
The Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology" announces a competition for filling vacant positions

Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Proteomics of supra-organizational systems (0.75 art.)

1. Have completed higher education.
2. Be a specialist in the field of microbiology and genetics.
3. Have experience of participating as a performer in scientific projects.
4. Have at least 4 publications indexed by WoS and/or Scopus.
5. Have a high level of English language proficiency.

Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Proteomics of supra-organizational systems (0.5 art.)

1. Have completed higher education.
2. Be a specialist in the field of molecular biology and genetics.
3. Have experience of participating as a performer in scientific projects.
4. Have at least 3 publications indexed by WoS and/or Scopus.
5. Have a high level of English language proficiency.

Documents should be submitted to the director of the FSBCI ARRIAM at the address: 196608, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, Podbelsky Highway 3. The necessary documents, terms and conditions of the competition on the Institute's website are in the Regulations on the procedure for holding a competition for the positions of researchers.

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