Laktionov Yuri Vladimirovich

  • Laktionov Yuri Vladimirovich

    Телефон: +7 (812) 476 18 02

    Head of the Laboratory, Candidate of Biological Sciences


    Laktionov Yuri Vladimirovich – graduated from Rostov State University in 2006 with a degree in Microbiology. In the same year, he enrolled in full-time postgraduate studies at the Laboratory of Ecology of Symbiotic and Associative Rhizobacteria at the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (ARRIAM). In 2007, he was hired as a microbiologist engineer. Since 2008, he has been transferred to the position of a junior researcher. In 2010, he defended his dissertation on the topic: "Creation of new forms of biologics based on nodule and associative rhizobacteria and evaluation of their effectiveness" specialty 02/03/03 – microbiology. Since 2011, he has been transferred to the position of researcher, since 2012 – senior researcher, since 2023 – leading researcher, head of the laboratory "Ecology of Symbiotic and associative Rhizobacteria".

    From 2020 to the present, he has been lecturing at St. Petersburg State Agrarian University "Biological Nitrogen in Agriculture" as an associate professor at the Department of Crop Production named after Stebuta.

    Laktionov Yu.V. studies practical issues of the use of microbiological preparations in the real agricultural sector. The work is aimed at creating new forms of biological products, including the study of the survival of various types of microorganisms on seed material after application of bacteria (nodule, associative) to them. Studies the influence of various factors (toxic components of chemical fungicides, osmotic stress, etc.) on the viability and survival of bacteria.

    2015 Diploma - gratitude from the governor of the Leningrad region A. Drozdenko.

    2017. Thanks from the Administration of the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg D.V. Berestov

    2022 Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Award in the field of science and technology

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