Simarov Boris Vasilyevich

  • Simarov Boris Vasilyevich

    Chief Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences


    Chief Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences


      WoS ResearcherID: H-8898-2017

      Scopus AuthorID: 7003687173

      ORCID: 0000-0002-6893-557X

      SPIN-код: 6859-1141

      AuthorID: 78167


    Doctor of Biological Sciences in the specialties 03.00.15 – genetics and 03.00.07 – microbiology ("Molecular genetic foundations of breeding nodule bacteria strains with increased nitrogen-fixing activity and efficiency", Leningrad; 1988); Professor (1990; 2004).


    Educational activities:

    He was the head of 18 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences


    Research interests – symbiotic nitrogen fixation, nodule bacteria, natural bacterial populations, symbiosis efficiency, competitiveness of nodule bacteria, host specificity of interaction, genetic control of symbiotic and adaptive traits, resistance to abiotic stresses


    Награды и премии за научную деятельность, членство в ведущих научных сообществах, участие в редколлегиях ведущих рецензируемых научных изданий

    • Member of the Scientific Council of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology
    • 1984 - State award medal "For Labor Distinction"
    • 2004 - awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation"
    • 2016 - awarded the jubilee medal "50 years of VOGiS"


    Participation in scientific projects:

    1. The state task FGEW-2021-0006
    2. RNF 20-16-00105 Immune systems of nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria: assessment of their diversity and prospects for application in agrobiotechnology (2020-2022; Head);
    3. RNF 17-16-01095 Analysis of the patterns of genomic rearrangements in virulent and non-virulent nodule bacteria and assessment of the risks of their impact on economically valuable properties and stress resistance of plant and microbial systems (2017-2019; main performer);
    4. RFBR 17-04-02011a Analysis of functionally different gene groups of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti and host plants promising for the formation of highly productive symbiotic nitrogen-fixing systems of wide adaptive potential (2017-2019; head);
    5. RFBR 14-04-01441a Molecular genetic and functional analysis of Tn5-labeled genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti responsible for the formation of highly effective symbiotic systems with economically valuable alfalfa species in various ecological and climatic conditions (2014-2016; head)
    6. RFBR 12-04-01768a Creation of Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago plant-microbial systems with increased resistance to abiotic stress factors based on the integration of molecular genetic, functional and biological studies of bacterial and plant genomes (2012-2014; performer)
    7. 2011-2015. Participation in the EurAsEC interstate target program "Innovative biotechnologies" on the topic: cipher 2011-16-MCP/07 "Development of technology for obtaining drugs to improve soil fertility".



    1. STRAIN OF NODULE BACTERIA OF ALFALFA SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI AK55-SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATOR FOR VARIOUS AGRO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONS // Kozhemyakov A.P., Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Laktionov Yu.V., Muntyan V.S. // Patent for invention 2734944 C2, 10/26/2020. Application No. 2018136190 dated 12.10.2018.
    2. VARIETAL-MICROBIAL SYMBIOTIC SYSTEM - A STRAIN OF NODULE BACTERIA SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI RCAM1774 AND ALFALFA OF THE VARIABLE VARIETY TAISIYA // Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Muntyan V.S., Kozhemyakov A.P., Laktionov Yu.V., Stepanova G.V. // Patent for invention RU 2699526 C2, 09/05/2019. Application No. 2017131488 dated 07.09.2017.
    3. A STRAIN OF NODULE BACTERIA OF ALFALFA SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI IS A SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATOR FOR NORMAL AND SALINE SOILS // Kozhemyakov A.P., Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Laktionov Yu.V., Muntyan V.S. // Patent for invention RU 2593714 C1, 08/10/2016. Application No. 2015126974/10 dated 07/03/2015.
    4. METHOD OF SELECTION OF LEGUMES FOR ECONOMICALLY VALUABLE SIGNS // Metlitskaya E.N., Provorov N.A., Raig H.A., Simarov B.V. // Patent for invention RU 2083089 C1, 07/10/1997. Application No. 94014504/13 dated 04/18/1994.
    5. A METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF VIABLE NODULE BACTERIA CELLS IN RHIZOTORPHIN // Simarov B.V., Aronshtam A.A., Reznik S.E. // Copyright certificate SU 1410518 A1, 30.08.1991. Application No. 4086850 dated 07/04/1986.
    6. STRAIN OF BACTERIA RNIZOVIUM MEILOTI FOR ASSESSING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF STRAINS OF NODULE BACTERIA OF ALFALFA // Fedorov S.N., Simarov B.V., Sharypova L.A., Novikova A.T., Knyazeva V.L., Orishchenko N.G. // Copyright certificate SU 1409617 A1, 07/15/1988. Application No. 4160605 dated 12.12.1986.
    7. STRAIN L-111RG BLOCKING THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS // Levchenko A.B., Belousova I.I., Tereshin I.M., Luchnikova E.M., Ibragimov A.I., Inge-Vechtomov S.G., Simarov B.V. Copyright certificate SU 745944 A1, 07/05/1980. Application No. 2733258 dated 04.01.1979.


    Избранные публикации.

    • Roumiantseva M.L., Vladimirova M.E., Saksaganskaia A.S., Muntyan V.S., Kozlova A.P., Afonin A.M., Baturina O.A., Simarov B.V. Ensifer meliloti L6-AK89, an Effective Inoculant of Medicago lupulina Varieties: Phenotypic and Deep-Genome Screening // Agronomy. 2022. V. 12. Iss. 4. 766.
    • Vladimirova M.E., Muntyan V.S., Afonin A.M., Muntyan A.N., Baturina O.A., Dzuybenko E.A., Saksaganskaya A.S., Simarov B.V., Roumiantseva M.L., Kabilov M.R. Complete Genome of Sinorhizobium meliloti AK76, a Symbiont of Wild Diploid Medicago lupulina from the Mugodgary Mountain Region // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022. V. 11. Iss. 3. e0108821.
    • Onishchuk O., Kurchak O., Chizhevskaya E., Simarov B., Provorov N. Supply of acetyl-CoA to N2-fixing bacteroids: Insights from the mutational and proteomic analyses of Sinorhizobium meliloti // Biological Communications. 2021. V. 66. Iss. 2. P. 124-128.
    • Румянцева М.Л., Владимирова М.Е., Мунтян В.С., Степанова Г.В., Саксаганская А.С., Кожемяков А.П., Орлова А.Г., Becker A., Симаров Б.В. Высокоэффективные штаммы клубеньковых бактерий люцерны (Medicago varia L.): молекулярно-генетическая характеристика и использование в сопряженной селекции // Сельскохозяйственная биология. – 2019. Т. 54. № 6. – С. 1306-1323. [Roumiantseva M.L., Vladimirova M.E., Muntyan V.S., Stepanova G.V., Saksaganskaya A.S., Kozhemyakov A.P., Orlova A.G., Becker A., Simarov B.V. Highly effective root nodule inoculants of alfalfa (Medicago varia L.): molecular-genetic analysis and practical usage in cultivar creation // Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2019, Vol. 54, № 6, p. 1306-1323.]
    • Румянцева М.Л., Саксаганская А.С., Мунтян В.С., Черкасова М.Е., СимаровБ.В. Структурный полиморфизм генов вирулентности и солеустойчивости Sinorhizobium meliloti // Генетика. 2018. Т. 54. № 5. С. 524-534. [Roumiantseva M.L., Saksaganskaia A.S., Muntyan V.S., Cherkasova M.E., Simarov B.V. Structural polymorphism of Sinorhizobium meliloti genes related to virulence and salt tolerance // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018. V. 54. Iss. 5. P. 525-535.]
    • Румянцева М.Л., Мунтян В.С., Черкасова М.Е., Саксаганская А.С., Андронов Е.Е., СимаровБ.В. Геномные острова штамма Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 – азотфиксирующего симбионта люцерны // Генетика. 2018. Т. 54. № 7. С. 745-756. [Roumiantseva M.L., Muntyan V.S., Cherkasova M.E., Saksaganskaya A.S., Andronov E.E., Simarov B.V. Genomic islands in Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021, nitrogen-fixing symbiont of alfalfa // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018. V. 54. Iss. 7. P. 759-769.]
    • Чижевская Е.П., Найденова Е.А., Онищук О.П., Андронов Е.Е., Симаров Б.В. Ген биосинтеза меланина у штамма СА15-1 клубеньковых бактерий люцерны: молекулярный анализ и филогения // Генетика. 2018. Т. 54. № 8. С. 922-930. [Chizhevskaya E.P., Naidenova E.A., Onishchuk O.P., Andronov E.E., Simarov B.V. The melanin biosynthesis gene from the CA15-1 strain of alfalfa nodule bacteria: molecular analysis and phylogeny // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018. Т. 54. № 8. С. 925-932.]



    Biological diversity of nodule bacteria in ecosystems and agrocenoses. Theoretical foundations and methods / [Rumyantseva M. L. et al.; ed. Rumyantsev M. L., Simarov B. V.]. Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, GNU All-Russian Scientific Research. Institute of Agricultural Microbiology. St. Petersburg. 2011. 104 p.

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