
FSBSI ARRIAM took part in the organization and holding of the III International Conference "Conservation and multiplication of genetic resources of microorganisms"

The III International Conference "Conservation and Multiplication of genetic resources of microorganisms" was held on July 8-10 in St. Petersburg on the basis of St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg State University) in the Palace of Counts Bobrinsky. The main organizers were FSBSI ARRIAM, St. Petersburg State University and the project of the company "Excellena" "Early Birds".

At the opening of the conference, the chairman of the program committee of the conference, the scientific director of the FSBSI ARRIAM, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology of St. Petersburg State University, Academician Igor Anatolyevich Tikhonovich, drew the attention of the participants to the fact that the FSBSI ARRIAM houses a network bioresource collection in the field of genetic technologies for agriculture with more than 20 thousand storage units. An important area of using the unique potential of this collection is the study of the mechanisms of plant-microbial interactions, one of the first researchers of which was Academician Sergei Pavlovich Kostychev (1877-1931), graduate and head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Anatomy of St. Petersburg State University and director of ARRIAM (since 1930).

Kirill Sergeyevich Antonets, Chairman of the organizing committee of the Conference, a leading researcher at the FSBSI ARRIAM and St. Petersburg State University, winner of the Russian President's Prize in science and Innovation for young scientists, said that more than a hundred researchers from Russia and friendly foreign countries took part in the conference in person. The scientific program included plenary sessions, a number of symposiums and partner events. The main directions of the conference were: analysis of biodiversity and methods for studying microorganisms and their communities from natural ecosystems; fundamental and applied aspects of the study of economically valuable microorganisms; diagnosis, study and problems of combating pathogenic microorganisms. More than 60 percent of the participants were represented by young scientists, whose reports were given special attention in the program.

The event was held for the third time with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as part of the work under Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1055 dated September 28, 2021 on the provision of a grant in the form of a subsidy from the federal budget.

Photographer: Andrey Kochetkov

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