Rumyantseva Marina Lvovna

  • Rumyantseva Marina Lvovna

    Телефон: +7 (812) 476 28 02

    Head of Laboratory No. 6, Candidate of Biological Sciences

    Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences,

    Head of the laboratory


    Contact information:


    tel. 476-28-02


      WoS ResearcherID: G-3628-2016

      Scopus AuthorID: 6506571716

      ORCID: 0000-0001-5582-6473

      SPIN-код: 5470-9527

      AuthorID: 84318



    • Diploma in Biochemistry, St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University), Faculty of Biology and Soil
    • Diploma in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Moscow State University (MSU), Faculty of Biology.
    • PhD degree in Microbiology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (1995).


    Research interests – symbiogenetics, nodule bacteria, biodiversity, genome structure, plasmids, genetic control of symbiotic and adaptive traits, virology.


    Awards and prizes for scientific activity, membership in leading scientific communities, participation in editorial boards of leading peer-reviewed scientific publications:

    1. Member of the Academic Council of the FSBSI ARRIAM;
    2. Member of the Methodological Commission for Molecular Biology, Genetics and Genetic Engineering of the FSBSI ARRIAM;
    3. teacher of the FSBSI ARRIAM (academic discipline "Genetics of microorganisms"; educational program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in the field of training 06.06.01 Biological Sciences (03.02.03 Microbiology))
    4. member of the All-Russian Society of Geneticists and Breeders (VOGiS);
    5. Member of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Society of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Parasitologists (VNPOEMP);
    6. official reviewer of the journals "Ecological Genetics" (since 2018); Applied Soil Ecology (Elsivier) (since 2015); "European Journal of Soil Biology" (since 2009), "Soil Research" (since 2006). Since 2016 included in the Register of Experts of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    7. Silver medal at the conference "Bioindustry: from Agrotechnologies to food Biotechnologies" of the EXPOFORUM International Exhibition Center for the development of: Stepanova G.V., Muntyan V.S., Rumyantseva M.L. "A symbiotic system based on the alfalfa variety Agnia and the strain Sinorhizobium meliloti RCAM01774 for cultivation on acidic soils of the North-West". Abstracts of the conference "Bioindustry: from agrotechnologies to food biotechnologies". EXPOFORUM International Exhibition Center. October 14-16, 2015
    8. Gold medal at the IV International Exhibition and Conference "Bioindustry 2014" for the development of: Kozhemyakov A.P., Laktionov Yu.V., Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Kurchak O.N., Onishchuk O.P., Popova T.A. "Selection of nodule bacteria in order to create biologics for legumes that ensure their high productivity and increase salt resistance"// Abstracts of dokl. International exhibitions and conferences "Bioindustry 2014
    9. Silver medal at the 16th Russian Agro-industrial Exhibition "Golden Autumn -2014", October 8-11, 2014, Moscow, VDNH.
    10. Certificate of Honor from the administration of the FSBSI ARRIAM for conscientious work (2008), Certificate of Honor of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2008), Diploma of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences "For the best completed scientific development in 2011" - "Creation of symbiotic plant-microbial systems" (2011); Award and gratitude with entry into the The Book of honor of the Institute (2013); Gratitude from the administration of the Pushkin district (2018).


    Participation in scientific projects:

    1. The state task FGEW-2021-0006
    2. NCMU "Agrotechnologies of the Future" (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; 2020-2024; Head of the topic within the framework of the project);
    3. RNF 20-16-00105 Immune systems of nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria: assessment of their diversity and prospects for application in agrobiotechnology (2020-2022; main performer);
    4. RNF 17-16-01095 Analysis of the patterns of genomic rearrangements in virulent and non-virulent nodule bacteria and assessment of the risks of their impact on economically valuable properties and stress resistance of plant and microbial systems (2017-2019; head);
    5. RFBR 18-04-01278a Genomic islands as a natural potential gene bank that determines the genotypic diversity of bacteria: on the example of nitrogen-fixing symbiotic species of nodule bacteria (2018-2020; head);
    6. RFBR 17-04-02011a Analysis of functionally different gene groups of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti and host plants promising for the formation of highly productive symbiotic nitrogen-fixing systems of wide adaptive potential (2017-2019; performer)
    7. RFBR 15-04-09295a Mosaic of chromosomal islands of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti as an indicator of genetic monitoring of economically valuable nitrogen-fixing symbionts of alfalfa in agrocenoses complicated by unfavorable soil-climatic and technogenic factors (2015-2017; head)
    8. RFBR 14-04-01441a Molecular genetic and functional analysis of Tn5-labeled genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti responsible for the formation of highly effective symbiotic systems with economically valuable alfalfa species in various ecological and climatic conditions (2014-2016; performer)
    9. RFBR 12-04-01768a Creation of Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago plant-microbial systems with increased resistance to abiotic stress factors based on the integration of molecular genetic, functional and biological studies of bacterial and plant genomes (2012-2014; Head)
    10. 2011-2015. Participation in the EurAsEC interstate target program "Innovative biotechnologies" on the topic: cipher 2011-16-MCP/07 "Development of technology for obtaining drugs to improve soil fertility".
    11. RFBR-AFGIR 09-04-92513-IK_a/RUB1-2942-ST-09 Highly effective symbioses of Sinorhizobium-with alfalfa for the restoration of soils damaged by global warming and anthropogenic activities (grant from the University of Pullman, Washington, USA; 2009-2012.).



    1. STRAIN OF NODULE BACTERIA OF ALFALFA SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI AK55-SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATOR FOR VARIOUS AGRO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONS // Kozhemyakov A.P., Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Laktionov Yu.V., Muntyan V.S. // Patent for invention 2734944 C2, 10/26/2020. Application No. 2018136190 dated 12.10.2018.
    2. VARIETAL-MICROBIAL SYMBIOTIC SYSTEM - A STRAIN OF NODULE BACTERIA SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI RCAM1774 AND ALFALFA OF THE VARIABLE VARIETY TAISIYA // Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Muntyan V.S., Kozhemyakov A.P., Laktionov Yu.V., Stepanova G.V. // Patent for invention RU 2699526 C2, 09/05/2019. Application No. 2017131488 dated 07.09.2017.
    3. A STRAIN OF NODULE BACTERIA OF ALFALFA SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI IS A SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FIXATOR FOR NORMAL AND SALINE SOILS // Kozhemyakov A.P., Simarov B.V., Rumyantseva M.L., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Laktionov Yu.V., Muntyan V.S. // Patent for invention RU 2593714 C1, 08/10/2016. Application No. 2015126974/10 dated 07/03/2015.
    4. Alfalfa is variable (Medicago sativa L. nothosubsp. varia (Martyn) Arcang.) Agnia variety. The variety code (identifier) is 9253520; the year of registration is 2012.
    5. Alfalfa is variable (Medicago sativa L. nothosubsp. varia (Martyn) Arcang.) variety Taisia. The variety code (identifier) is 8853625; the year of registration is 2015.


    Educational activities:

    • Head of the scientific qualification work (NKR) of the graduate student Pernak E.V. (2022-2026)
    • Head of the scientific qualification work (NKR) of the postgraduate student Kozlova A.P. (2020-2024)
    • Head of the scientific qualification work (NKR) of the graduate student Saksaganskaya A.S. (2018)
    • Head of the scientific qualification work (NKR) of graduate student Vladimirova (Cherkasova) M.E. (2018)


    Selected publications:

    • Kozlova, A.P.; Saksaganskaia, A.S.; Afonin, A.M.; Muntyan, V.S.; Vladimirova, M.E.; Dzyubenko, E.A.; Roumiantseva, M.L. A Temperate Sinorhizobium Phage, AP-16-3, Closely Related to Phage 16-3: Mosaic Genome and Prophage Analysis. Viruses 2023, 15, 1701.
    • Roumiantseva M.L., Vladimirova M.E., Saksaganskaia A.S., Muntyan V.S., Kozlova A.P., Afonin A.M., Baturina O.A., Simarov B.V. Ensifer meliloti L6-AK89, an Effective Inoculant of Medicago lupulina Varieties: Phenotypic and Deep-Genome Screening // Agronomy. 2022. V. 12. Iss. 4. 766.
    • Muntyan V.S., Roumiantseva M.L. Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Salt-Tolerance-Related Genes in Root-Nodule Bacteria Species Sinorhizobium meliloti // Agronomy. 2022. V. 12. Iss. 8. 1968.
    • Vladimirova M.E., Muntyan V.S., Afonin A.M., Muntyan A.N., Baturina O.A., Dzuybenko E.A., Saksaganskaya A.S., Simarov B.V., Roumiantseva M.L., Kabilov M.R. Complete Genome of Sinorhizobium meliloti AK76, a Symbiont of Wild Diploid Medicago lupulina from the Mugodgary Mountain Region // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022. V. 11. Iss. 3. e0108821.
    • Muntyan V.S., Afonin A.M., Vladimirova M.E., Saksaganskaya A.S., Gribchenko E.S., Baturina O., Roumiantseva M.L. Complete genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti S35m, a salt-tolerant isolate from alfalfa rhizosphere in soil native to the Caucasus region // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2021. V. 10. Iss. 11. e01417-20.
    • Muntyan V.S., Baturina O.A., Afonin A.M., Cherkasova M.E., Laktionov Y.V., Saksaganskaya A.S., Kabilov M.R., Roumiantseva M.L. // Draft genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti AK555 // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2019. V. 8. Iss. 2. e01567-18.
    • Baturina O.A., Muntyan V.S., Afonin A.M., Cherkasova M.E., Simarov B.V., Kabilov M.R., Roumiantseva M.L. // Draft genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti strain CXM1-105 // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2019. V. 8. Iss. 2. e01621-18.
    • Baturina O.A., Muntyan V.S., Cherkasova M.E., Saksaganskaya A.S., Dzuybenko N.I., Kabilov M.R., Roumiantseva M.L. // Draft genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti strain AK170 // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2019. V. 8. Iss. 1. e01571-18.
    • Черкасова М.Е., Мунтян В.С., Саксаганская А.С., Симаров Б.В., Румянцева М.Л. Sinorhizobium meliloti: хромосомные типы и геномные острова // Экологическая генетика. 2019. Т. 17. № 3. С. 23-38. [Cherkasova M.E., Muntyan V.S., Saksaganskaia A.S., Simarov B.V., Roumiantseva M.L. Sinorhizobium meliloti: chromosomal types and genomic islands // Ecological Genetics. 2019. Vol 17, No 3. P. 23-38]
    • Румянцева М.Л. Клубеньковые бактерии: перспективы мониторинга симбиотических свойств и стрессоустойчивости с использованием генетических маркеров (обзор) // Сельскохозяйственная биология. 2019. Т. 54. №5. С. 847-862. [Roumiantseva M.L. Root nodule bacteria: perspectives of monitoring symbiotic properties by applying genetic markers (review) // Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2019, Vol. 54, № 5, p. 847-862.]
    • Румянцева М.Л., Владимирова М.Е., Мунтян В.С., Степанова Г.В., Саксаганская А.С., Кожемяков А.П., Орлова А.Г., Becker A., Симаров Б.В. Высокоэффективные штаммы клубеньковых бактерий люцерны (Medicago varia L.): молекулярно-генетическая характеристика и использование в сопряженной селекции // Сельскохозяйственная биология. – 2019. Т. 54. № 6. – С. 1306-1323. [Roumiantseva M.L., Vladimirova M.E., Muntyan V.S., Stepanova G.V., Saksaganskaya A.S., Kozhemyakov A.P., Orlova A.G., Becker A., Simarov B.V. Highly effective root nodule inoculants of alfalfa (Medicago varia L.): molecular-genetic analysis and practical usage in cultivar creation // Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya [Agricultural Biology], 2019, Vol. 54, № 6, p. 1306-1323.]
    • Румянцева МЛ., Саксаганская А.С., Мунтян В.С., Черкасова М.Е., Симаров Б.В. Структурный полиморфизм генов вирулентности и солеустойчивости Sinorhizobium meliloti // Генетика. 2018. Т. 54. № 5. С. 524-534. [Roumiantseva M.L., Saksaganskaia A.S., Muntyan V.S., Cherkasova M.E., Simarov B.V. Structural polymorphism of Sinorhizobium meliloti genes related to virulence and salt tolerance // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018. V. 54. Iss. 5. P. 525-535.]
    • Румянцева МЛ., Мунтян В.С., Черкасова М.Е., Саксаганская А.С., Андронов Е.Е., Симаров Б.В. Геномные острова штамма Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021 – азотфиксирующего симбионта люцерны // Генетика. 2018. Т. 54. № 7. С. 745-756. [Roumiantseva M.L., Muntyan V.S., Cherkasova M.E., Saksaganskaya A.S., Andronov E.E., Simarov B.V. Genomic islands in Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm1021, nitrogen-fixing symbiont of alfalfa // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2018. V. 54. Iss. 7. P. 759-769.]



    Biological diversity of nodule bacteria in ecosystems and agrocenoses. Theoretical foundations and methods / [Rumyantseva M. L. et al.; ed. Rumyantsev M. L., Simarov B. V.]. Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, GNU All-Russian Scientific Research. Institute of Agricultural Microbiology. St. Petersburg. 2011. 104 p.


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