
According to the results of the reporting session, graduate students of FSBSI ARRIAM successfully passed the intermediate certification

On July 15, 2024, as part of the regular open meeting of the Academic Council of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution VNIISHM, a reporting session of graduate students was held. We listened to the reports of graduate students of the FGBNU VNIISHM on the implementation of research work on the topic of the dissertation.

According to the results of the reporting session, graduate students of the FGBNU VNIISHM successfully passed the intermediate certification.

Topics of the reports:


During the first year of graduate school:


Kozlov Nikolay Vadimovich "The effect of micrornas and effectors on the regulation of the immune response in Pisum sativum and Vicia sativa in symbiosis with nodule bacteria"

The scientific supervisor is Dr. B.N. Dolgikh E.A.


Lebedinsky Miroslav I. "Mechanisms of resistance of barley and peas to fusarium root rot and cadmium toxicity"

Scientific supervisor Dr. B.N. Belimov A.A.


Kirill V. Smirnov "Study of the mechanisms of regulation of somatic embryogenesis by transcription factors in Medicago truncatula"

Scientific supervisor D.B.N. Tikhonovich I.A.


For the second year of graduate school:

Margarita V. Khudyaeva "Study of plant microbiomes that self-regenerate after drying to understand the mechanisms of self-regeneration"

Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences Chebotar V.K.


For the third year of graduate school:

Dymo Alina Mikhailovna "The role of Nod factors in the regulation of the immune response from plants. Search for new receptors and regulators of the signaling pathway"

Scientific supervisor D.B.N. Dolgikh E.A.


Kirichek Evgeny Andreevich "Molecular mechanisms of suppression of symbiotic mutants of peas by a microsymbiont"

Scientific supervisor Dr. B.N. Tsyganov V.E.


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