Tsyganov Victor Evgenievich

  • Tsyganov Victor Evgenievich

    Телефон: +7 (812) 476 16 01


      OrcID:  0000-0003-3105-8689

      ResearcherID:  Q-5634-2016

      Research Gate:  Viktor Tsyganov

      Scopus ID:  7006136325

      eLibrary ID:  89416

    Viktor Evgenievich Tsyganov is a well–known specialist in the field of genetics, plant physiology and agricultural microbiology, whose work is well known abroad. Tsyganov V.E.'s research contributed to the development of a new priority area of research – symbiogenetics, aimed at translating fundamental knowledge about the molecular genetic mechanisms of interaction between plants and microorganisms into the creation of new plant-microbial systems for environmentally oriented agriculture. Pioneering results have been obtained on changes in the architectonics of a plant cell necessary for its successful colonization by beneficial microorganisms.

    The theoretical foundations for the creation of highly efficient plant-microbial systems resistant to stress have been developed for use in the practice of modern agriculture.

    Tsyganov V.E. conducts active teaching work, being the chairman of the GEC at the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology of St. Petersburg State University, a member of the working group on improving the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of genetic technologies at the Presidium of the Council for the Implementation of the Federal State Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2027, 4 PhD theses were defended under his leadership.

    V.E. Tsyganov was deputy chairman of the Dissertation Council of the BIN RAS (until 2023), is the head of the ARRIAM "Agrotechnologies of the Future", an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an expert of megagrants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    V.E. Tsyganov is a member of the editorial board of Plant Physiology, a guest editor in the journals Agronomy, Plants, Frontiers in Plant Science.

    Head of Grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Academy of Sciences.


    Date and place of birth: May 21, 1971, Leningrad


    Citizenship: Russian Federation



    1988 – 1993               student of the Department of Genetics and Breeding of St. Petersburg State University

    1994 – 1997               postgraduate student of the National Research University of ARRIAM of the Russian Agricultural Academy


    Defended dissertations

    1998 dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences "Analysis of the interaction and sequence of functioning of pea genes (Pisum sativum L.) controlling symbiosis with nodule bacteria" in the specialties 03.00.15 – genetics, 03.00.07 – microbiology, GNU ARRIAM Russian Agricultural Academy

    2018 dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences "Molecular genetic and cellular mechanisms of differentiation of the symbiotic nodule" in the specialties 03.01.05 - physiology and biochemistry of plants 03.02.07 – genetics, St. Petersburg State University


    Stages of scientific career

    1993 – 1994                           Intern Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of the National Research University of the Russian Academy of Agriculture

    1994 – 1997                           postgraduate student of the National Research University of ARRIAM of the Russian Agricultural Academy

    1998 – 2000                           Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of the National Research University ARRIAM of the Russian Agricultural Academy

    2001 – 2003                            Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Genetics of Plant-Microbial Interactions, Department of Biotechnology of the National Research University of the Russian Academy of Agriculture

    2003 – 2006                           Leading Researcher Laboratory of Genetics of Plant-Microbial Interactions, Department of Biotechnology of the National Research University of the Russian Academy of Agriculture

    2006 – 2023                           Head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Department of Biotechnology, FSBSI ARRIAM

    2021 – 2023                           Scientific Secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    2023 – Until now                     Director FSBSI ARRIAM


    Research areas

    Plant genetics, plant physiology, cell biology


    Current research interests

    Legume-rhizobial symbiosis, development of a symbiotic nodule, mechanisms of cell differentiation in the nodule, cytoskeleton, phytohormones, genetics of legume resistance to cadmium 


    Prizes, awards, scholarships. Membership in professional organizations

    Scholarship of the Government of St. Petersburg for students and postgraduates, 1997;

    Second Prize in the poster competition at the 3rd European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, 1998;

    Short-term Scholarship of the NATO Science Department for Outstanding Scientists, 2001;

    Short-term Fellowship of the European Society of Molecular Biology (EMBO), 2001;

    INTAS Scholarship for Young Scientists, 2001-2003;

    INTAS Scholarship for Young Scientists, 2005-2006;

    Diploma of the winner of the St. Petersburg Grant Competition for young Candidates of Sciences 2004;

    Diploma of the winner of the St. Petersburg Grant Competition for young Candidates of Sciences 2006;

    Medal "Laureate of the VVC", 2010;

    Diploma of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the best completed scientific development in 2011 "Creation of symbiotic plant-microbial systems";

    Letter of Thanks from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2013;

    N.I. Vavilov Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of biological sciences, 2018;

    Member of the Central Council of the Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia;

    Member of the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders;

    Member of the Russian Botanical Society.



    2001 г. «Mutational approach to study the role of cytoskeleton in ethylene-dependent switch in cell polarity during thigmomorphogenesis in pea (Pisum sativum L.)», Боннский университет, Германия

    2001 г. «Gene-for-Gene Interaction at late stages of Pea-Rhizobium symbiosis», Экспериментальная станция Дель Заидин, Гранада, Испания

    2005 – 2006 «Genetic and structural analysis of cadmium tolerance in pea (Pisum sativum L.)»
    Боннский университет, Германия; Центр Джона Иннеса, Великобритания


    The total number of peer–reviewed articles is 91, the number of chapters in collective monographs is 3

    The Hirsch index: WoS – 20, Scopus – 21, РИНЦ –  23


    Organization of scientific schools and conferences

    Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian School Conference with international participation for young scientists "Molecular genetic and cellular aspects of plant-microbial interactions" (2021, 2022), co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of the III International Conference "Plants and Microorganisms Biotechnology of the Future" (PLAMIC2022).

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