Kozlov Nikolay Vadimovich

  • Kozlov Nikolay Vadimovich


    Kozlov Nikolay Vadimovich graduated in 2023 from the master's degree program of St. Petersburg State University in the field of "molecular biology and agrobiotechnology of plants".Currently, he works as a research engineer at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ARRIAM. In 2023, she entered the graduate school of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution ARRIAM

    Research interests: formation and evolution of biological systems, the phenomenon of multicellularity, evolution of biochemical processes, regulation of morphogenesis processes in plants

    Participation in schools, forums, symposiums, scientific conferences:

    - Participant of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation "Plant physiology and Phenomics as the basis of modern phytobiotechnologies", Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia (OFR) (Nizhny Novgorod, 2022)
    - Participant of 2 international conferences "GMOs: history, achievements, social and environmental risks", St. Petersburg State University and NCMU "Agrotechnologies of the Future" (St. Petersburg, 2022).)

    -Participant of the 35th Winter youth scientific school-conference "Promising areas of physico-chemical biology and Biotechnology" of the IBH RAS named after Academicians M. N.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia named after Yu.A. Ovchinnikov (Moscow, 2023))

    - Participant of the 7th International Scientific Conference "Genetics, Genomics, bioinformatics and Biotechnology of plants" (PlantGen 2023), (Kazan, 2023))


    Links and contacts:

    E-mail: bionkbio@gmail.com

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