Tsyganova Anna Viktorovna

  • Tsyganova Anna Viktorovna


    Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology

      OrcID:  0000-0003-3505-4298

      ResearcherID:  AAO-2749-2020

      Research Gate:  Anna Tsyganova

      Scopus ID:  26327074100

      eLibrary ID:  150022

    Anna Viktorovna Tsyganova graduated from Al Farabi Kazakh State National University in 1995. From 1989 to 1995, she worked as a laboratory assistant in the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of the A.N. Syzganov Research Institute of Experimental Surgery (Alma-Ata). In 1998, she completed full-time postgraduate studies at the Al Farabi Kazakh State National University. In 1999, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences in the specialty 03.00.11 — "embryology, histology, cytology". From 1999 to 2000. She worked as a junior researcher at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Research Institute of Venereology and Dermatology (Almaty). From 2000 to 2004, she worked as a researcher and senior researcher at the Laboratory of Quantitative Genetics at the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Breeding (VIR). From 2004 to 2006, she worked as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Genetics of Plant-Microbial Interactions at ARRIAM. From 2006 to the present, he has been a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

    Head of grants of the Russian Academy of Sciences, INTAS, Ministry of Education and Science.

    Tsyganova A.V. is studying the mechanisms of development of symbiotic nodules of leguminous plants. Special attention is paid to the study of the development of the symbiotic interface, the process of infection and differentiation of the infected cell of the symbiotic nodule. An important aspect is the study of the influence of various abiotic factors on the development of a nitrogen-fixing nodule.

    He is the head of the NCMU project: "Analysis of the influence of economically significant factors on the development and functioning of effective symbiotic nodules at the level of individual tissues and cell groups using laser microdissection and transcriptome sequencing, as well as confocal and immunoelectronic microscopy methods."

    Tsyganova A.V. is the author and co-author of more than 75 publications, including more than 30 articles in leading international and domestic peer-reviewed journals, 1 chapter in a monograph, 1 methodological guidelines and 2 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for experimental models.

    1. Tsyganova A.V., Seliverstova E.V., Tsyganov V.E. Comparison of the formation of plant–microbial interface in Pisum sativum L. and Medicago truncatula Gaertn. nitrogen-fixing nodules. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. 24: 13850. doi: 10.3390/ijms241813850

    2. Gorshkov A.P., Kusakin P.G., Borisov Y.G., Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Effect of triazole fungicides Titul Duo and Vintage on the development of pea (Pisum sativum L.) symbiotic nodules. // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. 24: 8646. doi: 10.3390/ijms24108646.

    3. Kosolapova A.O., Belousov M.V., Sulatsky M.I., Tsyganova A.V., Sulatskaya A.I., Bobylev A.G., Shtark O.Y., Tsyganov V.E., Volkov K.V., Zhukov V.A., Tikhonovich I.A., Nizhnikov A.A. RopB protein of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae adopts amyloid state during symbiotic interactions with pea (Pisum sativum L.). // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 13: 1014699. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1014699.

    4. Zorin E.A., Kliukova M.S., Afonin A.M., Gribchenko E.S., Gordon M.L., Sulima A.S., Zhernakov A.I., Kulaeva O.A., Romanyuk D.A., Kusakin P.G., Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E., Tikhonovich I.A., Zhukov V.A. A variable gene family encoding nodule-specific cysteine-rich peptides in pea (Pisum sativum L.). // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 13: 884726. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.884726.

    5. Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Rhizobial symbiosis in crop legumes: Molecular and cellular aspects (Editorial). // Agronomy. 2022. 12: 2857. doi: 10.3390/agronomy12112857.

    6. Ivanova K.A., Chernova E.N., Kulaeva O.A., Tsyganova A.V., Kusakin P.G., Russkikh I.V., Tikhonovich I.A., Tsyganov V.E. The regulation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) symbiotic nodule infection and defense responses by glutathione, homoglutathione, and their ratio // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 13: 843565. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.843565.

    7. Kitaeva A.B., Gorshkov A.P., Kusakin P.G., Sadovskaya A.R., Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Tubulin cytoskeleton organization in cells of determinate nodules. // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. 13:823183. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.823183.

    8. Tsyganova A.V., Kitaeva A.B., Gorshkov A.P., Kusakin P.G., Sadovskaya A.R., Borisov Y.G., Tsyganov V.E. Glycyrrhiza uralensis nodules: histological and ultrastructural organization and tubulin cytoskeleton dynamics // Agronomy. 2021. 11: 2508. doi: 10.3390/agronomy11122508.

    9. Kitaeva A.B., Gorshkov A.P., Kirichek E.A., Kusakin P.G., Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. General patterns and species-specific differences in the organization of the tubulin cytoskeleton in indeterminate nodules of three legumes // Cells. 2021. 10(5): 1012. doi: 10.3390/cells10051012.

    10. Tsyganova A.V., Brewin N.J., Tsyganov V.E. Structure and development of the legume-rhizobial symbiotic interface in infection threads (review) // Cells. 2021. 10: 1050. doi: 10.3390/cells10051050.

    11. Zhukov V., Zorin E., Zhernakov A., Afonin A., Akhtemova G., Bovin A.,
    Dolgikh A., Gorshkov A., Gribchenko E., Ivanova K., Kirienko A., Kitaeva K., Kliukova M., Kulaeva O., Kusakin P., Leppyanen I., Pavlova O., Romanyuk D., Rudaya E., Serova T., Shtark O., Sulima A., Tsyganova A., Vasileva E., Dolgikh E., Tsyganov V., and Tikhonovich I. Transcriptomic analysis of sym28 and sym29 supernodulating mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.) under complex inoculation with beneficial microorganisms. // Biological Communications. 2021. 66 (3): 181-197. doi: 10.21638/spbu03.2021.301.

    12. Dolgikh E.A., Kusakin P.G., Kitaeva A.B., Tsyganova A.V., Kirienko A.N., Leppyanen I.V., Dolgikh A.V., Ilina E.L., Demchenko K.N., Tikhonovich I.A., Tsyganov V.E. Mutational analysis indicates that abnormalities in rhizobial infection and subsequent plant cell and bacteroid differentiation in pea (Pisum sativum) nodules coincide with abnormal cytokinin responses and localization // Annals of Botany. 2020. 125 (6): 905-923. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcaa022.

    13. Tsyganov V.E., Tsyganova A.V., Gorshkov A.P., Seliverstova E.V., Kim V.E., Chizhevskaya E.P., Belimov A.A., Serova T.A., Ivanova K.A., Kulaeva O.A., Rusakin P.G., Kitaeva A.B., Tikhonovich I.A. Efficacy of a plant-microbe system: Pisum sativum (L.) cadmium-tolerant mutant and Rhizobium leguminosarum strains, expressing pea metallothionein genes PsMT1 and PsMT2, for cadmium phytoremediation // Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020. 11: 15. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00015.

    14. Tsyganov V.E., Tsyganova A.V. Symbiotic regulatory genes controlling nodule development in Pisum sativum L. (review) // Plants. 2020. 9 (12): 1741. doi: 10.3390/plants9121741.

    15. Gorshkov A.P., Tsyganova A.V., Vorobiev M.G., Tsyganov V.E. The fungicide tetramethylthiuram disulfide negatively affects plant cell walls, infection thread walls, and symbiosomes in pea (Pisum sativum L.) symbiotic nodules //Plants. 2020. 9 (11): 1488. doi: 10.3390/plants9111488.

    16. Serova T.A., Tsyganova A.V., Tikhonovich I.A., Tsyganov V.E. Gibberellins inhibit nodule senescence and stimulate nodule meristem bifurcation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019. 10: 285. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00285.

    17. Safronova V., Belimov A., Sazanova A., Chirak E., Kuznetsova I., Andronov E., Pinaev A., Tsyganova A., Seliverstova E., Kitaeva A., Tsyganov V, Tikhonovich I. Two broad host range rhizobial strains isolated from relict legumes have various complementary effects on symbiotic parameters of co-inoculated plants //Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019. 10: 514. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00514.

    18. Tsyganova A.V., Seliverstova E.V., Brewin N.J., Tsyganov V.E. Comparative analysis of remodelling of the plant–microbe interface in Pisum sativum and Medicago truncatula symbiotic nodules // Protoplasma. 2019. 256 (4): 983-996. doi: 10.1007/s00709-019-01355-5.

    19. Tsyganova A.V., Seliverstova E.V., Brewin N.J., Tsyganov V.E. Bacterial release is accompanied by ectopic accumulation of cell wall material around the vacuole in nodules of Pisum sativum sym33-3 allele encoding transcription factor PsCYCLOPS/PsIPD3 // Protoplasma. 2019. 256 (5): 1449-1453. doi: 10.1007/s00709-019-01383-1.

    20. Цыганова А.В., Цыганов В.Е. Растительная клеточная стенка в симбиотических взаимодействиях. Пектины (обзор) // Сельскохозяйственная биология. 2019. 54 (3): 446-457. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.3.446rus.

    (Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Plant cell wall in symbiotic interactions. Pectins (review). Agricultural Biology (Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya). 2019, 54 (3): 446-457. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2019.3.446eng)

    21. Tsyganova A.V., Brewin N.J., Tsyganov V.E. Analysis of epitope distribution of arabinogalactan protein-extensins in pea (Pisum sativum) nodules of wild-type and mutants impaired in infection thread growth // Экологическая генетика. 2019. 17 (3): 5-12. doi: 10.17816/ecogen1735-12.

    (Tsyganova A.V., Brewin N.J., Tsyganov V.E. Analysis of epitope distribution of arabinogalactan protein-extensins in pea (Pisum sativum) nodules of wild-type and mutants impaired in infection thread growth // Ecological genetics. 2019. 17 (3): 5-12. doi: 10.17816/ecogen1735-12.)

    22. Цыганова А.В., Цыганов В.Е. Организация эндоплазматического ретикулума в клетках эффективных и неэффективных клубеньков гороха (Pisumsativum L.) // Экологическая генетика. 2019. 17 (4): 5-14. doi: 10.17816/ecogen1745-14.

    (Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Organization of the endoplasmic reticulum in cells of effective and ineffective pea nodules (Pisum sativum L.). // Ecological genetics. 2019. 17 (4): 5-14. doi: 10.17816/ecogen1745-14.)

    23. Цыганова А.В., Иванова К.А., Цыганов В.Е. Гистологическая и ультраструктурная организация клубеньков мутанта гороха (Pisum sativum) SGEFix--5 по гену Sym33, кодирующему транскрипционный фактор PsCYCLOPS/PsIPD3 // Экологическая генетика. 2019. 17 (1): 65-70. doi: 10.17816/ecogen17165-70.

    (Tsyganova A.V., Ivanova K.A., Tsyganov V.E. Histological and ultrastructural nodule organization of the pea (Pisum sativum) mutant SGEFix-5 in the Sym33 gene encoding the transcription factor PsCYCLOPS/PsIPD3. // Ecological genetics. 2019. 17 (1): 65-70. doi: 10.17816/ecogen17165-70.)

    24. Цыганова А.В., Селивёрстова Е.В., Цыганов В.Е. Влияние мутации в гене гороха (Pisumsativum L.) cdt (cadmiumtolerance) на гистологическую и ультраструктурную организацию клубеньков // Экологическая генетика. 2019. 17 (1): 71-80. doi: 10.17816/ecogen17171-80.

    (Tsyganova A.V., Seliverstova E.V., Tsyganov V.E. Influence of mutation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) cdt (cadmium tolerance) gene on histological and ultrastructural nodule organization. // Ecological genetics. 2019. 17 (1): 71-80. doi: 10.17816/ecogen17171-80.)

    25. Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Plant genetic control over infection thread development during legume-Rhizobium symbiosis (review) // In: Symbiosis (Ed. Rigobelo, E.C.), IntechOpen: London, UK. 2018. P. 23-52. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.70689.

    26. Serova T.A., Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E. Early nodule senescence is activated in symbiotic mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.) forming ineffective nodules blocked at different nodule developmental stages //Protoplasma. 2018. 255 (5): 1443-1459. doi: 10.1007/s00709-018-1246-9.

    27. Цыганова А.В., Цыганов В.Е. Негативная гормональная регуляция развития симбиотических клубеньков. II. Салициловая, жасмоновая и абсцизовая кислоты (обзор) // Сельскохозяйственная биология. 2018. 53 (1): 3-14. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.1.3rus.

    (Tsyganova, A.V.; Tsyganov V.E. Negative hormonal regulation of symbiotic nodule development. II. Salicilic, jasmonic and abscisic acids (review). // Agricultural Biology (Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya). 2018. 53 (1): 3-14. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2018.1.3eng)

    28. Tsyganova A.V., Kitaeva A.B., Tsyganov V.E. Cell differentiation in nitrogen–fixing nodules hosting symbiosomes (review) // Functional Plant Biology. 2018. 45: 47–57. doi: 10.1071/FP16377.

    29. Цыганова А.В., Цыганов В.Е. Негативная гормональная регуляция развития симбиотических клубеньков. Сообщение I. Этилен (обзор) // Сельскохозяйственная биология. 2015. 50(3): 267–277. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2015.3.267rus.

    (Tsyganova, A.V.; Tsyganov V.E. Negative hormonal regulation of symbiotic nodule development. I. Ethylene (review). // Agricultural Biology (Sel'skokhozyaĭstvennaya Biologiya). 2015. 50 (3): 267-277. doi: 10.15389/agrobiology.2015.3.267eng.)

    30. Ivanova K.A., Tsyganova A.V., Brewin N.J., Tikhonovich I.A., Tsyganov V.E. Induction of host defences by Rhizobium during ineffective nodulation of pea (Pisumsativum L.) carrying symbiotically defective mutations sym40 (PsEFD), sym33 (PsIPD3/PsCYCLOPS) and sym42 // Protoplasma. 2015. 252: 1505–1517. doi: 10.1007/s00709-015-0780-y.

    31. Provorov N.A., Tsyganova A.V., Brewin N.J., Tsyganov V.E., Vorobyov N.I. Evolution of symbiotic bacteria within the extra– and intracellular plant compartments: experimental evidence and mathematical simulation (Mini–review) // Symbiosis. 2013. 58: 39–50. doi: 10.1007/s13199-012-0220-0.

    32. Цыганова В.A., Цыганов В.Е. Роль поверхностных компонентов ризобий в симбиотических взаимодействиях с бобовыми растениями (обзор) // Успехи современной биологии. 2012. 132(2): 211–222.

    33. Цыганов В.Е., Цыганова А.В., Ворошилова В.А., Борисов А.Ю., Тихонович И.А. Анализ взаимодействия симбиотических генов гороха (Pisumsativum L.) Sym33 и Sym42, мутации в которых приводят к аномалиям в развитии инфекционных нитей // Экологическая генетика. 2012. X (4): 50–55.

    (Tsyganov V.E., Tsyganova A.V., Voroshilova V.A., Borisov A.Yu., Tikhonovich I.A. Analysis of the interaction of pea (Pisum sativum L.) symbiotic genes Sym33 and Sym42 whose mutations result in abnormalities during infection thread development. // Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research. 2014. 4 (2): 83–87. doi: 10.1134/S2079059714020105.)

    34. Цыганова А.В., Китаева А.Б., Бревин Н.Дж., Цыганов В.Е. Клеточные механизмы развития симбиотических клубеньков у бобовых растений (обзор) // Сельскохозяйственная биология. 2011. 3: 34–40.

    35. Цыганов В.Е., Селиверстова Е.В., Ворошилова В.А., Цыганова А.В., Павлова З.Б., Лебский В.К., Борисов А.Ю., Бревин Н. Дж., Тихонович И.А. Анализ двойных мутантных линий для определения последовательности функционирования генов гороха (Pisumsativum L.) Sym13, Sym33 и Sym40 во время развития симбиотического клубенька // Экологическая генетика. 2010. VIII (2): 3–8.

    (Tsyganov V.E., Seliverstova E.V., Voroshilova V.A., Tsyganova A.V., Pavlova Z.B., Lebskii V.K., Borisov A.Yu., Brewin N.J., Tikhonovich I.A. Double mutant analysis of sequential functioning of pea (Pisum sativum L.) genes Sym13, Sym33, and Sym40 during symbiotic nodule development. // Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research. 2011. 1 (5): 343–348. doi: 10.1134/S2079059711050145.)

    36. Цыганова А.В., Цыганов В.Е., Финдли К.К. Борисов А.Ю., Тихонович И.А., Бревин Н. Дж. Распределение арабиногалактанпротеинов–экстензинов в клубеньках мутантов гороха (Pisumsativum L.) с нарушениями в развитии инфекционной нити // Цитология. 2009. 51(1): 53–62.

    (Tsyganova A.V., Tsyganov V.E., Findlay K.C., Borisov A.Y., Tikhonovich I.A., Brewin N.J. Distribution of legume arabinogalactan protein-extensin (AGPE) glycoproteins in symbiotically defective pea mutants with abnormal infection threads. // Cell and Tissue Biology. 2009. 3 (1): 93–102. doi: 10.1134/S1990519X09010131)

    37. Цыганова А.В., Цыганов В.Е., Борисов А.Ю., Тихонович И.А., Бревин Н. Дж. Сравнительный цитохимический анализ распределения перекиси водорода у неэффективного мутанта гороха SGEFix-1 (sym40) и исходной линии SGE // Экологическая генетика. 2009. VII (3): 3–9.

    38. Brewin N., Khodorenko (Tsyganova) A., Tsyganov V.E., Borisov A.Y., Tikhonovich I.A., Rathbun E. Legume AGP-extensins in Rhizobium infection // In: Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Towards Poverty Alleviation through Sustainable Agriculture. Eds. F. D. Dakora et al., Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 2008. P. 185-187. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8252-8_70.

    Email: asvtsyganova@arriam.ru

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