAM. In 2017-2018, he completed professional training at the Institute of Bioinformatics in the field of Bioinformatics for Biologists. Since 2017, he has been working at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution VNIISHM, since 2022 – as a junior researcher. He is the author of 29 publications and the executor of a number of scientific grants. The field of interest is the genetics of plant-microbial interactions. In particular, the use of transcriptomics methods to study the expression of genes involved in the formation and maintenance of symbiosis between Pisum sativum and beneficial soil microorganisms.

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