
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation holds the X anniversary All-Russian Award "For Loyalty to Science"

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation is holding the X anniversary All–Russian Award "For Loyalty to Science" (hereinafter referred to as the Award), aimed at popularizing scientific achievements, increasing the prestige of scientific activity in Russia and developing professional scientific communication.

On September 6, 2024, the start of accepting applications for the Award, which includes 9 nominations, was announced. This year, the nominations are combined into thematic blocks (Block No. 1 "Popularizers of science", Block No. 2 "Prestige of science in society", Block No. 3 "Science for the whole family"), each of which reflects the key directions of development and values of the Decade of Science and Technology.

For the first time, the authors of digital content who have made a significant contribution to the popularization of science through the Internet and television, as well as outstanding personalities who have popularized Russian science over the years and have become iconic figures for many, will be awarded. Another new nomination is "Science for Children", which appeared in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin declaring 2024 the Year of the Family. It will be awarded to a project that effectively popularizes science and technology among children and adolescents in any format and makes complex scientific concepts accessible and interesting. Roscosmos, Rosatom, Rostec and Gazprom State Corporations also award the nomination "Christopher Ledentsov Special Prize" for the significant contribution of private business and state corporations to the popularization of science and technology and the active involvement of young people in the scientific and technological sphere.

Both individual applications and applications from organizations can be submitted for participation in the Award. Applications will be accepted until September 25, 2024. The award ceremony and awarding of its laureates is scheduled for October 28, 2024 at the Zaryadye Concert Hall in Moscow.

You can learn more about the nominations and apply for participation in the Award in Russian and English on the official website https://zavernostnauke.ru /. The Award is traditionally organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the partners of the event are the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Kurchatov Institute Research Center and Lomonosov Moscow State University. The award is supported by the Art, Science and Sport Charitable Foundation, as well as the State Corporations Roscosmos, Rosatom, Rostec and Gazprom PJSC.

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