Andrey Dmitrievich Bovin

  • Andrey Dmitrievich Bovin

    Junior research assistant


    Registration numbers in databases: 


      WoS ResearcherIDL: AAA-1709-2021

      Scopus AuthorID: 57209911815

      ORCID: 0000-0003-4061-435X

      SPIN-код: 8119-0360

      РИНЦ AuthorID: 1008742


    Andrey Dmitrievich Bovin graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State University with a Master's degree in Biology in 2018. In 2022, he graduated from the graduate school of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution ARRIAM. Currently, he is a researcher at the Laboratory of Signal Regulation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution VNIISHM.

    His research interests include the study of signal regulation processes in the early stages of the development of legume-rhizobial symbiosis. The role of heterotrimeric G-protein in signal transmission in response to recognition of Nod factors during the development of symbiosis in a model legume plant of alfalfa truncated and seeded peas using methods of RNA interference and localization of gene expression was investigated. The interaction of G-protein with phospholipases C and D involved in the synthesis of phosphatides - secondary messengers during the transmission of a signal from the Nod factor was revealed. The role of RACK1-like proteins (representing a beta-like G-protein subunit) in the control of nodule development during symbiosis is being investigated.

    In 2021, he was invited to make an oral presentation at the International European Conference on Nitrogen Fixation (ENFC 2021).

    Selected publications:

    1. Bovin A.D., Pavlova O.A., Dolgikh A.V., Leppyanen I.V., Dolgikh E.A. The role of heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunits during nodulation in Medicago truncatula Gaertn and Pisum sativum L. // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. V. 12: Article 808573. (WoS Q1, Scopus).

    2. Leppyanen I.V., Pavlova O.A., Vashurina M.A., Bovin A.D., Dolgikh A.V., Shtark O.Y., Sendersky I. V., Dolgikh V.V., Tikhonovich I.A., Dolgikh E.A. LysM-receptor-like kinase LYK9 of Pisum sativum L. may regulate plant responses to chitooligosaccharides differing in structure // Int. J. Mol. Science. 2021. V. 22 (2). Article 711. (WoS Q1, Scopus).

    3. Transcriptomic response of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants to inoculation with nodule bacteria, arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi and PGPB. Zhukov V.A., Afonin A.M., Akhtemova G.A., Bovin A.D., Dolgikh A.V., Gorshkov A.P., Gribchenko E.S., Ivanova K.A., Kirienko A.N., Kitaeva A.B., Kliukova M.S., Kulaeva O.A., Kusakin P.G., Leppyanen I.V., Pavlova O.A., Romanyuk D.A., Serova T.A., Shtark O.Yu., Sulima A.S., Tsyganova A.V. et al.// FEBS Open Bio. 2021. Т. 11. № S1. С. 390  doi: (WoS Q1, Scopus).


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