Search and study of plant receptors for signaling molecules (Nod factors, chitooligosaccharides, Myc factors) secreted by nodule bacteria and fungi of arbuscular mycorrhiza

The result of work in this direction was the identification of the key role of the new LysM receptor-like kinase K1 in controlling the development of legume-rhizobial symbiosis both at the earliest stages of the development of this process and at later stages when rhizobia penetrate into plant root cells (Kirienko et al., 2018). It was possible to find out how structural changes in various domains of LysM receptor-like kinase K1 can affect its ability to form a complex with a co-receptor, which leads to a violation of the binding ability of plant root cells with signaling molecules of Nod factors secreted by nodule bacteria (Kirienko et al., 2019). Molecular modeling and microscopic thermophoresis are used to study the specificity of receptors.

Our research has revealed a unique LysM receptor-like kinase LYK9, which is necessary for the recognition of chitooligosaccharides (CHOS) with varying degrees of polymerization by the plant. These molecules with a degree of polymerization of 4 and 5 (XOC4-5), along with Myc factors, are isolated by fungi of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and are necessary for the formation of symbiosis. When plants interact with phytopathogenic fungi under the influence of lytic enzymes, a mixture of XOC is released into the medium from the fungal cell wall and these compounds with a degree of polymerization of more than 6 cause a strong immune response in plants. As a result of this work, it was possible to show for the first time that LYK9 is a bifunctional receptor kinase (Leppyanen et al., 2018) and, when combined with different co-receptors, can bind either XOC4-5 and control the development of symbiosis with AM fungi, or activate the immune response in plants when recognizing XOC6-8 phytopathogenic fungi.

The study of such unique receptors will make it possible to find out the mechanisms that determine the ability of plants at the level of one receptor to quickly switch signaling pathways that lead to the development of either mutualistic or antagonistic relationships.

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