
Congratulations on the birthday of the city of St. Petersburg! from the Chairman of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, A. I. Rudsky.


Dear colleagues!

Please accept my congratulations on the birthday of our beloved city – St. Petersburg! 321 years ago, Peter the Great laid the new capital of the Russian state. A city has grown up at the mouth of the Neva River, which for centuries has become the scientific, cultural, industrial capital of the state and a solid pillar of Russia's power.

St. Petersburg – resplendent, majestic, and unique in its beauty – has become a center of attraction for talented people. This is a city that has been tested for strength more than once. We keep the memory of great people – scientists, writers, poets and musicians, statesmen who glorified our city and the whole country. It is a special honor and responsibility for all of us to participate in the life of our hometown, to help Peter's City preserve its unique appearance, multiply its priceless heritage and at the same time remain a modern and dynamically developing metropolis.

I wish you success in your creative activities for the benefit of St. Petersburg and the scientific sphere of the Northern capital of Russia, good health and well-being!

Happy holidays!

Original greetings - http://arriam.ru/files/pozdravlenie_s_dne_m_goroda.pdf

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