Kirichek Evgeny Andreevich

  • Kirichek Evgeny Andreevich


      OrcID:  0000-0003-3733-2423

      Research Gate:  Evgenii Kirichek

    In 2019, he graduated from the Bachelor's degree program of the Faculty of Biology of St. Petersburg State University, in 2021 he graduated with honors from the Master's degree program of St. Petersburg State University. He is the winner and prize-winner of the All-Russian student Olympiads, as well as various competitions and case championships in the fields of biology and biotechnology. Since 2017, he has been actively engaged in scientific activities in the field of microbiology, cytology and histology as part of the staff of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology at ARRIAM. His research interests include microbiology, genetics and bioinformatics.

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