Head of the laboratory, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Karlov Denis Sergeevich, graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Kuban State University with a degree in biochemistry. From 2008 to 2017, he was an employee of the lab. Cryoastrobiology of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics (PIAF, Gatchina), where he studied the microbiome of the ice sheet and lakes of Antarctica. Participant of the 60th Antarctic scientific research expedition to the Vostok intercontinental station. In 2017, he defended his PhD thesis. In the same year, he became an employee of the Departmental Collection of useful microorganisms for agricultural purposes of the FSBSI ARRIAM. Performer in several RFBR and RNF grants. Head of the RNF grant No. 20-76-10042 “Study of genetic resources of beneficial soil microorganisms in the Arctic regions of Russia in connection with climate change and prospects for expanding the range of agricultural land to the North.” The organizer and participant of several scientific research expeditions to the Russian part of the Arctic in order to collect wild legumes.