
Expedition trip of the head of laboratory No. 10 Karlov D.S. to the vicinity of Vorkuta

In late June-early July 2024, the head of Laboratory No. 10, D.S. Karlov, together with employees of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, E.V. Panyukov and A.N. Panyukov, conducted a comprehensive expedition to the vicinity of Vorkuta. One of the objectives of the expedition was to collect root nodules of wild legumes and soil samples in the places where the collected plants grow as part of the implementation of the research plan of the RNF project No. 20-76-10042-P.
There was a delay in the flowering time of the flora by two to three weeks, as a result of which most legumes were identified only at the genus level. The collected plants belonged to the species of Alpine Astragalus, red clover and lupine, as well as to representatives of the genus Vetch, Chin and Kopeck.
Legume harvesting was carried out, among other things, on the territory of unique, the only polar self-sustaining perennial seeded meadows in the world, laid in 1958 and 1972 by employees of the Institute of Biology and recognized as a natural monument of regional importance.
Strains of nodule and endophytic non-rhizobial bacteria will be isolated and identified from the collected nodules, their symbiotic efficacy will be studied in micro-vegetative experiments. Thus, a collection of effective cold-resistant strains will be created, whose valuable genetic resources are promising for use in agriculture in the northern regions of Russia.
Fig. 1. Alpine astragalus (Astragalus alpinus L.)
Fig. 2. A grassy perennial hay meadow on the banks of the Vorkuta River. A natural monument of regional importance.
Fig. 3. Me and the Tundra
Fig. 4. Meadow clover (Trifolium pratense L.)
Fig. 5. The destroyed railway bridge over the Ayach-Yaga River and the tundra going to the ocean.


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