Onishchuk Olga Petrovna

  • Leading Researcher, Candidate of Biological Sciences


    Olga Petrovna Onishchuk graduated with honors from the Kazakh State University in the Department of Microbiology in 1983. From 1986 to 2015, she worked in the Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding, and from 2015 to the present – in Laboratory No. 2 of microbiological monitoring and bioremediation of soils of FSBSI ARRIAM. In 1991, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "Analysis of genetic factors of alfalfa nodule bacteria that determine their competitiveness" in the specialty microbiology. In 2013, she was elected by competition to the position of a leading researcher. Her research interests include the study of the genetic factors of nodule bacteria that determine their competitiveness and effectiveness. With the participation of O.P. Onishchuk, a collection of rhizobia mutants was created based on the genes controlling these symbiotic traits, the study of which allowed us to propose methods for constructing strains with increased symbiosis efficiency. Throughout his scientific activity, she has been a participant, including a responsible executor of many grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Currently, she participates in the study of the host specificity of nodule bacteria and their genomic evolution.

    The total number of publications is more than 100, including 40 articles in journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. She is a co-author of 2 patents.

    Main publications:

    Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Kimeklis A.K., Aksenova T.S., Andronov E.E., Provorov N.A. Biodiversity of symbioses formed by nodule bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum with legume plants of the haloid complex. Agricultural farm. biology. 2023. Vol. 58. No.1. pp. 87-99.

    Aleksei O. Zverev, Oksana N. Kurchak, Olga V. Orlova, Olga P. Onishchuk, Arina A. Kichko, Aleksander V. Eregin, Aleksey N. Naliukhin, Aleksandr G. Pinaev and Evgeny E. Andronov Dynamic of the Soil Microbiota in Short-Term Crop Rotation. Life. 2023, 13, 400.

    Provorov N.A., Andronov E.E., Kimeklis A.K., Onishchuk O.P., Igolkina A.A., Karasev ES Microevolution, speciation and macroevolution in rhizobia: Genomic mechanisms and selective patterns // Front. Plant Sci. 2022. 13:1026943.

    Onishchuk O., Kurchak O., Chizhevskaya E., Simarov B., Provorov N. Supply of acetyl-CoA to N2-fixing bacteroids: insights from the mutational and proteomic analyses of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Biol. Communications. 2021. V. 66. N 2. P. 124-128.

    Aksenova T.S., Chirak E.R., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Afonin A.M., Pinaev A.G., Andronov E.E., Provorov N.A. Identification of ancestral characteristics of the genome in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii // Agricultural Biology. 2020. Vol. 55. No. 3. pp. 489-498.

    Provorov N.A., Onishchuk O.P. Ecological and genetic foundations of the design of highly efficient nitrogen-fixing microbial and plant systems. Ecological genetics. 2019. Vol. 17. No. 1. pp. 11-18.

    Kimeklis A.K., Chirak E.R., Kuznetsova I.G., Sazanova A.L., Safronova V.I., Belimov A.A., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Aksenova T.S., Pinaev A.G., Andronov E.E., Provorov N.A. Rhizobia Isolated from the Relict Legume Vavilovia formosa Represent a Genetically Specific Group within Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae. //Genes. 2019. V. 10.

    Nizhnikov A.A., Antonets K.S., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Volkov K.V., Lykholay A.N., Andreeva E.A., Andronov E.E., Pinaev A.G., Provorov N.A. Host-specific reorganization of the Sinorhizobium meliloti bacteroids proteomes // FEBS Open Bio, 2018, V.8, S.1, P.461

    Kimeklis A.K., Kuznetsova I.G., Sazanova A.L., Safronova V.I., Belimov A.A., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Aksenova T.S., Pinaev A.G., Musaev A.M., Andronov E.E., Provorov N.A. Divergent evolution of symbiotic bacteria: rhizobia of the relic legume Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed. form a separate group within the species Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae. Genetics. 2018. Vol.54 No. 7. pp. 851-855.

    Antonets K.S., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Volkov K.V., Lykholai A.N., Andreeva E.A., Andronov E.E., Pinaev A.G., Provorov N.A., Nizhnikov A.A. The proteomic profile of the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti depends on its life form and on the type of host plant. Molek. Biol. 2018. Vol. 52. No. 5. pp. 898-904. (K. S. Antonets, O. P. Onishchuk, O. N. Kurchak, K. V. Volkov, A. N. LykhoE. A. Andreeva, E. E. Andronov, A. G. Pinaev, N. A. Provorov, and A. A. Nizhnikov. Proteomic Profile of the Bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti Depends on its Life Form and Host Plant Species. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. Vol. 52. No. 5. 2018. pp. 898–904.)

    Provorov N.A., Onishchuk O.P. Evolutionary and genetic foundations of plant symbiotic engineering. S.-H. biology. 2018. Vol. 53. No. 3. pp. 464-474.

    Provorov N.A., Onishchuk O.P. Microorganisms – symbionts of insects: genetic analysis, adaptive significance, evolution. Microbiology. 2018. Vol. 87. No. 2. pp. 99-113.

    Provorov N.A., Andronov E.E., Onishchuk O.P. Forms of natural selection determining the genomic evolution of nodule bacteria. Genetics. 2017. Vol. 53. No. 4. pp. 401-410.

    Onishchuk O.P., Vorobyov N.I., Provorov N.A. Nodulation competitiveness of nodule bacteria: genetic control and adaptive significance. Approx. biochim. Microbiol. 2017. vol. 53. No. 2. pp. 127-135.

    V. I. Safronova, I. G. Kuznetsova, A. L. Sazanova, A. A. Belimov, E. E. Andronov, E. R. Chirak, Y. S. Osledkin, O. P. Onishchuk, O. N. Kurchak, A. I. Shaposhnikov, A. Willems and I. A. Tikhonovich. Microvirga ossetica sp. nov., a species of rhizobia isolated from root nodules of the legume species Vicia alpestris Steven. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2017. 67:94–100.

    Provorov N.A., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N. Habitus and productivity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) depending on inoculation with Sinorhizobiummeliloti strains differing in salt resistance. Agricultural biology. 2016, vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 343-350.

    Provorov N.A., Tikhonovich I.A. (ed.). Genetic foundations of the evolution of plant symbiont bacteria (authors: Provorov N.A., Tikhonovich I.A., Andronov E.E., Vorobyov N.I., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Chizhevskaya E.P., Safronova V.I., Belimov A.A., Kimeklis A.K., Chirak E.R., Zhukov V.A., Dolgikh E.A., Borisov A.Yu., Stark O.Yu., Zhernakov A.I., Sulima A.S., Kopat V.V.). Inform Navigator, St. Petersburg, 2016. 240 p. - monograph.

    Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Chizhevskaya E.P., Provorov N.A., Simarov B.V. Population polymorphism of nodule bacteria of alfalfa (Sinorhizobium meliloti) by genes of symbiotic efficiency and competitiveness. Agricultural biology. 2015. Vol.50. No. 3. pp.339-344.

    Provorov N.A., Onishchuk O.P., Yurgel S.N., Kurchak O.N., Chizhevskaya E.P., Vorobyov N.I., Zatovskaya T.V., Simarov B.V. Construction of highly effective symbiotic bacteria: evolutionary models and genetic approaches. Genetics. 2014. Vol. 50. No. 11. pp.1273-1285.

    Andronov E.E., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Provorov N.A. Changes in the population structure of clover rhizobia (Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii) during the transition from soil to nodule niche. Microbiology. 2014. T. 83. No. 4. pp. 500-508.

    Onishchuk O.P., Chizhevskaya E.P., Kurchak O.N., Andronov E.E., Simarov B.V. Identification of new genes of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti involved in controlling the effectiveness of symbiosis with alfalfa Medicago sativa. Ecological genetics. 2014. Vol. 12. No.1.pp. 39-47.

    Provorov N.A., Andronov E.E., Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Chizhevskaya E.P. Genetic structure of introduced and local populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum in ”plants-soil" systems. Microbiology. 2012. Vol. 81. No. 2. pp. 244-253.

    Rumyantseva M.L., Belova V.S., Onishchuk O.P., Andronov E.E., Kurchak O.N., Chizhevskaya E.P., Rumyantseva T.B., Simarov B.V. Bet gene polymorphism in Sinorhizobium meliloti strains from alfalfa gene centers. Agricultural Biology, 2011. No.3. pp.48-54.

    Chizhevskaya E.P., Onishchuk O.P., Andronov E.E. Using the site-directed mutagenesis method to study the functions of the SMb20332 gene in nodule bacteria of alfalfa Sinorhizobium meliloti. Agricultural Biology, 2011. No.3. pp.55-61.

    O.P. Onishchuk, N.A. Provorov, N.I. Vorobyov, B.V. Simarov. Evaluation of the phenotypic manifestation of bacterial genes controlling the effectiveness of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with plants. Agricultural Biology, 2011. No.1. pp.32-42.

    O.P. Onishchuk, N.A. Provorov, N.I. Vorobyov, B.V. Simarov. Evaluation of the phenotypic manifestation of bacterial genes controlling the effectiveness of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with plants. Agricultural biology. 2011. No.1. pp.32-42.

    Rumyantseva M.L., Simarov B.V., Onishchuk O.P., Andronov E.E., Chizhevskaya E.P., Belova V.S., Kurchak O.N., Muntyan A.N., Rumyantseva T.B., Zatovskaya T.V. Biological diversity of nodule bacteria in ecosystems and agrocenoses. Theoretical foundations and methods. St. Petersburg, VNIISHM. 2011.104 p.

    J. O¨ STERMAN,*1 E. P. CHIZHEVSKAJA,*†1 E. E. ANDRONOV,† D. P. FEWER,* Z. TEREFEWORK,* M. L. ROUMIANTSEVA,† O. P. ONICHTCHOUK,† A. DRESLER-NURMI,* B. V. SIMAROV,†N. I . DZYUBENKO‡ and K. LINDSTRO¨ M* Galega orientalis is more diverse than Galega officinalis in Caucasus—whole-genome AFLP analysis and phylogenetics of symbiosis-related genes. Molecular Ecology (2011) 20, 4808–4821.

    Onishchuk O.P., Vorobyov N.I., Provorov N.A., Simarov B.V. Symbiotic activity of alfalfa rhizobia (Sinorhizobium meliloti) with genetic modifications of the dicarboxylic acid transport system. Ecological genetics. 2009. Vol.7. Issue.2. No. 5. pp.3-10.

    O.P.Onishchuk, M.L.Rumyantseva, N.A.Provorov, B.V.Simarov. Variability of Sinorhizobium meliloti strains according to the characteristics determining saprophytic survival under salinization conditions. Agricultural microbiology. 2009. No.1. pp.77-82

    Onishchuk O.P., Sharypova L.A., Kurchak O.N., Becker A., Simarov B.V. Identification of Sinorhizobium meliloti genes affecting the synthesis of surface polysaccharides and competitiveness // Genetics. 2005. vol. 41. No.12. pp.1617-1623.

    Biondi G.E., Pili E., Giuntini E., Roumiantseva M.L., Andronov E.E., Onichtchouk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Simarov B.V., Dzyubenko N.I., Mengoni A., Bazzicalupo M. Genetic relationship of Sinorhizobium meliloti and Sinorhizobium medicae strains isolated from Caucasian region // FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2003, V. 220, p. 207-213.

    Onishchuk O.P., Kurchak O.N., Sharypova L.A., Provorov N.A., Simarov B.V. Analysis of various types of competitiveness in Tn5 mutants of alfalfa nodule bacteria (Sinorhizobium meliloti) // Genetics, 2001, vol. 37, N 11, 1507-1512.

    Chizhevskaya E.P., Krol E.A., Onishchuk O.P., Sagulenko E.A., Fomina-Eshchenko Yu.G., Simarov B.V., Sharypova L.A. Physical and genetic mapping of symbiotic efficiency mutations on megaplasmid-2 strains of Rhizobium meliloti SHM1. Genetics, 1998, vol. 34, N9, 1220-1227.

    Onishchuk O.P., Simarov B.V. Genes controlling nodulation competitiveness of nodule bacteria // Genetics, 1996, T. 32, N 9, p. 1157-1166.

    Onishchuk O.P., Simarov B.V. Genetic variability of nodulation competitiveness in nodule bacteria and its use in breeding. Genetics, 1995, vol. 32, N3, 293-303.

    Onishchuk O.P., Sharypova L.A., Simarov B.V. Isolation and characterization of the Rhizobium meliloti Tn5 mutants with impaired nodulation competitiveness. Plant and Soil, 1994, V. 167, N 2, p. 267-274.

    Simarov B.V., Sharypova L.A., Chesnokova O.N., Onishchuk O.P., Kucko V.V. Analysis of Tn5 mutants of Rhizobium meliloti with increased symbiotic efficiency. Genetics, 1990, vol. XXVI, N 4, pp. 630-635.

    Onishchuk O.P., Chesnokova O.N., Sharypova L.A., Simarov B.V. Genetic analysis of the mutant T37 Rhizobium meliloti, which has a reduced nodule formation rate and competitiveness // Genetics, 1990, vol.XXVI, N 3, pp. 560-562.

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