Arkhipchenko Irina Alexandrovna

  • Arkhipchenko Irina Alexandrovna


    Scientific interests

    Ecology and physiology of microbial communities in natural and industrial ecosystems.

    Analysis of the dynamics of the functioning of microbial communities and identification of successional patterns that determine their biodiversity and productivity.
    To study the growth and regulation of biological activity of mixed microbial cultures on complex nutrient media.
    Analysis of trophic and regulatory processes in microbial cenoses during the biological decomposition of organic substrates, kinetic analysis of the functioning of the microbial community in industrial ecosystems.

    Scientific and practical results

    The regularities of the formation of the species structure of microbial communities in heterogeneous systems are determined.

    The main groups of bacteria and protozoa that form a new type of microbial community in wastewater treatment plants of livestock complexes have been identified and identified. The “Atlas of the microfauna of activated sludge - indicators of the process of efficiency of aerotanks” has been compiled, which is widely used for rapid assessment of the work of wastewater treatment plants in Russia. A unique collection of typical bacterial cultures (177) has been created, capable of active destruction of complex organic substrates, as well as being stimulators of plant development and antagonists of phytopathogenic microflora.

    Based on the analysis of trophic and regulatory relationships in microbial communities, techniques for their regulation during aerobic processing of an organic substrate have been created.

    Theoretical foundations have been developed for controlling the activity of microorganisms during the decomposition of organic substrates (peat, animal husbandry and poultry waste, municipal and plant waste). Stable microbial communities with indicators of physiological activity have been formed, providing directional regulation and a given depth of decomposition of substrates.

    Complex methods of ecological and physiological assessment of the activity of microbial communities in biocompost and biofertilizers are proposed, which are used to intensify the work of wastewater treatment plants and organic industries.

    Technologies have been developed for the production of qualitatively new multifunctional biofertilizers from organic waste, combining the advantages of mineral and organic fertilizers. In order to standardize and certify biofertilizers, express methods for assessing their quality, stability and effectiveness have been created.

    A fundamentally new method has been developed for obtaining physiologically active microbial associations with an increased content of nitrogen and phosphorus, which serve as the basis for the production of biofertilizer “Bamil” from animal husbandry waste.

    A methodology has been developed for the production of artificial soils with growth-stimulating properties based on biocompost from municipal waste. Methods of using biofertilizers for reclamation of disturbed soils and restoration of oil-contaminated soils have been developed.

    An experimental workshop with a capacity of 150 tons of biofertilizers per year was built, a wide network of tests of biofertilizers in open and protected ground was carried out. Recommendations have been developed for their use to obtain high-quality products and increase crop yields in the open ground by 80-120%, and in protected ground by 15-25%.

    Participation in research projects and grants

    National funding

    1. Projects of the Ministry of Science of Russia

    • Head of the international project “Biofertilizers from animal husbandry waste” (Russia, Belgium, Holland, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden), 1991-1996
    • Head of the international project “Techniques for managing the activity of microbial communities in the decomposition of organic and agricultural waste” (Russia, Holland, Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden), 1997-2000.
    • Head of the international project “Mechanism and patterns of influence of microbial fertilizers with multifunctional properties on the agricultural system: soil - microorganisms - plants and to assess their environmental and economic efficiency” (Holland, Russia, Sweden, Czech Republic), 2001-2003
    • Responsible executor of the project “Bioconversion of poultry waste" in the State Scientific and technical program "Biotechnology in animal husbandry”, 1997-2001.
    • Responsible executor of the project “Biological and microbiological means of protection and nutrition of basic crops” in the Federal target scientific and technical Program, 2002-2006.
    • Responsible executor of the project “Technological process and complex of equipment for processing the organic part of municipal waste into soils for flowers, lawns and tree and shrub crops”, 2004-2006.
    • Head of Contract No. 02.515.11.5019 "Development of methods for the rational use of products of aerobic fermentation of municipal solid waste", 2007-2008
    • Head of contract No. 02.515.11.5102 "Development of microbiological technology for the production of environmentally safe biological fertilizers based on poultry waste", 2009
    • State contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the EurAsEC interstate target program, contract No.16.M.04.11.0013 dated April 29, 2011 "Development of technology for obtaining drugs to improve soil fertility". – the executor of the section "Biofertilizers".

    2. The Integration Program Ministry of Education of Russia

    • Responsible executor of the section “Northwestern Scientific and Educational Center Biotechnology", 1998-2001.

    Head of the Agreement with St. Petersburg Technical University “Organization and conduct of educational and introductory practice for students of the I-III courses of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of St. Petersburg State Technical University”, 2002-2003

    3. The project of OAO LUKOIL

    • Head of the topic “Conducting pilot tests of technologies for the restoration of oil-contaminated lands using microbial fertilizers “Omug” and “Bamil” and the development of technological regulations for soil reclamation in the Far North”, 2001-2003.

    4. The State Program of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    • Responsible executor of the section “Increasing soil fertility”, 2001-2005.
    • Responsible executor of the section “To improve existing and develop new biotechnologies for using the microbial potential of agrophytocenoses for the production of competitive agricultural products”, 2006-2010.
    • "To study the effect of plant residues of varying degrees of decomposition on the composition of the soil microbial community and its functioning" (2011).
    • "To improve the theoretical foundations and develop methods for managing soil fertility and productivity of agrocenosis using organic fertilizers and renewable resources" (2012).
    • "To study the effect of the nutrient intake regime from plant residues on the humus balance determined by the activity of the soil microbial community" (2013).

    5. Grant from the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of scientific and scientific - technical activities

    • Project manager “To develop a method for obtaining high-quality soils based on compost from solid waste with the prospect of use in urban landscaping”, 2006-2007.

    International financing

    1. EU Project (Brussels) No. 603 “Organic granular fertilizer” (Russia, Sweden, the Netherlands), 1993-1998.

    2. The project of the Northern Investment Bank NEFCO, the Ministry of the Environment of Finland and the Government of the Leningrad Region (together with the company Plancenter LTD, Helsinki) “Study and analysis of methods for combating environmental pollution by large pig farms”, N2808-B3228 - Feasibility study, 1995-1996.

    3. The project of the PSO Foundation - the Ministry of Economy of the Netherlands and the Government of the Leningrad region “Business plan and scientific and technological documentation to justify the construction of a plant for the production of biofertilizer “Bamil” at the Vostochny pig complex, to conduct marketing research“, Ref. PS095/RF4.3, 1996-1997.

    4. NWO Foundation Grant, Netherlands, No. 047-002-003 (jointly with the Agricultural University and the Institute of Agriculture and Environmental Engineering, Wageningen) “Technology for composting from animal husbandry waste”, 1996-1998.

    5. NWO Foundation Grant, Netherlands, No. 047-007-018 (jointly with the Agricultural University and the Institute of Agriculture and Environmental Engineering, Wageningen) “Integrated anaerobic-aerobic system for processing liquid manure in order to obtain valuable biological products (fertilizers, biogas) and reutilization of purified water", 1999-2001.

    6. Grant of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, No. 12638 (jointly with the Agricultural University, Uppsala), 1999-2000.

    1. “The impact of excess activated sludge and pig farm waste on the environment and the agronomic value of organic waste”;

    1.1. “The effect of activated sludge storage on agrochemical and biological parameters of the soil”;

    1.2. “The effect of activated sludge storage on surface and groundwater".

    7. Draft of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark “Feasibility study of the project “Production of microbial fertilizers from poultry waste for sustainable agriculture” No.331090, 2001

    8. EU project, INCOCOPERNICUS Foundation, NICA-2 (together with Germany and Italy) “Monitoring of soils and groundwater in solid and household waste storage areas”, 2001-2003.

    9. EU project, QLK5-200-30020 preparation of the monograph “Livestock waste management. Recycling strategies for sustainable agriculture.” Project Leader C. Burton, Silsoe Research Institute, UK, 2001-2002

    10. Project with South Korea “New biofertilizers with a multifunctional microbial association based on the processing of agricultural waste”, 2002-2004.


    The main areas of commercial activity

    • Development of technologies for processing organic waste (pig farms, poultry farms, municipal), as well as the production and use of microbial fertilizers and biocompost from organic waste.
    • The design of microbial inoculums for the directed regulation of biotechnological processes in fermentation systems and recommendations for their use (reduction of nitrogen losses, intensification of composting processes, binding of heavy metals, decomposition of oil in the soil, suppression of phytopathogens).
    • The use of microbial fertilizers for the destruction of petroleum and hard-to-oxidize compounds in soil cenoses, as well as for soil reclamation.
    • Monitoring of soil, groundwater and surface waters in places of disposal of household waste and sludge.
    • Optimization and intensification of the work of aerotanks of sewage treatment plants of livestock farms and organic industries.
    • Expert analysis of the composition, biological properties and quality of organic fertilizers, soils and peat soils.
    • Development of feasibility studies, business plans, marketing research in the field of biofertilizer and biocompost production.
    • Construction of pilot plants and production lines for the production of biofertilizers, soils and peat soils.

    Implementation of developments in production

    Intensification and optimization of the work of wastewater treatment plants of livestock complexes

    • At pig breeding complexes of the Leningrad region: Vostochny (108 thousand heads), Sputnik (108 thousand heads), Novy Svet (154 thousand heads) (1973-1999).
    • At poultry farms of the Leningrad region: Russian-Vysotskaya (1 million heads), Lomonosovskaya (800 thousand goals) (2000-2005).

    Restoration of oil-contaminated soils

    • In the Komi Republic, Usinsky district, together with the oil production company OAO Lukoil and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIPII Komimeliovodkhozproekt (2001-2004).

    Testing and implementation of microbial fertilizers and biocompost to improve soil health and increase plant yields

    • In the greenhouses "Leto" and "Vyborzhets" and in the seed company "Hardwick", St. Petersburg (1996-1999).
    • In the Company "Flowers", St. Petersburg, in the parks of the State Museum Reserves "Peterhof" (2005-2009); "Gatchina" (2007_2009); "Pavlovsk" (2007-2009).

    Processing of the organic fraction of municipal compost into soils and biofertilizers

    • At the experimental plant for mechanized processing of household waste N1, village Gorelovo, St. Petersburg (reception of 460 thousand tons of solid waste per year, compost production of 95 thousand tons per year) (1995-2001).
    • At the pilot plant for mechanized processing of household waste N2, village Yanino, St. Petersburg (together with JSC NPK "Mechanobr-technika") (2002-2008).

    Registration and certification of products, improvement of formulations and optimization of production technology, implementation of international contacts in order to introduce imported technologies and equipment

    • In CJSC MNPP “Fart", production and sale of soil and peat soils, production volume of 30 million units per year, 45 thousand tons of peat per year (from 2001 to 2007).

    Scientific and social activities

    • Member of the Councils of Microbiological and Biotechnological Societies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
    • Member of the European Society of Agronomy and Chairman of the National Committee of this Society in Russia.
    • Member of the European Group on the Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Waste in Agriculture at the United Nations.
    • Member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
    • Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Ecology and Industry of Russia (VAK RF).
    • Member of the editorial Board of the journal Ecology and Industry of Russia.
    • Member of the Joint Council of DM 212.232.07 for the defense of doctoral and PhD theses at St. Petersburg State University in the fields of Microbiology and Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
    • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
    • Member of the asset of the Foundation "Russian-German Meeting Center at Petrikirche", St. Petersburg.
    • Member of the House of Scientists named after A.M.Gorky

    International activities

    • Vice-President of the Baltic Eco International Committee (Stockholm, Sweden), Chairman of the Russian branch of Baltic Eco.
    • Honorary member of the Committee “Italian Women in Business, Science and Culture” (Bari, Italy).


    1. A large Gold medal, two Silver medals, a Bronze medal of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR (1988-1990).

    2. Gold Medal of the Institute of Crop Production of the Czech Republic (Prague, 1997) for work on soil reclamation using microbial fertilizers.

    3. The second prize of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the best completed scientific development in 1998 “Bamil - effective microbial fertilizer".

    4. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2008 for the work "Development and implementation of a complex of biotechnologies and systems for the restoration of disturbed and hydrocarbon-contaminated tundra and North taiga biogeocenoses", team of authors: Ivshina I.B., Arkhipchenko I.A., Borovinskikh A.P., Zagvozdkin V.K., Kayukina M.S., Markarova M.Yu., Mulyak V.V., Oborin A.A., Taskaev A.I., Trofimov S.Ya. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2009 No. 221 "On awarding prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2008 in the field of science and technology".

    5. Winner of the contest "Promising technologies for the real sector of the economy". Diploma and a large gold medal for the development of "Soils from primary compost obtained from solid municipal waste", Moscow, 2008

    6. Gold medal of the All-Russian Exhibition Center "For achievements in scientific and technical creativity". Moscow. Resolution No. 46 of 30.09.2008

    7. Diploma of the VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments for the development of "Compost from municipal solid waste as a basis for obtaining high-quality soils", Moscow, 2008

    8. Exhibition "Agrorus", 2011. Gold medal "For the development and introduction into production of the method of application of the granular form of biofertilizer "Omug" for vegetable crops" on August 26, 2011.

    9. The exhibition "Bioindustry". Received a gold medal "For innovative biotechnological development. Creation of a technological line for the production of various forms of biofertilizer from bird droppings", October 2012

    10. The 7th International Forum-exhibition RosBioTech-2013. Gold medal "For the development of "Recommendations on the use of biofertilizer Omug", October, 2013.

    11. Laureate of the Russian Government Award (2008)

    Training of scientific personnel – management of graduate students and students

    1. Naumenko Z.S. “Studying the features of the biocenosis of activated sludge in various technological modes of operation of pig farms aerotanks”. The specialty is microbiology. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. Biol. nauk, VNIISHM, St. Petersburg, 1994.

    2. Barbolina I.I. “The effect of bamil fertilizer on soil microflora and crop yield”. The specialty is microbiology. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. Biol. nauk, VNIISHM, St. Petersburg, 1997.

    3. Akhtemova G.A. “Changing the structure of the microbial complex of the soil when using waste products from pig farms as fertilizer.” The specialty is microbiology. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. Biol. nauk, VNIISHM, St. Petersburg, 1998.

    4. Shibaeva M.E. “Biodiversity of nocardio- and corine-like microorganisms of anthropogenic disturbed soils”, Specialty - microbiology. Master's thesis, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, 2000.

    5. Orlova O.V. "Active organic matter as a regulator of nitrogen and carbon transformation processes in sod-podzolic soils", specialty – agrophysics. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences, National Research University of Agricultural Chemistry, St. Petersburg, 2013.

    Organization of conferences, publication of proceedings of these conferences

    1. International Conference “Biofertilizers from animal husbandry waste”, June 21-23, 1993, St. Petersburg.

    2. International scientific and practical conference “Production and application of microbial fertilizers", October 15-20, 1995, St. Petersburg.

    3. Russian-Dutch seminar “Biofertilizers from animal husbandry waste” dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Peter the Great's visit to the Netherlands (together with the Consulate General of the Netherlands), September 12, 1996, St. Petersburg.

    4. International Conference “Microbial Ecotechnology in the processing of organic and agricultural waste” (New ecotechnologies of waste processing and their implementation within the framework of the Baltika 21 program), August 16-22, 2000, St. Petersburg.


    More than 300 scientific papers have been published and 13 patents have been issued


    1. Arkhipchenko I.A., Afanasyev V.N., Miller V.V., Weisberg O.Ya. Patent No. 1371960 “Method of compost preparation”. Registered on 30.06.1990.

    2. Arkhipchenko I.A., Miller V.V., Shulev I.A., Yemelyanova M.G. Patent No. 1574546 “Method of launching an aerotank into operation". Registered on 30.06.1990.

    3. Arkhipchenko I.A., Miller V.V. Patent No. 1757209 “Method of obtaining biologically active fertilizer”. Registered on 12/25/1992.

    4. Arkhipchenko I.A., Likhachev Yu.M., Fedashko M.Ya. Patent No. 2103246 C1 “Method of processing solid household waste into compost”. Registered on 01/27/1998.

    5. Arkhipchenko I.A., Arsentiev V.A., Gushchina E.D., Orlova O.V. Patent No. 50531. “A technological line for obtaining a soil modifier in the processing of solid household waste. A useful model.” Registered on 01/20/2006.

    6. Alekseev M.I., Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K., Zaikin I.A., Ivanov V.G., Lukashev V.N. Patent No. 2307869 “Method of biological reclamation of oil-contaminated soils". Registered on 10.10.2007.

    7. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K., Zaikin I.A., Ivanov V.G., Lukashev V.N. Patent No. 2292326 “Biopreparation – oil destructor". Registered on 01/27/2007.

    8. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K., Zaikin I.A., Ivanov V.G., Lukashev V.N. Patent No. 2319740 “Biopreparation – oil destructor". Registered on 03/22/2008.

    9. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zhigunov A.V., Orlova O.V., Kolesnik D.O. "Method of obtaining peat substrate for planting material of forest crops". Patent No. 2365569. Registered on 08/27/2009.

    10. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. "Peat soil "Malachite" (variants)". Patent No. 2366640. Registered on 08/27/2009.

    11.Arkhipchenko I.A., Afanasyev V.N., Afanasyev A.V., Bryukhanov A.Yu., Orlova O.V. "Technological line for obtaining biofertilizer based on bird droppings". Utility model patent No. 88665. Registered on 11/20/2009.

    12. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V., Arsentiev V.A. "Method of solid municipal waste treatment during their storage". Patent No. 2384548. Registered on 03/20/20.

    13.Arkhipchenko I.A., Bryukhanov A.Yu., Afanasyev V.N., Orlova O.V. "Technological line for obtaining various forms of biofertilizer from bird droppings" Utility model patent No. 125995.. Registered on 03/20/13.


    Presentations at international conferences (1998-2022, selected)

    1. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1998) Microbial fertilizers from pig farm waste. VIII International Conference on Waste Management Strategies in Agriculture, Brittany, France.

    2. Deriks P., Arkhipchenko I. (1998) Comparative assessment of the activity of biofertilizers from organic waste based on microbiological parameters. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. Oslo, Norway (English).

    3. Arkhipchenko I.A., Alekseev M.I. (1998) Reduction of soil pollution in areas of industrial animal husbandry based on the use of microbial ecotechnology methods. VI International Conference on Soil Pollution “Polluted Soils – 98", Edinburgh, Great Britain (eng.).

    4. Arkhipchenko I.A., Likhachev Yu.M., Fedashko M.Ya. (1998) Technology of joint processing of solid household waste and sludge to produce biogas. NJF - Seminar No. 292 “The use of municipal organic waste", Jokinen, Finland (eng.).

    5. Barbolina I., Otabbong E., Orlova O., Arkhipchenko I. (1999) Agroecological monitoring of soil in places of contamination with activated sludge of pig farm treatment facilities. International Congress “Regulation of livestock products in Europe", Wiesbaden, Germany (eng.).

    6. Arkhipchenko I.A., Miller V. (1999) Technology of biocompost production from pig farm waste. International Congress “Regulation of livestock products in Europe", Wiesbaden, Germany (eng.).

    7. Arkhipchenko I.A., Deriks P. (1999) The balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the aerobic processing of pig farm waste. International Congress “Regulation of livestock products in Europe", Wiesbaden, Germany (eng.).

    8. Arkhipchenko I.A., Barbolina I.I., Popova E.V., Deriks P. (1999) Microbiological and biochemical parameters - criteria for assessing the quality of compost. International Composting Symposium, Halifax, Canada.

    9. Barbolina I.I., Arkhipchenko I.A., Deriks P., Klaypek A. (2000) Investigation of the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus removal during filtration of pig farm waste through a straw filter. IV International Symposium on Biotechnology, Nordwijkerhot, the Netherlands.

    10. Arkhipchenko I.A., Bolshakov O.V. (2000) Comparative analysis of the quality of compost obtained after processing municipal waste in some European countries. International Conference “Microbiology of Composting and other biodegradation processes” Innsbruck, Austria (eng.).

    11. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2000) Multifunctional microbial fertilizers from waste from pig farms and poultry farms. International Conference “Microbiology of composting and other biodegradation processes". Innsbruck, Austria (eng.).

    12. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2000) Production of new types of microbial fertilizers from organic waste in the Leningrad region. International scientific and practical conference “Microbial ecotechnology in the processing of organic and agricultural waste". St. Petersburg, Russia (Russian, English).

    13. Arkhipchenko I.A., Tarasenkova V.P. (2001) Microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste as a factor suppressing phytopathogenic microflora. Conference “Agricultural Science at the beginning of the 21st century - opportunities and Prospects", Prague, Czech Republic.

    14. Arkhipchenko I.A., Popova Zh.P. (2001) Peculiarities of the effect of fertilizers from animal husbandry waste on plant yield and their quality. Conference “Agricultural Science at the beginning of the 21st century - opportunities and Prospects", Prague, Czech Republic.

    15. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) Multifunctional microbial fertilizers from waste from pig farms and poultry farms. 12th World Fertilizer Congress, Beijing, China.

    16. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zolnikova N.V. (2001) Microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste as an effective destructor of oil pollution of the soil. International conference “New technologies for the purification of oil-contaminated waters, soils, processing and disposal of petroleum sludge". Moscow, Russia. pp. 112-114.

    17. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zolnikova N.V. (2002) New microbial preparations for the reclamation of oil-contaminated soils. Scientific and practical conference “Environmental work in the oil fields of the Timan-Pechora province". Status and prospects". Usinsk, Komi Republic, Russia. pp. 102-107.

    18. Arkhipchenko I.A., Barbolina I.I. (2002) A new multifunctional biofertilizer bamil from pig waste. International Scientific and Practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of VNIPTIOU, Vladimir, Russia.

    19. Arkhipchenko I.A., Nikolsky K.S., Ryabkov V.V., Nikitina N.A., Kravchenko M.E. (2002) Fundamentals of resource-saving technological process of compost production. International Scientific and Practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of VNIPTIOU, Vladimir, Russia.

    20. Arkhipchenko I.A., Karyakina Yu.N. (2003) Prospects for the use of microbial fertilizers from poultry farm waste in ecological agriculture. 11th International Congress on the Molecular Interaction of Plants and Microorganisms, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    21. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2004) Features and new aspects of the use of fertilizers from organic waste. II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Earthworms and soil fertility", Vladimir, Russia.

    22. Arkhipchenko I.A., Salkinoya-Salonen M., Karyakina Yu.N., Citko I. (2004) Study of three microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste. II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Earthworms and soil fertility", Vladimir, Russia.

    23. Tarasov S.I., Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2004) The role of organic fertilizers in eliminating soil fatigue under perennial grasses. Meeting “Agroecological functions of soil organic matter and the use of organic fertilizers and bioresources in landscape agriculture", Vladimir, Russia.

    24. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2004) Microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste and their role in increasing soil fertility. VIII Congress of the European Agrochemical Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    25. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2004) Processing of animal husbandry waste into microbial fertilizers to solve environmental problems. The 11th International FAO ESCORENA Conference of the Section on the processing of agricultural, municipal and industrial waste in agriculture. Murcia, Spain (eng.).

    26. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2004) Features of the action of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste in the soil – plant– microorganisms system. The 11th International FAO ESCORENA Conference of the Section on the processing of agricultural, municipal and industrial waste in agriculture. Murcia, Spain (eng.).

    27. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2004) Microbial fertilizer from poultry waste as an effective biological product for cleaning oil-contaminated lands in the Far North. Materials of the III scientific and practical conference “Environmental work in the oil fields of the Timan-Pechora province. State and prospects”, Syktyvkar, Russia.

    28. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2004) Reclamation and restoration of oil-contaminated soils using microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste. International Practical Conference “Agroecological functions of soil organic matter and the use of organic fertilizers and bioresources in landscape agriculture", Vladimir, Russia.

    29. Arkhipchenko I.A., Nuikin A.F., Lukashov V.N. (2004) Recommendations on the selection of optimal technologies for biological reclamation of oil-contaminated lands. The third scientific and practical conference “Environmental work in the oil fields of the Timan-Pechora province. State and prospects”, Ukhta, Russia.

    30. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2005) Prospects for the use of microbial fertilizers from bird droppings and their market in Russia. International Seminar “Manure recycling and its use in Europe and Asia”, Hamburg, Germany (eng.).

    31. Merzlaya G.E., Cheharin E.V., Shibaeva M.E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2005) Agroecological effect of wastewater precipitation during fertilization of perennial grasses. International Scientific and practical conference “Agrochemical problems of biological intensification of agriculture", Vladimir, Russia.

    32. Orlova O.V., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2005) The effect of omug biofertilizer on the content of nutrients in light sod-podzolic soils. International Scientific and Practical Conference “The main results and priorities of scientific support for the Euro-Northeast PAK", Kirov, Russia.

    33. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) Microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste: market analysis and ecological and economic aspects of application. Proceedings of the II Interregional Conference “Market and rational use of fertilizers and agrochemical products", St. Petersburg, Russia.

    34. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) Microbial ecotechnology in solving problems of animal husbandry waste processing. International Scientific and practical Conference "Agroecological problems of using organic fertilizers based on industrial livestock waste", VNIPTIOU, Vladimir, Russia.

    35. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) The role of microbial fertilizers in improving the quality of peat soils in greenhouses. Seminar “Biological method of plant protection in protected soil. The use of growth-stimulating and fungicidal biologics”, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    36. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K. (2006) Restoration of oil-contaminated soils in the Northern Polar zone of Russia using microbial fertilizers. IX Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Warsaw, Poland.

    37. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V., Gushchina E.D., Shibaeva M.E. (2006). Agronomic and microbiological features of soil substrates obtained from municipal waste. IX Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Warsaw, Poland.

    38. Vedenyapina E.G., Lebedeva E.V., Markov G.S., Arkhipchenko I.A., Smirnov I.V., Tretyakov V.I. (2007) The use of micromycetes for biotechnological removal of dyes and chemical coatings on ship surfaces. XV Congress of the European Mycological Society, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    39. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2008) Soils from primary compost obtained from municipal solid waste. VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments. Scientific and practical seminar "Rational nature management".

    40. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2008) Biocompost from municipal waste as a basis for obtaining high-quality soils. VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments. Scientific and practical seminar "Rational nature management".

    41. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2008) Microbial fertilizers from organic waste: production, application, market. VI International Scientific Conference, Minsk. "The current state and prospects for the development of microbiology and biotechnology".

    42. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2008) Microbial fertilizers from organic waste for soil reclamation and soil production. Interregional scientific and practical conference "Soil resources of the North-West of Russia: their condition, protection and rational use".

    43. Arkhipchenko I.A.(2008)Features of the use of microbiological fertilizers to improve the quality of peat substrates. Seminar "Peat substrates of the Pelgorskoye-M enterprise for intensive technologies of protected soil".

    44. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2008) Soils from primary compost obtained from municipal solid waste. II International Exhibition and Congress "Promising Technologies of the XXI century, Moscow.

    45. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2009) Processing of organic waste into marketable products with the help of microbial communities. Presentation at the St. Petersburg State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

    46. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2009) Technology of production of effective soils from solid waste compost. Report at the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the MPBO Plant.

    47. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2009) Microbiological technology for obtaining biofertilizers from bird droppings. Report at the II scientific and practical conference "Integrated use of secondary resources and waste. Session 2. "Recycling of waste from the agro-industrial complex". St. Petersburg, NPK "Mechanobr-technika".

    48. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2010) Biofertilizers and soils from organic waste for green spaces of national parks and reserves. Interregional scientific and practical conference "Natural, cultural, historical and tourist potential of the Valdai upland, its protection and use", Valdai.

    49. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2010) The role of microflora in improving the quality of peat substrates. International scientific and practical conference "Innovative technologies of peat use in agriculture", Vladimir.

    50. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2011) Report "Microbiological aspects of animal waste processing". Participation in the International Conference "Microbiology in solving modern problems of agricultural production". Russia.

    51. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2011) "Features of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste" International scientific and practical Conference "Innovative biotechnologies in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union", Minsk, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

    52. I.A.Arkhipchenko (2012) "The use of microbial fertilizers in landscape design and organic farming". . III Scientific and practical conference in memory of V.A.Agaltsova "Gardens and Parks of Russia", Mikhailovskaya Pushkiniana, the State Memorial Historical, Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve of A.S.Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye" (Pushkin Reserve).

    53. I.A. Arkhipchenko (2012) "Marketing research on the use of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste". Meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Russian Agricultural Academy, Pushkin, St. Petersburg.

    54. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2012) Innovative aspects of the market of microbial fertilizers from poultry farm waste. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Biotechnologies in the EurAsEC countries", St. Petersburg.

    55. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2013) "Basic patterns of management of microbial community activity during decomposition of organic waste". International Scientific and Practical Conference "Microbial Biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects", Minsk, NAS of Belarus.

    56. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2013) "The use of municipal waste to obtain high-quality soils." Scientific conference dedicated to the results of the implementation of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013", Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

    57. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2013) "Marketing analysis of the use of biofertilizers from poultry and livestock waste". International Forum "Green Economy", Agrarian University, Pushkin, St. Petersburg.

    58. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2016). "Poultry farm manure as a basis for the production of microbial fertilizers and possible directions for their use." International Forum "Baltic Sea Day 2016", St. Petersburg, March 22, 2016

    59. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2018) "Technology of obtaining soils based on organic fraction of solid household waste" International conference "Agroecology", Moscow, February 15-16


    60.Tarasov S.I., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2018) "The effectiveness of the use of fermented manure, manure (effluent) in organic farming." All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Environmentally sustainable agriculture: state, problems and solutions", June 23-24, 2018.

    61. Tikhonovich I.A., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2018) "Basic patterns of managing the activity of microbial communities during the decomposition of organic waste." Round table to discuss the prospects of scientific and scientific-technical cooperation of the CIS countries in the field of biotechnology. Minsk, May 29, 2018

    62. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2019) Lecture "Problems and solutions of the technology of processing (utilization) of bird droppings." Training seminar of Perm State Agrarian and Technical University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov, July 24, 2019

    63. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2019) "The use of microorganisms for the processing of organic and municipal waste into soils and biofertilizers" 2nd International Conference "Organic Waste Management. Experience and prospects. Moscow.February 14-15, 2019

    64. Arkhipchenko I.A.(2019) "The use of microbial technology to obtain effective soils from the organic fraction of MSW" Conference "Organic waste management: experience and prospects" Moscow.March 17, 2020.

    65. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2020). "Prospects of using microbial ecotechnology for processing poultry farm waste" Scientific seminar "Problems and solutions of poultry manure processing technology", Perm, August 12. 2020 y.

    66. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2020). "The use of microbiological technology to obtain effective soils from the organic fraction of MSW." 3rd International Conference of the Academy of Public Utilities, Moscow, March 18, 2020

    67. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2020). "The mechanism of action of multifunctional microbial fertilizers and methods of regulating their activity to increase soil fertility." The 29th International Agro-Industrial Exhibition "AGRORUS 2020", St. Petersburg, Expoforum, September 3, 2020

    68. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2021). "Obtaining the biofertilizer Bamil from the liquid effluents of a pig farm." RAS, Council on Ecology, Moscow, February 21, 2021

    69. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2021). "Prospects for the use of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste and their market in Russia". All-Russian Conference on Animal Husbandry Waste Processing (Institute of Agroengineering Problems of Agricultural Production), St. Petersburg-Pushkin, May 18-20, 2021

    70. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2021). "Features of the use of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste to increase soil fertility and crop yield." The 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Vermicomposting and vermicultivation as the basis of ecological agriculture in the XXI century: achievements, problems, prospects". Minsk, June 14-18, 2021

    71. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2021). "Features of the use of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste to increase soil fertility and crop yield." Meeting NO "Meeting NO "Union of Poultry Farmers of the Perm region, Perm. August 7, 2021

    72. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2021). "Prospects for the use of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste and their market in Russia". The 30th International Agro-industrial Exhibition and Fair "Agrorus 2021", St. Petersburg, September 2, 2021

    73. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2022). "Prospects for the use of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste and their market in Russia". Meeting of the Bureau of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, January 27, 2022

    74. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2022). "Prospects for the use of microbial fertilizers from poultry waste and their market in Russia." Round table of the Department of Animal Husbandry at the Institute of Poultry Breeding, Sergiev Posad. March 16, 2022.

    75. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2022). "Issues of effective use of biofertilizers, increasing soil fertility, ensuring sustainable long-term functioning of agricultural enterprises." The 31st International Agro-Industrial Exhibition "AGRORUS 2022", St. Petersburg, Expoforum, September 2, 2022. Round table "Peculiarities of organic crop production".

    Main publications (1983-2021)

    Editions in Russian

    1. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1983) Microbiological aspects of wastewater treatment // Izvestiya AN SSSR, ser. Biol. No. 5, pp. 744-758.

    2. Arkhipchenko I.A., Vasiliev V.B., Banina N.N., Yakovleva N.O. (1985) Regulation of microbial community activity in an aerotank with biomass return // Izvestiya AN SSSR, ser. Biol. No. 6, pp. 906-912.

    3. Arkhipchenko I.A., Belimov A.A., Vasiliev V.B. (1987) The balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the aerobic processing of waste from pig-feeding plants // Izvestiya AN SSSR, ser. Biol. No. 6, pp. 894-901.

    4. Arkhipchenko I.A., Berestetsky O.A. (1987) The current state and prospects of microbiological utilization of bespodstilochny manure // Izvestia of the USSR Academy of Sciences, ser. Biol. No. 1, pp. 70-81.

    5. Arkhipchenko I.A., Mishustin E.N. (1989) Animal husbandry waste - new organic raw materials // Biotechnology, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 634-638.

    6. Kruglov Yu.V., Arkhipchenko I.A., Akhtemova G.A. (1994) Biological activity of soil and plant productivity under the influence of products of aerobic processing of livestock effluents // Agricultural Biology, No. 1, pp. 89-94.

    7. Arkhipchenko I.A., Banina N.N. (1995) Biocenosis of activated sludge from pig-feeding complexes treatment facilities // Izvestiya RAS, ser. Biol., No. 1, pp. 97-104.

    8. Barbolina I.I., Arkhipchenko I.A. (1995) Microflora of bamyl - granular fertilizer obtained from activated sludge of pig farms treatment plants // Microbiology, vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 133-136.

    9. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (1995) Recommendations on the use of biofertilizer bamil and biocompost to increase crop yields. NTC “NIKA", St. Petersburg, Russia, 16 pages.

    10. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (1995) “Biofertilizers from animal husbandry waste“, Proceedings of the I International Meeting, 1993, VNIISHM, St. Petersburg, Russia, 71 p.

    11. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1996) Production and application of microbial granulated fertilizer bamil // Reports of the Russian Agricultural Academy, No. 4, pp. 8-12.

    12. Arkhipchenko I.A., Gusarova G.A., Panikov N.S. (1996) Biotransformation of nitrogen-containing compounds in the process of continuous wastewater treatment of pig farms with immobilized cells // Microbiology, T. 65, No. 5, pp. 621-626.

    13. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1997) Biocenosis of activated sludge of livestock complexes as a basis for obtaining microbial fertilizers // Reports of the Russian Agricultural Academy, No. 1, pp. 35-38.

    14. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1997) Bamil: biologically active fertilizer // Nauka v Rossii. No. 5 (101), pp. 17-20.

    15. Arkhipchenko I.A., Barbolina I.I., Deriks P. (1998) A new strategy for processing livestock waste to obtain biofertilizers // Reports of the Russian Agricultural Academy, No. 6, pp. 18-19.

    16. Fisinin V.I., Arkhipchenko I.A., Popova E.V., Solntseva I.E. (1999) The use of bird droppings for the production of microbial fertilizers with multifunctional properties // Reports of the Russian Agricultural Academy, No. 2, pp. 32-34.

    17. Barbolina I.I., Kravchenko L.V., Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) The use of tryptophan of organic fertilizers for biosynthesis of indolyl-3-acetic acid by soil microorganisms // Agricultural Biology, No. 3, pp. 87-90.

    18. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) Multifunctional microbial fertilizers // Nauka v Rossii. No. 6 (114), pp. 62-64.

    19. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V., Likhachev Yu.M., Fedashko M.Ya. (2000) The use of microbial fertilizers to intensify the fermentation process of municipal waste // Ecology and Industry of Russia, No. 7, pp. 16-19.

    20. Arkhipchenko I.A., Popova Yu.N., Solntseva I.E., Nozhevnikova A.N., Simankova M.V., Khameles B., Kleipek B. (2001) Microbiological processes during extensive composting of pig manure // Reports of the Russian Agricultural Academy, No. 1, pp. 31-33.

    21. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2001) Optimization of the composting process and the effect of biocomposts on yield // Agrochemical Bulletin, No. 5, pp. 22-24.

    22. Durynina E.P., Komarovskaya E.S., Kutyeva T.Yu., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) The effect of bio-fertilizer Bamyl on the transformation of phosphates in sod-podzolic soils and plant productivity // Agrochemistry, No. 11, pp. 43-48.

    23. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) Harvest is created by microbes // Country life, No. 9, p. 15.

    24. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) Harvest is created by microbes // Country life, No. 11, p. 24.

    25. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) Microbial fertilizers // Novelties for garden and vegetable garden, No. 3, pp. 20-21.

    26. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2003) in the author's team, edited by A.I. Eskov “Methods of analysis of organic fertilizers”, Moscow, 552 p.

    27. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K. (2004) Purification of oil-contaminated soils using biological products based on microbial fertilizers // Ecology and Industry of Russia, No. 4, pp. 28-32.

    28. Arkhipchenko I.A., Zagvozdkin V.K., Yertsev G.N. (2004) Purification of oil-contaminated soils using biological products based on microbial fertilizers // Ecology and Industry of Russia, special issue, pp. 16-18.

    29. Arkhipchenko I.A., Nuikin A.F., Lukashev V.N. (2004) Recommendations on the selection of optimal technologies for biological reclamation of oil-contaminated lands // Ecology and Industry of Russia, special issue, pp. 16-18.

    30. Karyakina Yu.N. Popova Zh.P., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2005) The effect of the microbial fertilizer Omug on the biological activity of the soil and the yield of the eastern goat goat Galega orientalis Lam. Scientific works. Cultivated plants for sustainable agriculture in the XXI century, vol. 2, Moscow.

    31. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2005) Scientific foundations and practical recommendations on the use of biofertilizers from animal husbandry waste for biological farming. GNU Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology, St. Petersburg, 44 p.

    32. Orlova O.V., Gushchina E.D., Arsentiev V.A., Shibaeva M.E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2005) The use of bioadditives for obtaining soils from solid waste // Ecology and Industry of Russia, No. 12, pp. 4-7.

    33. Arkhipchenko I.A., Rulkens V. (2006) Microbial fertilizers for agriculture and environmental improvement // Ecology and Industry of Russia, March, pp. 4-7.

    34. Orlova O.V., Tarasov S.I., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) The value of the active carbon pool in the soil during prolonged application of bespodstilochny manure // Dokl. RASKHN. No. 1, pp. 26-28.

    35. Shibaeva M.E., Kvitko K.V., Andronov E.E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) Diversity of nocardio – and corine-like soil bacteria near piggies treatment plants // Ecological Genetics, Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 11-16.

    36. Shibaeva M.E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) Regulation of heavy metal content in plants using inoculated compost // Ecology and Industry of Russia, August, pp. 33-35.

    37. Orlova O.V., Arsentiev V.A., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2007) The use of granite screenings for land reclamation // Ore enrichment, No. 4, pp. 44-46.

    38. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2007) Microbiological features of peat substrates // Gavrish, No. 2, pp. 5-9.

    39. Orlova O.V., Gushchina E.D., Arsentiev V.A., Kolesnik D.O., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2007) Obtaining soils based on compost from solid waste // Ecology and Industry of Russia, December, pp. 14-16.

    40. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2008) Recommendations for the production and use of peat soils based on compost from solid household waste, St. Petersburg, 52 p.

    41. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2008) Recommendations for obtaining activated compost from solid waste and using it as an insulating layer for re-laying landfill masses in landfills in order to absorb heavy metals and detoxify landfill infiltrate, St. Petersburg, 27 p.

    42. Arkhipchenko I.A., Yerofeeva A.V., Kolesnik D.O., Petukhova N.A. (2008) Solutions of humic substances isolated from municipal compost as a promising plant growth stimulant. / Materials of the V Congress of the All-Russian Society of Soil Scientists named after Dokuchaeva, August 18-23, 2008, p. 68.

    43. Orlova O.V., Petukhova I.A., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2008) Bioorganic additives to accelerate the maturation of solid waste compost. // Ecology and Industry of Russia, October, pp.38-40.

    44. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2008). Recommendations for obtaining activated compost from solid waste and using it as an insulating layer for re-laying landfill masses in landfills in order to absorb heavy metals and detoxify landfill infiltrate, St. Petersburg, 27 p.

    45. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2008).Recommendations for the production and use of peat soils based on compost from solid household waste, St. Petersburg, 52 p.

    46. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2009). Methodological guidelines for the use of the granular form of biofertilizer "Omug" on vegetable crops in the conditions of the North-West of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, 21 p.

    47. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2009). Recommendations for the use of biofertilizers from bird droppings in the open ground, St. Petersburg, 39 p.

    48. Orlova O.V., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2009). Humic substances of solid waste compost as a promising plant growth stimulant // Reports of the Russian Agricultural Academy. - No. 3. - pp. 35-38.

    49. Orlova O.V., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2009). Technology for the production of effective biofertilizers from bird droppings using microbial inoculums // Ecology and Industry of Russia, November, pp. 13-15.

    50. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2010) "Biofertilizers and soils from organic waste for green spaces of national parks and reserves". //Proceedings of the conference "Natural, cultural, historical and tourist potential of the Valdai upland, its protection and use", Valdai National Park, May 14-17, 2010, St. Petersburg, pp. 228-233.

    51. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2010) "The role of microflora in improving the quality of peat substrates". //In the collection of reports of the International scientific and practical conference "Innovative technologies of peat use in agriculture". M, Russian Agricultural Academy, GNU VNIIOU, pp. 196-206.

    52. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2010) "Lutheran cemetery of Strelninsk German colony" //A travel guide. Foundation of the Russian-German Meeting Center at the Petrikirche, St. Petersburg, 45 p.

    53. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2011) "Active sludge of pig complexes as a basis for obtaining microbial fertilizer bamil". //Ecology and Industry of Russia, April, pp. 36-39.

    54. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2011) "Prospects of using microbial ecotechnology for processing poultry farm waste". //Reports of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. No. 6, pp. 12-15.

    55. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2011) "Microbiological aspects of animal waste processing". //Agricultural Biology, ser. Plant Biology, No. 3, pp. 108-111.

    56. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2011) "Features of microbial fertilizers from animal husbandry waste". //In the proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Biotechnologies in the Euro-Asian countries", Minsk, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, pp. 27-31.

    57. Arkhipchenko I.A.(2012) Live fertilizers will come to the fields// Science and Life, No. 9, pp. 59-64.

    58. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2012) Biofertilizers from animal husbandry waste – a promising substrate for the reclamation of oil-contaminated and disturbed lands //Abstracts of the reports. VI Congress of the Society of Soil Scientists named after V.V.Dokuchaev, - book 3, p. 520.

    59. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V. (2012) Innovative aspects of the market of microbial fertilizers from poultry farm waste //Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative biotechnologies in the EurAsEC countries" October 11-13, 2012, p. 111.

    60. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2013) "Basic patterns of managing the activity of microbial communities during the decomposition of organic waste".// In the collection of scientific papers "Microbial biotechnologies: fundamental and applied aspects", Minsk, NAS of Belarus, No. 5, pp.201-210.

    61. Arkhipchenko I.A. (ed.) (2013) Recommendations for the use of biofertilizer "Omug", St. Petersburg, GNU VNIISKH Microbiology, 36 p.

    62. Petrova V.I., Konovalov S.N., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2014) The effectiveness of bioorganic fertilizer Omug in the apple orchard//Fruit and berry growing in Russia: Collection of scientific works, GNU VSTP of the Russian Agricultural Academy.-M.-T.XXXVIII.-part 2-.34-40.

    63. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2015). Features of the use of animal husbandry waste for the production of microbial fertilizers. innovative aspects of the market. In the collection: Problems of reclamation of household waste, industrial and agricultural production IV International Scientific Environmental Conference (with the participation of ecologists from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Moldova, Transnistria, Russia, Slovakia, Uzbekistan and Ukraine). Editorial board: Trubilin A. I., Shoba S. A., Koshchaev A. G., Sheudzhen A. H., Belyuchenko I. S., Gukalov V. N., Smagin A.V., Radionov A. I., Terpelets V. I., Korunchikova V. V., Novopoltseva L. S., Vykhodtseva N. A. S. 203-209.

    64. Tarasov S.I., Kravchenko M.E., Merzlaya G.E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2016). Restrictions on the regular use of bespoke manure in intensive mode in agrocenoses with permanent cultivation of perennial grasses. In the collection: 75 years of the Geographical network of experiments with fertilizers Materials of the All-Russian meeting of scientific institutions participating in the Geographical network of experiments with fertilizers. pp. 267-273.

    65. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2016). The structure and activity of the microbial community during the aerobic processing of manure into biofertilizer. The journal "Ecology and Industry of Russia", vol. 20, No. 3. pp. 32-35.

    66. Arkhipchenko I.A., Tarasov S.I. (2017). The technology of aerobic processing of pig farm waste is a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Regional Ecology, St. Petersburg Scientific Research Center for Environmental Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). No.1 (47). pp. 22-28.

    67. Ivanov A.I., Lapa V.V., Kovalev N.G., Ivanov I.A., Rabinovich G.Yu., Ivanov D.A., Ivanova J.A., Konashenkov A.A., Freidkin I.A., Fesenko M.A., Filippov P.A., Seraya T.M., Bogatyreva E.N., Biryukova O.M., Belyavskaya Yu.A., Sokolova T.V., Aleshenkova Z.M., Kartyzhova L.E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2018). Production, study and application of fertilizers based on bird droppings. St. Petersburg, "PSA "Pavel" VOGUE", 319 C.

    68. Tarasov S.I., Kravchenko M.E., Buzhina T.A., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2018). The effect of intensive use of bespoiled manure on the stability and productive potential of agrocenoses with permanent cultivation of perennial grasses / In the collection: The results of the implementation of the program of fundamental scientific research of state academies for 2013-2020. Materials of the All-Russian coordination meeting of scientific institutions participating in the Geographical Network of experiments with fertilizers. Ed. acad. RAS V.G. Sychev. pp. 286-294.

    69. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V., Zhigunov A.V., Shabunin D.A., Bryukhanov A.Yu. (2018). Organic fraction of MSW as a basis for obtaining soils // Solid household waste, No. 5, pp. 19-21.

    70. Tarasov S.I., Kravchenko M.E., Arkhipchenko I.A., Buzhina T.A. (2019). The effect of regular use of non-bedding manure on the microbiological characteristics of sod-podzolic soil in agrocenoses with permanent cultivation of perennial grasses. Message 6. // Journal "Fertility", No. 6 (111), pp. 35-39.

    71. Arkhipchenko I.A., Bakina L.G., Bryukhanov A.Yu., Orlova O.V., Tarasov S.I. (2020). Transformation of the microbial community and organic substrate during aerobic fermentation of manure // Journal "Ecology and Industry of Russia", vol. 24. No. 8. pp. 22-28.

    72. Tarasov S.I., Kravchenko M.E., Buzhina T.A., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2020). The effect of long-term regular use of bespodstilochny manure in intensive mode on the yield and quality of the boneless stalk // Journal "Technique and technologies in animal husbandry". Vol. 39. No. 3. pp.79-88.


    Editions in English

    73. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1994) Isolation and identification of humic compounds from oxidizing ponds for additional wastewater treatment of pig farms // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference “Humic substances in the global environment and their impact on human health”, (Ed. Senesi N., Miano T.) Bari, Italy, p. 805-809.

    74. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1997) The International Committee "Baltic Eco" and its role in solving environmental problems of the Baltic region. Agricultural News", No. 4-5, pp. 23-25.

    75. Arkhipchenko I.A., Barbolina I.I., Zolnikova N.V. (1997) The use of biomaterials in soil bioremediation // Collection of scientific and practical seminars on environmental protection. Rural settlements in the land ecosystem. Prague, Rzien, pp. 26-31.

    76. Deriks P., Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) A comprehensive assessment of the activity of biofertilizers from organic waste based on microbiological indicators // Collection of scientific papers. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oslo, Norway, pp. 235-241.

    77. Arkhipchenko I.A., Miller V. (1999) Theoretical foundations of optimization of the process of composting organic waste // Collection of scientific papers. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oslo, Norway, pp. 219-229.

    78. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) Method of production of microbiological granular biofertilizer “Bamil” from pig farm waste // Materials of international scientific and practical conference. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oslo, Norway, pp. 252-260.

    79. Kovalchuk G.A., Naumenko Z., Deriks P., Felske A., Steven J., Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and hybridization analysis of PCR and RT-PCR of isolated 16SR DNA from proteobacteria of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in compost and compostable materials // Appendix. Environment. Microbiology, vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 396-403.

    80. Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) Microbiological fertilizers from pig farm waste // Collection of scientific papers. The 8th intern. Conference of the FAO Network on the Processing of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Waste in Agriculture, Rennes, France, “Strategies for managing the use of organic waste in agriculture", pp. 439-448.

    81. Arkhipchenko I.A., Solntseva I.E., Popova Yu.N., Barbolina I.I. (1999) Biological activity of municipal compost as a quality indicator // Collection of scientific papers. NJF Seminar No. 292. (ed. Petersen J., Petersen S.O.) Center for Agricultural Research, Jokionen, Finland, pp. 111-115.

    82. Klier Ya., Ruzek P., Arkhipchenko I.A. (1999) The influence of organic fertilizers on crop yields and soil properties // Proceedings of the conference. The 8th intern. The conference. The FAO Network for the Processing of agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Waste in Agriculture. (ed. Martinez J., Maude M.) Rennes, France, pp. 137-147.

    83. Arkhipchenko I.A., Likhachev Yu.M., Fedashko M.Yu., Orlova O.V. (2000) The use of microbiological biofertilizers to intensify the process of composting municipal waste // Collection of scientific papers. International Composting Symposium (ICS’99). (ed. Warman P.R., Taylor B.R.) Halifax, Canada, vol. 1, pp. 268-281.

    84. Arkhipchenko I.A., Barbolina I.I., Popova Yu.N., Solntseva I.E., Deriks P.L., Klapwake A. (2000) Microbiological and biochemical indicators: criteria for assessing the quality of compost // Collection of scientific papers. International Composting Symposium (ICS’99). (ed. Warman P.R., Taylor B.R.) Halifax, Canada, vol. 2, pp. 612-620.

    85. Kalyuzhny S., Sklyar V., Rodriguez-Martinez H., Arkhipchenko I. (2000) Complex mechanical, biological and physico-chemical treatment of liquid manure streams // Water science and technology, vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 175-182.

    86. Fisinin V.I., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) Microbiological fertilizers from bird droppings // The World of poultry farming, vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 36-37.

    87. Arkhipchenko I.A., Likhachev Yu.M., Orlova O.V., Fedashko M.Yu. (2001) Application of microbial communities for intensification of the fermentation process of municipal waste // Tr. 9th International Seminar. Conference of the FAO Network on the Processing of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Waste in Agriculture. Gargnano, Italy, pp. 395-398.

    88. Orlova O.V., Barbolina I.I., Otabbong E., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2001) The influence of activated sludge and purified water from a pig farm wastewater treatment plant on the quality of groundwater and surface waters // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. The 9th International Seminar. Conference of the FAO Network on the Processing of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Waste in Agriculture. Gargnano, Italy, pp. 147-152.

    89. Arkhipchenko I., Popova Yu. (2001) Features of the influence of fertilizers from animal husbandry waste on crop yield and quality // Materials of the 50th anniversary conference “Science of crop production on the threshold of the 21st century - opportunities and challenges" (edited by I.V. Popova). Jiratko J., Skladal V., Dolezhalova J.), Prague, pp. 160-161.

    90. Kalyuzhny S., Sklyar V., Epov A., Arkhipchenko I., Barbolina I., Orlova O., Klapwake A. (2001) Combined biological and physico-chemical wastewater treatment of filtered pig manure: pilot studies // Materials of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference. The symposium. “The problem of waste management in the agro-industrial complex”, Agro 2001, Shiga, Japan, pp. 215-222.

    91. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2002) Strategy of animal husbandry waste processing in Russia // Materials of the 10th International Scientific and practical conference. Conference of the FAO Network on the Processing of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Waste in Agriculture (ed. Venglovsky Ya., Gresherova G.) Kosice, Slovak Republic, pp. 145-148.

    92. Kalyuzhny S., Sklyar V., Epov A., Arkhipchenko I., Barbolina I., Orlova O., Kovalev A., Nozhevnikova A., Klapwake A. (2002) Sustainable processing and reuse of streams of diluted pig manure in Russia: from laboratory tests to full-scale implementation // Proceedings of the 7th FAO/SREN workshop “Anaerobic digestion to ensure the environmental friendliness of wastewater Treatment and reuse” (Ed. S. Kalyuzhny), Moscow, Russia, vol. 1, pp. 103-116.

    93. Kalyuzhny S., Sklyar V., Epov A., Arkhipchenko I., Barbolina I., Orlova O., Klapwake A. (2002) Combined biological and physico-chemical wastewater treatment of filtered pig droppings: pilot studies // Wat. Sci. Technology., vol. 45, No.12, pp. 79-87.

    94. Kalyuzhny S., Sklyar V., Epov A., Arkhipchenko I., Barbolina I., Orlova O., Kovalev A., Nozhevnikova A., Klapwake A. (2003) Sustainable processing and reuse of streams of diluted pig manure in Russia: from laboratory tests to full-scale implementation // Application. Biochemistry. Biotechnology, vol. 109-110, pp. 77-94.

    95. Arkhipchenko I.A. et al. (2003) “Manure management. Processing Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture”, second edition (edited by K.H. Burton, K. Turner), Silso Research Institute, Great Britain, 700 pages.

    96. Arkhipchenko I.A., Orlova O.V., Popova Yu.P. (2003) High-quality compost from municipal waste - reality // Abstr. 12th World Congress on Fertilizers, Beijing, China, pp. 459-464.

    97. Arkhipchenko I.A. (2003) Multifunctional microbiological fertilizers obtained from waste from pig farms and poultry farms // Materials of the 12th World Congress on Fertilizers, “Fertilizers in the third millennium, food security and environmental protection” (edited by L. Ji et al.), Beijing, China, pp. 459-464.

    98. Arkhipchenko I.A., Salkinoya-Salonen M.S., Karyakina Yu.N., Citko I.V. (2005) Investigation of three fertilizers obtained from agricultural waste // Applied ecology of soils, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 126-132.

    99. Shibaeva M.E., Orlova O.V., Arkhipchenko I.A., Han-Chul Lim, Yong-Hwan Jung (2005) The use of inoculation by microorganisms in composting chicken manure // Proc. The intern. To confer. “Processing of chicken manure and its application in Europe and Asia", Hamburg, Germany, pp. 271-283.

    100. Arkhipchenko I.A., Deriks P. (2005) Chicken manure as a substrate for the production of microbiological fertilizers and prospects for their application // Collection of scientific papers. Boarding school. Seminar “CHIMATRA – Processing and application of chicken manure". Hamburg, January 2005 (eds. Kerner I., Stegman R., Hassan M.N., Abdullah A.M., Huysmans J., Okink N.). pp. 263-272.

    101. Arkhipchenko I.A., Shaposhnikov A.I., Kravchenko L.V. (2006) Concentration of tryptophan in animal husbandry waste and organic fertilizers // Applied ecology of soils, vol. 34, pp. 62-64.

    102. Karyakina Yu.N., Arkhipchenko I.A. (2006) Waste management of poultry farms // Journal of Environmental Pollution Research, vol. 25, N 2, pp. 437-440.

    103. Otabbong E., Arkhipchenko I., Orlova O., Barbolina I., Shibaeva M. (2007) The impact of slurry on the environment. Investigation of groundwater and the Igolinka River at the Vostochny pig farm, St. Petersburg, Russia // Acta Agricultura Scandinavica, section B. Soil Science of plants, vol. 57, No. 1, pp.74-81.


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