Laboratory of Microbiological monitoring and Bioremediation of soils №2

Laboratory of Microbiological monitoring and Bioremediation of soils №2

Head of the laboratory : Andronov Evgeny Evgenievich

Phone: +7 (812) 466 59 79

The laboratory is the successor to the Laboratory of Soil Microbiology, which was established in the same year as ARRIAM (1930). The initiator of the creation and its first head was the director of the Institute, academician S. P. Kostychev, who initiated research on the so-called "biodynamics of soils". The studies of microbiological processes of soils of the Soviet Union carried out in the laboratory were subsequently generalized and continued by Kostychev's student N.M. Lazarev and expressed themselves in the creation of a model for the functioning of the bioorganomineral complex of soils. Since 1967, the laboratory's attention has been focused on studying the interaction of soil microorganisms and pesticides. Under the guidance of the head. The Kruglov Yu.V. laboratory conducted extensive studies of the effect of pesticides on the diversity of soil microorganisms, the biochemical processes of the carbon and nitrogen cycle in the soil, as well as on the symbiosis of legumes and nodule bacteria. Microbiological methods of pesticide indication and bioremediation of pesticide-contaminated soils have been developed. Along with this, in the 90s of the 20th century, systematic research began in the laboratory to study the diversity of soil microflora and the effect of various agrotechnical measures on the microbiome. In recent years, the laboratory has been developing and improving methodological techniques for molecular genetic analysis of the metagenome of the soil microbiome, used to study the taxonomic diversity of soil microflora and the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on associations of soil microorganisms. The main approach is a set of modern methods of working with soil DNA and RNA, including high-performance sequencing, real-time PCR detection and data analysis using modern bioinformatics methods. In 2015, a group of young scientists from the laboratory (E. Pershina. and E. Together with colleagues from the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, they were awarded the Russian Government Prize for their work in the field of soil microbiome research.



  1. НЦМУ "Агротехнологии Будущего", темы "Создание инструментов цифрового картирования почв посредством сравнительного исследования их микробиомного разнообразия и динамики, а также выявления метагеномных маркеров ключевых факторов плодородия", "Исследование метагеномов природных целлюлозолитических ассоциаций и создание на их основе технологий и высокоэффективных микробиологических препаратов для переработки пожнивных остатков сельскохозяйственных культур."
  2. Проект РНФ № 19-16-00081, 2019-2023. Популяционная геномика клубеньковых бактерий – ключ к расшифровке механизмов ко-эволюции прокариот и эукариот, рук. Проворов Н.А.
  3. Проект РНФ № 23-16-00147, 2023-2025. Метагеномные технологии в разработке и использовании ассоциативных микробных препаратов для разложения растительных остатков, рук. Андронов Е.Е.


  1. Zverev A.O., Gladkov, G.V., Kimeklis A.K., Kichko A.A., Andronov E.E., Abakumov E.V. Microbial Composition on Abandoned and Reclaimed Mining Sites in the Komi Republic (North Russia) // Microorganisms. 2023. Vol. 11. No 3. P. 720 DOI 10.3390/microorganisms11030720
  2. Kimeklis A.K., Gladkov G.V., Orlova O.V., Afonin A.M., Gribchenko E.S., Aksenova T.S., Kichko A.A., Pinaev A.G., Andronov E.E. The Succession of the Cellulolytic Microbial Community from the Soil during Oat Straw Decomposition // Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 6342. DOI 10.3390/ijms24076342
  3. Zverev A.O., Kurchak O.N., Orlova O.V. Onishchuk O.P., Kichko A.A., Eregin A.V., Naliukhin A.N, Pinaev A.G., Andronov E.E. Dynamic of the Soil Microbiota in Short-Term Crop Rotation // Life. 2023. 13. 400. DOI 10.3390/life13020400
  4. Gladkov G.V., Kimeklis A.K., Afonin A.M., Lisina T.O., Orlova O.V., Aksenova T.S., Kichko A.A., Pinaev A.G., Andronov E.E. The Structure of Stable Cellulolytic Consortia Isolated from Natural Lignocellulosic Substrates // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. Vol. 23. No 18. P. 10779. DOI 10.3390/ijms231810779
  5. Zverev A.O., Kimeklis A.K, Kichko A.A., Gladkov G.V., Andronov E.E., Abakumov E.V. Microbial Features of Mature and Abandoned Soils in Refractory Clay Deposits // BMC Microbiology. 2022. Vol. 22. No 1. P. 237. DOI 10.1186/s12866-022-02634-7
  6. Ivanova E., Vasilyeva N., Vladimirov A., Ksenofontova N., Abakumov E., Zverev A., Andronov E., Kostenko I. The shifts in the structure of the prokaryotic community of mountain-grassland soil under the influence of artificial larch plantations // PLoS ONE. 2022. Vol. 17. No 2. P. 0263135. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0263135
  7. Kimeklis A.K., Gladkov G.V., Tembotov R.H., Kichko A.A., Pinaev A.G., Hosid S.L., Andronov E.E., Abakumov E.V. // One Ecosystem. 2022. Vol. 7. P. 83756. DOI 10.3897/oneeco.7.e83756
  8. Kichko A.A., Gladkov G.V., Ulianich P.S., Safronova V.I., Pinaev A.G., Sekste E.A., Belimov A.A., Andronov E.E. Water Deficit, Cadmium and Plant Genotype Modulate Rhizosphere Microbiome of Pisum sativum L // Plants. 2022. Vol. 11. No 22. P. 3013. DOI 10.3390/plants11223013
  9. Korvigo I.A., Igolkina A.A., Kichko A.A., Aksenova T.S., Andronov E.E. Be aware of the allele-specific bias and compositional effects in multi-template PCR // PeerJ. 2022. Vol. 10. P. 13888. DOI 10.7717/peerj.13888
  10. Provorov N.A., Andronov E.E., Kimeklis A.K., Onishchuk O.P., Igolkina A.A., Karasev E.S. Microevolution, speciation and macroevolution in rhizobia: Genomic mechanisms and selective patterns // Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022. Vol. 13. P. 1026943. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2022.1026943
  11. Abakumov E.V., Zverev A.O., Kichko A.A., Kimeklis A.K., Andronov E.E. Soil microbiome of different-aged stages of self-restoration of ecosystems on the mining heaps of limestone quarry (Elizavetino, Leningrad region). Open Agriculture. Vol. 6. No. 1. 2021. P. 57-66.DOI 10.1515/opag-2020-0207
  12. Zverev AO, Kichko AA, Pinaev AG, Provorov NA, Andronov EE. Diversity Indices of Plant Communities and Their Rhizosphere Microbiomes: An Attempt to Find the Connection // Microorganisms. 2021. Vol. 9. No 11. DOI 10.3390/microorganisms9112339
  13. Kimeklis A.K, Gladkov G.V., Zverev A.O., Kichko A.A., Andronov E.E., Ergina E.I., Kostenko I.V., Abakumov E.V. Microbiomes of different ages in Rendzic Leptosols in the Crimean Peninsula. PeerJ 9:e10871 DOI 10.7717/peerj.10871
  14. Provorov, N. Genetic individuality and interspecies altruism: modelling symbiogenesis using different types of symbiotic bacteria // Biological Communications. 2021. Vol. 66. No 1. P. 66-72. DOI 10.21638/spbu03.2021.108
  15. Young JPW, Moeskjær S, Afonin A, Rahi P, Maluk M, James EK, Cavassim MIA, Rashid MH-o, Aserse AA, Perry BJ, Wang ET, Velázquez E, Andronov EE, Tampakaki A, Flores Félix JD, Rivas González R, Youseif SH, Lepetit M, Boivin S, Jorrin B, Kenicer GJ, Peix Á, Hynes MF, Ramírez-Bahena MH, Gulati A, Tian C-F. Defining the Rhizobium leguminosarum Species Complex // Genes. 2021. Vol. 12. No 1. P. 1-26. DOI 10.3390/genes12010111

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