Kosulnikov Yuri Vitalievich

  • Kosulnikov Yuri Vitalievich


    Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher at the Laboratory of Ecology of Symbiotic and Associative Bacteria FSBSI ARRIAM.
    In 2015, he graduated from the specialty of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University) with a degree in 240901 Biotechnology." In 2019, he graduated from the postgraduate course of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University in the direction of 35.06.01 Agriculture. In 2022, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 03.01.06 - biotechnology (including bionanotechnology).
    His research interests include the technology of microbial biological products for crop production, the ecology of associative and symbiotic rhizobacteria and micromycetes with agronomically valuable properties.

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