Dymo Alina Mikhailovna

  • Dymo Alina Mikhailovna

    Junior research assistant


    Registration numbers in databases:

      WoS Researcher: AAF-3244-2021

      Scopus ID: 58149997100

      ORCID: 0000-0002-5919-2487

      РИНЦ AuthorID: 1191777

      SPIN-код: 8378-4048


    Dymo Alina Mikhailovna graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a master's degree in Molecular Biology and Agrobiotechnology of Plants in 2020 (Department of Genetics and Biotechnology). In 2021, she entered the graduate school of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution VNIISHM. Currently, he is a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Signal Regulation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution ARRIAM.

    The field of scientific interests is the study of the peculiarities of the regulation of the immune response in leguminous plants during symbiosis and the search for possible regulators of this process and targets of action. Transcriptomic analysis of plants treated with a protective reaction elicitor chitooligosaccharide with a degree of polymerization n=8 (XOC8) and Nod factors revealed regulators that are activated by Nod factors and may participate in suppressing the immune response from the plant. Possible mechanisms of suppression of the immune response in symbiosis under the influence of the identified regulators are investigated using specific tests (during the transformation of Nicothiana benthamiana leaves and co-immunoprecipitation.

    Main publications:

    1. Kozyulina P.Y., Pavlova O.A., Kantsurova (Rudaya) E.S., Bovin A.D., Shirobokova S.A., Dolgikh A.V., Dymo A.M., Dolgikh E.A. Transcriptomic analysis of pea plant responses to chitooligosaccharides' treatment revealed stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade // Front Plant Sci. 2023. V. 14: 1092013. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1092013. (WoS Q1).
    2. Dolgikh E.A., Kantsurova E.S., Dymo A.M. The development of approaches to create new symbiotic systems // Ecological genetics. 2022. V. 20, N 4. P. 9. doi.org/10.17816/ecogen112392 (Scopus)
    3. T. Matveeva, E. Berezina, I. Isaeva, A. Dymo and S. Sokornova. Influence of some rol genes on sugar content in Nicotiana and Vaccinium // BIO Web Conference. 2020. 18: 00020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20201800020 (WoS Q4).

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