Wozniakovskaya Julia Mikhailovna

Professor Wozniakovskaya Julia Mikhailovna

(06.04.1911- 07.02.2001)


Yulia Mikhailovna Voznyakovskaya was born in Moscow into the family of a nobleman of German origin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Ivanovich Chopper.

M.I. Fitting went down in history as the largest organizer of domestic healthcare in the field of microbiology and epidemiology. As a doctor, he took an active part in the Russian-Japanese War and in the First World War. He organized sanitary and bacteriological institutes in Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, and Poltava. Since 1930, he headed the Kiev Institute of Microbiology. He was married to N.A. Fiedler, a chemist and pharmacist. There were three children in the family and all were engaged in science, achieved great success, were awarded with awards and high titles. Among the relatives of Y.M. Voznyakovskaya were N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, V.V. Rozanov, I.D. Yakushkin. Communication with them had a strong influence, Yulia Mikhailovna was interested in her father's work from childhood, participated in field expeditions, in the creation of drugs to combat harmful insects with the help of entomopathogenic bacteria, studied the variability of bacteria. She took care of horses in the stable, whose blood was used for experiments in the creation of vaccines and serums against a number of dangerous infections: diphtheria, scarlet fever, brucellosis and other infections.

The exceptional diligence, high responsibility and effectiveness of M.I. Fitting did not appeal to everyone and a denunciation was organized against him. Despite the outstanding results and discoveries, he was arrested. Upon his release in 1935, he died almost immediately at the age of 55. In 1959, he was fully rehabilitated.

Yu.M. Wozniakovskaya immediately after graduating from school in 1928 entered the Don Agricultural Institute, two years later (after her father's arrest) transferred to the 3rd year of the Vologda Dairy Institute, which she graduated from in 1932. After graduation, she worked in the oil industry system, in the farms of the Vologda region on the organization of collective farms, drawing up production plans. In 1934, she took courses in microbiology at the Leningrad Medical Research Institute and in 1939. She enrolled in the graduate school of VNIISHM, as she believed that the combination of agricultural and microbiological education would significantly improve her qualifications.

During the siege of Leningrad, she worked in defense works, was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". In the spring of 1942, she evacuated along Ladoga and continued to work at the Moscow branch of VNIISHM. In 1943, she defended her PhD thesis. The main area of work was related to the study of the possibilities of influencing the microflora of soil and plants in order to create the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of the latter. Studies have been conducted on the effect of different fertilization methods on microbiological processes and the composition of microflora on the roots and in the rhizosphere of plants. This work was awarded the medal "On the 100th anniversary of Michurin's birth".

In 1964, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty "Microbiology". Active work was carried out on the study of plant symbionts, in particular, mycorrhizal fungi to improve the survival and growth of seedlings of tree species. The properties of different types of soil and epiphytic microorganisms were studied to select the most useful and effective microorganisms into the collection. It isolated active vitamin-forming agents and other microbes-stimulants, which provided a noticeable increase in yield. A collection of identified antagonist microorganisms has also been created to combat phytopathogenic microflora. Great success has been achieved in working with flax plants, biologics have been developed for the effective processing of flax fiber. When studying the relationship between plants and microorganisms, the influence of microbial waste products on plant metabolism was evaluated in order to increase productivity and improve economically valuable qualities. This direction has found wide application in the practice of the agro-industrial complex.

Over the years, 15 graduate students have defended themselves under the guidance of Yu.M. Wozniakovskaya. She also actively helped doctoral students, advising such scientists as G.S. Muromtsev, O.A. Berestetsky, N.V. Kandybin, I.A. Arkhipchenko.

Almost 60 years of her scientific activity are inextricably linked with VNIISHM. Y.M. Voznyakovskaya has published more than 300 scientific papers and three monographs: "Biological foundations of soil fertility", M., Ed. "Ear", 1984, "Microbiology of the flax lobe", M., Ed. "Light and food industry", 1981 and "Plant microflora and harvest", L., Ed. "Ear", 1969. She has received 7 patents for inventions that can significantly reduce costs in agricultural production and reduce environmental pollution.

The work of Y.M. Wozniakovskaya was awarded with commendations and awards: 11 medals and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. She was a member of the Dissertation Council of VNIISHM for many years, and, despite her difficult life path, she always showed integrity and courage, defending a position that turned out to be honest and justified. For many years she was the Chairman of the trade union committee of the Institute and for 7 years she was elected a People's Assessor of the People's Court of the USSR.

The creative legacy of Yulia Mikhailovna Wozniakovskaya is being successfully developed at the Institute by colleagues and employees who keep a grateful memory of her.


Author: Professor I.A. Arkhipchenko



The family archive of Alexander Petrovich Wozniakovsky.

Skripal I.G. Mikhailo Ivanovich Fitting – Director of Naukovo-doslidny

Institute of Microbiology i Epidemiology of the NGO URSR in 1930.

Microbiological Journal, 2003, vol. 65, No. 5 , pp. 66-73.

06.04 2024




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