Muntyan Victoria Spartakovna

  • Muntyan Victoria Spartakovna


      WoS ResearcherID: K-5378-2013

      Scopus AuthorID: 56149831800

      ORCID: 0000-0002-1979-0853

      SPIN-код: 7138-6763

      AuthorID: 166024



    1999 – 2003

    St. Petersburg State Agrarian University (Russia), Faculty of Ecology of Agroecosystems and Soil Science, Department of Ecology of Agroecosystem

    Bachelor of Agriculture


    2003 – 2004

    St. Petersburg State Agrarian University (Russia), Faculty of Ecology of Agroecosystems and Soil Science, Department of Ecology of Agroecosystem

    qualification scientist agronomist-ecologist in the specialty "Agroecology"


    2004 – 2007

    Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology" (FGBNU VNIISKHM), St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia

    Postgraduate study (based on the Laboratory of Genetics and selection of microorganisms)


    Work experience

    from 2003 to the present – Laboratory of Genetics and Selection of microorganisms, FGBNU VNIISHM


    Participation in scientific projects

    • The state task FGEW-2021-0006
    • NCMU "Agrotechnologies of the Future" (2020-2024);
    • RNF 20-16-00105 Immunity systems of nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria: assessment of their diversity and prospects for application in agrobiotechnology (2020-2022; performer);
    • RNF 17-16-01095 Analysis of the patterns of genomic rearrangements in virulent and non-virulent nodule bacteria and assessment of the risks of their impact on economically valuable properties and stress resistance of plant and microbial systems (2017-2019; performer);
    • RFBR 18-04-01278a Genomic islands as a natural potential gene bank that determines the genotypic diversity of bacteria: on the example of nitrogen-fixing symbiotic species of nodule bacteria (2018-2020; performer);
    • RFBR 17-04-02011a Analysis of functionally different gene groups of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti and host plants promising for the formation of highly productive symbiotic nitrogen-fixing systems of wide adaptive potential (2017-2019; performer)
    • RFBR 15-04-09295a Mosaic of chromosomal islands of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti as an indicator of genetic monitoring of economically valuable nitrogen-fixing symbionts of alfalfa in agrocenoses complicated by unfavorable soil-climatic and technogenic factors (2015-2017; performer)
    • RFBR 14-04-01441 Molecular genetic and functional analysis of Tn5-labeled genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti, responsible for the formation of highly effective symbiotic systems with economically valuable alfalfa species in various ecological and climatic conditions (2014-2016; performer)
    • RFBR 08-04-01230-a "Analysis of the structure and interaction of bacterial and plant genes responsible for the formation of nitrogen–fixing symbioses between Sinorhizobium meliloti - Medicago, Sinorhizobium meliloti – Melilotus and Rhizobium galegae – Galega". (2008-2010) - Performer.
    • RFBR 09-04-13733-ofic_c "Accelerated creation of alfalfa varieties with increased bioremediation potential based on transcriptomic analysis, identification and molecular labeling of genes controlling resistance to salinity". (2009-2010) - Performer.
    • RFBR 09-04-13803-ofic_c nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbial-plant systems with a wide range of adaptations". (2009-2010) - Performer.
    • RFBR 09-04-92513-IK_a/CRDF CGPRUB1-2942-ST-09 "Highly effective symbioses of Sinorhizobium with alfalfa for the restoration of soils damaged by global warming and anthropogenic activities". (2009-2010) - Performer.
    • RFBR 11-04-01899-a "Study of the molecular genetic foundations for the creation of plant-microbial nitrogen-fixing systems with a wide adaptive potential for bioremediation technologies aimed at reducing the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in various climatic zones of Russia". (2011-2013) - Performer.
    • RFBR 12-04-01768-a "Creation of Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago plant-microbial systems with increased resistance to abiotic stress factors based on the integration of molecular genetic, functional and biological studies of bacterial and plant genomes". (2012-2014) - Performer.
    • State contract No. 16.M04.11.0013 under the EurAsEC interstate target program "Innovative Biotechnologies" for 2011-2015 on the topic: cipher 2011-16-MCP/07 "Development of technology for obtaining drugs to improve soil fertility". - The performer.
    • RFBR 14-04-01441-a "Molecular genetic and functional analysis of Tn5-labeled genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti responsible for the formation of highly effective symbiotic systems with economically valuable alfalfa species in various ecological and climatic conditions". (2014-2016) - Performer.
    • RFBR 15-04-09295-a "Mosaic of chromosomal islands of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti as an indicator of genetic monitoring of economically valuable nitrogen-fixing symbionts of alfalfa in agrocenoses complicated by unfavorable soil-climatic and anthropogenic factors". (2015-2017) – Performer.



    No. RU 2593714 C1 (Strain of alfalfa nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti – symbiotic nitrogen fixator for normal and saline soils);

    No. RU 2699526 C2 (Varietal-microbial symbiotic system – strain of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti RCAM1774 and alfalfa of the variable variety Taisia);

    No. RU 2734944 C2 (Strain of alfalfa nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti AK55 – symbiotic nitrogen fixator for various agro-climatic conditions)


    Selected publications:

    • Muntyan V.S., Roumiantseva M.L. Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Salt-Tolerance-Related Genes in Root-Nodule Bacteria Species Sinorhizobium meliloti // Agronomy. 2022 V. 12 Iss. 8 1968
    • Muntyan V.S., Afonin A.M., Vladimirova M.E., Saksaganskaya A.S., Gribchenko E.S., Baturina O., Roumiantseva M.L. Complete genome sequence of Sinorhizobium meliloti S35m, a salt-tolerant isolate from alfalfa rhizosphere in soil native to the Caucasus region // Microbiol Resour Announc. 2021 V. 10 Iss. 11 e01417-20.
    • Румянцева М. Л., Мунтян В.С. Клубеньковые бактерии Sinorhizobium meliloti: солеустойчивость и ее генетическая детерминированность // Микробиология. 2015 Т. 84 № 3 С. 263-280. [Roumiantseva M. L., Muntyan V. S. // Root nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti: tolerance to salinity and bacterial genetic determinants // Microbiology [Mikrobiologiia]. 2015 Vol. 84 No 3 P. 303–318.]
    • Румянцева М.Л., МунтянВ.С., Менгони А., Симаров Б.В. // ITS-полиморфизм солеустойчивых и солечувствительных природных штаммов Sinorhizobium meliloti - симбионтов люцерны, донника и пажитника // Генетика. 2014 Т. 50 № 4 С. 400-412. [Roumiantseva M.L., Muntyan V.S., Mengoni A., Simarov B.V. // ITS-polymorphism of salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive native isolates of Sinorhizoblum meliloti- symbionts of alfalfa, clover and fenugreek plants // Russian Journal of Genetics [Genetika]. 2014 V. 50 No 4 P. 348-359.]
    • Yurgel S.N., Rice J., Mulder M., Kahn M.L., Belova V.S., Roumiantseva M.L. // Truncated betB2-144 plays a critical role in Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm2011 osmoprotection and glycine-betaine catabolism // European Journal of Soil Biology. 2013 V. 54 P. 48-55.


    Advanced training courses:

    Additional professional training program course "Flow Cytometry in cellular and Molecular Biology"; March 19 – May 21, 2018 (St. Petersburg State University Resource Center, BioLine Training Center)

    a course of practical training within the framework of an additional professional educational program for advanced training "Flow cytometry in cellular and molecular Biology; May 29-30, 2018 St. Petersburg State University Resource Center, BioLine Training Center.

    course "Molecular Phylogenetics", 01.04-05/19/2020, Institute of Bioinformatics LLC

    the course "Biotechnology: genetic engineering", 01.04-12.04.2023, Institute LLC



    Educational activities:

    2018 - Prokhorova V.A. - Management of the final qualification work (bachelor's thesis) at ITMO University

    2018 - Akinina Yu.N. - Management of the final qualification work (bachelor's thesis) at St. Petersburg State Technical University (TU)

    2020 - Kozlova A.P. - Management of the final qualification work (master's thesis) at SPbGTI (TU)

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