Muntyan Alexey Nikolaevich

  • Information

      WoS ResearcherID: JGE-4560-2023

      Scopus AuthorID: 56049048000

      ORCID: 0009-0000-5999-5813

      SPIN-код: 8924-4067

      AuthorID: 666770



    2001 – 2006

    Rostov State University, Department of Genetics.

    qualification biologist



    Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology" (FGBNU VNIISKHM), St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia

    Postgraduate study (based on the Laboratory of Genetics and selection of microorganisms)


    Work experience:

    from 2006 to the present – Laboratory of Genetics and Selection of microorganisms, FSBSI ARRIAM


    Participation in scientific projects:

    • The state task FGEW-2021-0006
    • Molecular biological analysis of the genes of nodule bacteria that control the high efficiency of symbiotic legume-rhizobial interactions. 2005-2007 No. 05-04-49239-a (performer).
    • Investigation of the role of plastid cytogens and sunflower mitochondria in plant resistance to extreme environmental factors. 2006-2008 No. 06-04-96754-r_yug_a (performer).
    • Analysis of the structure and interaction of bacterial and plant genes responsible for the formation of nitrogen–fixing symbioses between Sinorhizobium meliloti – Medicago, Sinorhizobiummeliloti – Melilotus and Rhizobiumgalegae - Galega. 2008-2010 No. 08-04-01230-a (performer).
    • Modeling of coevolution of microorganisms and plants in systems of optional mutualistic symbiosis. 2009-2011, No. 09-04-00907-a (contractor).
    • Participation in the international youth Russian-Polish conference "Molecular Biology of plants". 2009 No. 09-04-09347-mob_z (head).
    • Accelerated creation of alfalfa varieties with increased bioremediation potential based on transcriptomic analysis, identification and molecular labeling of genes controlling resistance to salinity. 2009-2010 No. 09-04-13733-official (contractor).
    • Construction of highly productive nitrogen-fixing symbiotic microbial-plant systems with a wide range of adaptations 2009-2010 No. 09-04-13803-ofi_ts (contractor).
    • Highly effective symbioses of Sinorhizobium-with alfalfa for the restoration of soils damaged by global warming and anthropogenic activities. 2009-2010 No. 09-04-92513-IK_a (performer).
    • Genetic and metabolic control of heterocyst differentiation in cyanobacteria. 2010-2012 No. 10-04-01177-a (contractor).
    • The study of the molecular and genetic foundations for the creation of plant-microbial nitrogen-fixing systems with a wide adaptive potential for bioremediation technologies aimed at reducing the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in various climatic zones of Russia.2011-2013 No. 11-04-01899-a (contractor).
    • Modeling of population-genetic and molecular mechanisms of progressive and adaptive evolution of symbiosis.2012-2014 No. 12-04-00409-a (contractor).
    • Creation of Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago plant-microbial systems with increased resistance to abiotic stress factors based on the integration of molecular genetic, functional and biological studies of bacterial and plant genomes.2012-2014, No. 12-04-01768-a (contractor).
    • Molecular genetic and functional analysis of Tn5-labeled genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti, responsible for the formation of highly effective symbiotic systems with economically valuable alfalfa species in various ecological and climatic conditions. 2014-2016, No. 14-04-01441-a (contractor).
    • Analysis of functionally different groups of genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti and host plants promising for the formation of highly productive symbiotic nitrogen-fixing systems of wide adaptive potential 2017-2019 17-04-02011-a (performer).
    • Mosaic of chromosomal islands of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti as an indicator of genetic monitoring of economically valuable nitrogen-fixing symbionts of alfalfa in agrocenoses complicated by unfavorable soil-climatic and technogenic factors 2015-2017 15-04-09295-a (performer).
    • Genomic islands as a natural potential gene bank that determines the genotypic diversity of bacteria: on the example of nitrogen-fixing symbiotic species of nodule bacteria. 2018-2020 18-04-01278-a (contractor).



    1. Vladimirova ME, Muntyan VS, Afonin AM, Muntyan AN, Baturina OA, Dzuybenko EA, Saksaganskaya AS, Simarov BV, Roumiantseva ML, Kabilov MR. Complete Genome of Sinorhizobium meliloti AK76, a Symbiont of Wild Diploid Medicago lupulina from the Mugodgary Mountain Region. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022 Mar 17;11(3):e0108821.
    2. Shcherbakov A.V., Bragina A.V., Kuzmina E. Yu., Berg K., Muntyan A. N., Makarova N. M., Malfanova N. V., Cardinale M., Berg G., Chebotar V. K., Tikhonovich I. A. Endophytic bacteria of sphagnum mosses as promising objects of agricultural microbiology. Microbiology 2013. 82(3):312-322
    3. Muntyan A. N., Andronov E. E., Belova V. S., Rumyantseva M. L., Simarov B. V. 2012 Conjugate symbiotic populations. Part I: Analysis of the genetic diversity of the rhizobial component // Ecological genetics. T. H. No. 1.pp. 3-11.
    4. Porozov Yu. B., Muntyan A. N., Chizhevskaya E. P., Simarov B. V., Andronov E. E. 2012 Conjugate symbiotic populations. Part II: Analysis of polymorphism of the nfr5 receptor gene using molecular docking // Ecological genetics. T. H. No. 1.pp. 12-18.
    5. Muntyan A. N., Belova V. S., Chizhevskaya E. P., Rumyantseva M. L., Simarov B. V., Andronov E. E. 2012 Molecular analysis of the genetic diversity of populations of sweet clover (Melilotus dentatus Pers.) // Agricultural Biology. No. 6, pp. 92-99.


    Information about awards for scientific activity.

    Diploma for a series of works on the study of molecular genetic polymorphism of practically valuable stress-resistant symbiotic systems. The Commission on Scientific Youth of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg, 2010

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