
V All-Russian Congress on Plant Protection. The deadline for early payment with a reduced registration fee has been extended until 02/26/2024!

The third information letter


Dear colleagues!

The V All-Russian Congress on Plant Protection, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will be held on April 16-19, 2024 in St. Petersburg

Location of the event

The main meetings of the Congress will be held from April 16 to 18 at the Airportcity Plaza Congress Hotel
. On April 19, a School of Young Scientists will be held at the FGBNU VIZR, which all participants of the Congress can attend if desired.

Please note that the early payment period with a reduced registration fee has been extended until 02/26/2024!

Detailed information is available on the Congress website


Sections have been updated on the site:

Plenary speakers

School of Young Scientists "Biological research in the protection of plants-

Research Institute: renovation of concepts, approaches and methods"

We remind you that participation in the Congress is only possible in person. There are two types of reports: oral (plenary and sectional) and electronic poster presentations.

Registration of participants of the Congress is carried out through the official website of the Congress – http://vizrcongress2024.ru

300 people have already registered to participate in the Congress!

If you have any questions, please contact the technical operator of the Congress: e-mail: congresspzr2024@yandex.ru , tel.: +7 (993) 978-78-84

The Organizing Committee apologizes for the delays in registration and payment of fees caused by the one-time registration of a large number of participants.


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